Xiao Shihuang stood there and said coldly.

Seeing that this was the three thousand gods and demons cemetery before the opening of the sky, there was a hint of fighting intent on his body.

His eyes were staring straight ahead, and there seemed to be a constant evolution of reincarnation in his eyes, exuding mysterious and unpredictable power.

There is a trace of dangerous air in the world ahead, so that the eighth-order powerhouses present cannot be despised.

The three thousand gods and demons before the opening of the sky, although they do not know what the strength of these three thousand gods and demons were in their lifetimes, but the gods and demons bred in the chaos were bred together with Pangu, and a war broke out with Pangu, Pangu was able to kill them all with the help of the power of the Dao.

It is conceivable that the strength of these three thousand gods and demons is very terrifying, and their strength may not be inferior to them, or even stronger than them.

29 Therefore, even if these three thousand gods and demons have died for countless years, it is still something that people cannot despise. After all, they are dead, but the power of their Dao Law still lingers in this world.

After endless years of blending, these three thousand incomplete Dao Laws have formed a special power.

None of the eighth-order powerhouses they were present were able to determine whether this power was harmful.

But when they came here, they naturally wouldn't back down.

After all, every eighth-order powerhouse they were present was a top figure of peerless elegance in the big world. They had never seen any kind of big scene, even if it was a life-and-death battle, they would not frown.

What's more, they have so many eighth-order powerhouses together, and there is nothing to be afraid of. Where can they go in the sky and on the ground?

"Well, what Xiao Shihuang said is right, we have come here, and the treasures here cannot fly."

Rahu stood at the front, his eyes glowing slightly, and he said coldly.

As he said that, he slowly stepped forward, trying to cross the stele that was as high as the sky and enter the cemetery of three thousand gods and demons.

"Three thousand gods and demons cemetery, I want to see what is different here."

Luo Hu took the lead, and his body naturally exuded a domineering arrogance that was the only one in the world.

Seeing this, the rest of the eighth-order powerhouses followed without any hesitation. They were all a generation of geniuses, and they entered any place without any worries or withdrawal.

More than a dozen of them are slowly advancing towards the boundless world. The power of the surrounding laws is somewhat disordered, and more forces are constantly intertwined, forming a whirlwind of energy, as if to destroy a big world, the seventh-order powerhouse enters It's definitely life-threatening here.

But such shattering energy is not enough to threaten the eighth-order powerhouse.

Rahu's eyes shot out two rays of light, like two rays of light that opened the sky, cutting off all the shattering energy around him, and the radius of hundreds of thousands of miles instantly calmed down.

However, as they went deeper, they discovered that the world here was completely different, as if it was completely isolated from the outside world, forming a special world law.

It was as if a whole world had been created here.

When they went deeper, they found that the stele seemed to be very close to them, but it was very far away. The stele seemed to stand in the center of the world here, and those mountain-like treasures were also illusory, always far and near. , constantly manifesting disillusionment.

However, the eighth-order powerhouses present can sense that the space here is folded, and every step they fall is like crossing a world, and what seems to be close is extremely far away, like an endless distance. time and space.

If an ordinary seventh-order powerhouse enters here, let alone being annihilated by the destructive energy of this world, the seventh-order powerhouse will be lost here just by folding the space of the heavy world here.

"The laws here are very strange. Compared with the outside world, this place is more like a chaotic and disordered world. The space is folded up layer by layer. I don't know if it was artificially arranged or created by the laws of heaven and earth here."

Luo Feng looked at the world around him and said.

"These are just little Doyles. It would be too naive to try to trap us in this way."

Standing at the front, Luo Hu said coldly. He didn't seem to intend to move forward in such a slow way. Suddenly, he raised his big hand and grabbed it towards the monument in the center of the world.

Rahu's strength is very strong. As he made his move, the surrounding folded space was continuously shattered, like a transparent glass, all shattered.

The surrounding space also continued to expand, like a compressed sponge, and the entire world suddenly increased by an unknown number of times.

The law of the Three Thousand Avenues of Heaven and Earth seemed to have been torn apart and revived. The whole world suddenly became violently turbulent. Layers of dark clouds that could not be seen at a glance gathered, and the sky was intertwined with mountains-like thick and terrifying chaotic colors. thunderbolt.

It looks terrifyingly terrifying.

The sudden change in the whole world did not stop Luo Hu from making his move, and his big hand finally landed on the stele that was as high as the sky.

At this time, his big hand has also become incomparably large, covering the sky and the sun, and it seems that he can hold ten thousand stars in his hand.

And just when his big hand touched the monument, at this time, the Chaos Thray 340 electricity in the sky, like a chaotic dragon constantly rolling, suddenly fell on his big hand.

Rahu was shocked by the electric shock, his arms shook slightly, and his brows furrowed slightly.

But he didn't let go. Although the chaotic lightning caused him pain, he could feel that this monument was the core of the whole world. As long as the monument was pulled up, the whole world would fall apart, and the laws of heaven and earth here would dissipate. , the treasures here will all be unsealed and fly out.

"This means can't stop me! Get me up!"

Luo Hu tightly grabbed the stele and pulled it out, the endless chaotic energy was surging, and the whole world shook at this moment.

Rahu's pull seemed to shake the foundation of the entire world.

"Bold, dare to touch my tombstone!"

A broken drink sounded.

At this time, the power of the three thousand Dao laws in the void was violently surging, manifested in the sky, and transformed into the faces of the chaotic demon gods.

The faces of the Chaos Demon Gods are incomparably huge, exuding wisps of tyrannical and destructive power, and there are thousands of Chaos Demon Gods looking at them densely.

The breaths they exude are different, but they are all extremely powerful, and they look very difficult to mess with. .

Chapter five hundred and sixty seventh: what about three thousand gods and demons, one person chooses them

"Three thousand chaotic gods and demons that are incomplete."

All the eighth-order powerhouses present looked at the faces of the chaotic gods and demons in the sky, their eyes all squinted, and wisps of powerful and domineering aura emanated from their bodies.

They stood there one by one like a stele, suppressing the whole world and confronting the chaos gods and demons.

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