The hope that the saints prayed in their hearts to defeat the Chaos Demon God will not come true.

In fact, after the thousands of powerhouses in Zhutian City entered the prehistoric world, they did not rob the major forces, but first collected the treasures of the prehistoric world.

After all, the prehistoric world is very vast, and there are many treasures. If you enter a secret place, you will harvest a lot of treasures.

Therefore, for the time being, they have no idea of ​​attacking the major forces in the prehistoric world.

As for the eighth-order powerhouses, they are even more disdain to snatch the treasures of those forces. To put it bluntly, there are not many treasures that can make them fancy.

And they are also self-reliant and will not do those low-level deeds.

After they entered the prehistoric world one by one, after looking carefully, they flew directly to the edge of the prehistoric world. They seemed to have seen a lot of valuable treasures at the edge of the prehistoric world.

There seemed to be a strange energy that was attracting them.

They came to the edge of the prehistoric world. This is a no-man's land, and the surroundings are hazy. The laws of heaven here are extremely thin, and it seems to be a place where heaven cannot reach.

"It seems a little out of the ordinary here."

Luo Feng glanced at the surrounding world and said.

"It's a little different. It seems to have some very special aura, both familiar and unfamiliar, very strange."

Hongmeng said lightly from the side.

They walked slowly towards the front, which was a foggy world with no end in sight.

It didn't take long for them to come to the real edge of the prehistoric world, here.It feels a little different for them.

The surrounding world can't feel the existence of the power of the law of heaven in the prehistoric world at all, it seems that this is a place beyond the reach of heaven.

More than a dozen eighth-order powerhouses looked at the fringe world of the prehistoric world. The energy of heaven and earth here is very rich and extremely dangerous. It is difficult for powerhouses under the eighth-order to reach here.

The chaos in front of me is very rich, it seems to be an undeveloped world, and the avenue here is very dazzling and looks very peaceful.

They looked at the front, and pieces of huge treasures appeared in front of their eyes, exuding an incomparably huge avenue power, so that the dozens of eighth-order powerhouses present widened their eyes.


"Haha, the truly valuable treasures are not in the center of this world, but in this undeveloped area, where there are many treasures nurtured by the origin of heaven and earth, as well as their origins."

Luo Hu suddenly smiled when he looked at the treasures in front of him.

The treasures in front of them are not simple, and each piece exudes the aura of the Dao Law no less than the eighth-order powerhouse.

And these treasures are very numerous, and it is difficult to detect how many are there.

Indistinctly, you can see dragons and phoenixes dancing, and all kinds of rare birds and beasts are constantly evolving and disillusioning.

Pieces of dazzling treasures float up and down in it, just like a treasure trove.

"These are all eighth-order treasures. I don't know why the saints in the prehistoric world didn't take these treasures away?"

After more than a dozen rank eight powerhouses were shocked, Shi Hao looked at the treasure in front of him and said with some doubts.

Logically, these treasures are very valuable, and those saints should not abandon them.

The other eighth-order powerhouses felt a little strange, but they didn't think too much about the treasures in front of them.

At this time, they want to take action to take away all these treasures.

However, just when they were about to start, the world here suddenly changed drastically, and they seemed to sense the arrival of outsiders...  

A stele suddenly and slowly fell from the sky, and the endless chaotic energy was constantly surging.

This stele seems to be as high as the sky, and there are several large characters the size of a mountain on it.

Watching the monument in front of him suddenly descend, the dozen or so eighth-order powerhouses present felt some pressure.

"What kind of stone tablet is this?"

Luo Feng frowned slightly and said.

The rest of the eighth-order powerhouses did not speak, but just stared at the top. They seemed to be able to feel that there was a strong enchantment in front of them.

And they felt that the incomparably tall stone tablet that suddenly appeared in front of them was not simple.

Luo Hu slowly took a few steps forward, and his eyes suddenly burst into an unusually bright light, passing through the heavy fog and falling on the monument not far in front of him.

He seemed to see a few quaint characters carved on the stone tablet at once.

Seeing the big characters on the stone tablet clearly, his face was startled, and he blurted out: "Three thousand cemeteries of gods and demons."

"Three thousand gods and demons cemetery? Is it the three thousand gods and demons before Pangu opened the sky?"

The other dozen or so eighth-order powerhouses also showed shock on their faces. After entering the prehistoric world, they could know the history of the entire prehistoric world in an instant.

The history of the entire prehistoric world can be traced back to 2.1 before Pangu opened up the world. Before Pangu was born and opened up the world, Pangu once fought against the three thousand gods and demons, and with the help of the power of the Supreme Dao, he killed all the three thousand Dao demon gods. The sacrifice that opened up the prehistoric world.

"It should be, after all, these three thousand gods and demons cemetery are on the edge of the prehistoric world, and there won't be such a coincidence."

Shi Hao quietly stared at the stone tablet not far away and said lightly.

"If this is the case, then it's a bit surprising. I originally thought that these three thousand gods and demons had all vanished into nothing and belonged to the avenue. I didn't expect that there are still three thousand gods and demons cemetery here. We are now in a prehistoric state. In the world, or in the endless chaos world?"

Luo Feng frowned slightly and said. .

Chapter Five Hundred and Sixty Six: Three Thousand Demons Appear

"Whether in the prehistoric world or in the endless chaos, now that we have come here, we will understand when we go in and take a look."

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