At this time, the whole world became relatively calm, but the murderous intention was very strong, as if a war would break out at any time.

"Go back quickly, I can pretend that nothing has happened, otherwise, you people will stay here forever with us."

Under this tense atmosphere, a huge chaotic god and demon who was very close to the eighth-order powerhouses said loudly.

The tone was quite cold, as if he did not take all the eighth-order powerhouses present in his eyes.

Luo Hu looked at the three thousand chaotic gods and demons in front of him, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he said coldly, "It's just a group of remnants, just because you want to stop me?"

Rahu's voice was not that loud, but he was unusually domineering, with an aura of giving up on me.

His eyes swept across all the chaotic gods and demons like the sun and the moon, as if at a glance, all the states of the chaotic gods and demons were kept in his eyes.



There was a loud shout, resounding through the heavens and the earth, the sound was loud and deafening, the endless chaotic qi tumbling, the law of the three thousand avenues was turbulent, and pieces of light of destruction burst out, as if the whole world was in anger.

However, the expressions of the eighth-order powerhouses present were very calm. In their eyes, such movements did not cause them any fear.

"You ants from the Pangu world still want to challenge us? You are not Pangu. Even if they are Pangu, they can't help us without the power of the Dao. What are you ants born from Pangu's body?"

A chaotic god and demon floated up and down in the chaotic fog, shouted coldly, and wisps of terrifying Dao Law emanated from the dark, seemingly blocking the entire world.

"Haha, ants? Is this the level of you chaotic gods and demons? You can't even tell our origin, it seems that you have reached the time of complete annihilation. What Pangu didn't do back then, I will do it today. Finish.."

Rahu's voice fell, a blood-red spear appeared in his hand, and a black armor like eternal night was draped over him.

A pair of bloody eyes burst out with endless blood, proud of the world.

At this time, his whole person's aura had completely changed, and the breath of the eighth-order peak was unreservedly released, and the whole world was shaking slightly, and it seemed that he could not bear his power.

"The breath of the Chaos Demon God! You are also a powerful Chaos Demon God?!"

At this time, all the chaotic gods and demons present felt the tyrannical breath of Luo Hu, and opened their eyes and said.

Luo Huheng stood there holding the spear, his face was cold, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised and he did not speak.

As if he was unwilling to talk nonsense with the three thousand gods and demons present.

At this time, all the eighth-order powerhouses standing behind Luo Hu all tacitly withdrew for a certain distance.

They knew that Rahu was going to show his might and would not allow them to intervene. They gave up the battlefield out of respect for a supreme power.

"Brother Luohu, if you want to challenge these gods and demons alone, do you think Brother Luohu can do it?"

Daoyan asked curiously.

He is currently in the elementary level of the eighth-order, and he still does not fully understand the strength of Luo Hu and the power of the three thousand gods and demons present, so he does not know whether he should deal with the three thousand gods and demons in front of him.

"Three thousand gods and demons, if they were alive, Brother Luo Hu would definitely not be the opponent of all of them, but at the moment, it shouldn't be too difficult for Brother Luo Hu to deal with it."

Shi Hao stood in front of him, looking at Luo Hu and the three thousand gods and demons in front of him with his hands on his back.

As soon as Shi Hao opened his mouth, the eighth-order powerhouses present had a bottom line in their hearts.

Apart from Luo Hu, these eighth-tier powerhouses are Shi Hao and Xiao Shihuang who have the highest realm of strength. Since Shi Hao said so, they believe it, because Shi Hao's realm of strength is higher than them, and what they see must be much higher than them.

"Haha, since Brother Luohu has the confidence to challenge all their gods and demons alone, thinking about it, these gods and demons are definitely not his opponents. No matter what, these three thousand gods and demons have already fallen, and they were almost wiped out by Pangu of the year. The traces of remnants left behind exist in this special world, and they are just lingering."

Luo Feng laughed heartily at the side.

His words did not lower his voice, but his voice was unusually loud. The three thousand gods and demons in the distance were furious when they heard his words.

"¨"How bold, dare to slander me like this! Oblivion!"

A chaotic god and demon suddenly shot at Luo Feng, and the power of the Law of Fire permeated the heaven and the earth, turning into a huge fiery hammer towards Luo Feng's hammer. The entire void was filled with the brilliant fiery hammer. Extraordinarily scary.

Luo Feng raised his head slightly, a pair of eyes burst out with incomparably cold light, without the slightest flinch.

At this moment, a silver-white long knife appeared in his hand, exuding traces of killing intent. The breath on his body was unusually cold, and he seemed to be offended, so he would rise to the sky and kill the chaotic demon.

However, at the moment when he burst into battle, Luo Hu gently shook the long spear in his hand, and an incomparably dazzling spear shot up into the sky, smashing the incomparably huge fire hammer.

Luo Hu turned his head slightly and said to the crowd, "Don't shoot anyone, leave it to me here."

Seeing Luo Hu say this, Luo Feng could only slightly nod his fighting spirit and retreat, and put away the silver-white long sword in his hand.

Seeing that his fire hammer was smashed by Rahu, the chaotic god and demon roared furiously. He could feel the power of Rahu with this blow, and the three thousand gods and demons present did not dare to despise him.


The three thousand gods and demons rushed towards Luo Hu with the law of the three thousand avenues. Luo Hu looked at the three thousand gods and demons who seemed to have gone crazy before him. A cold arc.

Just as the three thousand gods and demons were using the three thousand avenues of law, Luo Hu waved the spear in his hand and attacked the three thousand gods and demons in front of him.

In an instant, his figure disappeared in place, like an arrow from the bow shot out violently, his figure left a trail of afterimages in the void, and wherever his figure reached, the void kept collapsing, and the power looked at it. It looks extremely terrifying, like a prehistoric beast attacking in the chaos. .

Chapter [*]: Massacre




Three thousand gods and demons roared, the world shook, and the power of various Dao laws was constantly surging, instantly surrounding Rahu, wanting to kill him.

However, Luo Hu waved the spear in his hand and moved forward without a break.

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