"The power is really great."

In the distance, Dao Yan stared blankly at everything in front of him and said, the light of thunder and lightning is everywhere in his eyes. Thunder and lightning are called thunder punishment, which can be said to be synonymous with destruction.

Pieces of thunder light spread over hundreds of millions of miles.

Even though he was an eighth-order powerhouse far away, he still felt a hint of danger.

"Brother Luohu, there won't be anything wrong, right?"

At this time, I couldn't see Rahu's figure. Rahu, who was at the center of the explosion, suffered the most terrifying power of the terrifying explosion. Almost all the power of the Great Dao's Law of Lightning and Lightning was acting on Rahu's body.

The eighth-order powerhouses present did not speak, and quietly looked at the center of the explosion.

At this time, the three thousand chaotic gods and demons scattered around are also staring at the core area that is constantly exuding destructive power.

"do you died?"

A chaotic god and demon stared at the field and said dazedly.

"Should he be dead? The power of Dao's law of thunder and lightning exploded, enough to destroy all creatures."

Another Chaos God and Demon took over the words and said, but his tone was not so sure, because they had seen the horror of Rahu before.

So even with such a big explosion, they couldn't be sure that they would see Rahu die.

Just as they were talking, a tall figure slowly walked out of the endless thunder, covered with endless thunder, as if a thunder god came out of chaos.

When the gods and demons looked at this figure, their eyes widened and their pupils suddenly shrank, as if they had seen something unbelievable.

"He's not dead yet!"

The gods were horrified.

At this time, the tall figure walking out of the endless thunder was Luo Hu.

Luo Hu's eyes were particularly bright, and his eyes swept through all the chaotic gods and demons, and said coldly: "Just because you are now, you still want to kill me? Stop dreaming, no matter what method you use, it will not work, In the face of the absolute power gap, all ideas are very ridiculous."

Rahu walked out step by step with a spear in his hand.

As Rahu's icy gaze swept across, the chaotic gods and demons present unconsciously retreated.

At this time, they were really like a group of ants facing an elephant, and the power of these people could not help Rahu at all.

In addition, their hearts were extremely aggrieved, and they thought back to how domineering their three thousand gods and demons were back then.

Even in the face of the great god Pangu, who possesses the power of the Great Dao, they have never flinched. Now that they encounter a chaotic devil with a realm similar to the one in front of them, they are unable to fight at all.

That's a huge suffocation.

"Haha, Brother Luo Hu is really fine."

In the distance, Daoyan watched Luo Hu appear safe and sound, and laughed.

"He's fine, then these three thousand gods and demons will be fine."

When Luo Feng appeared in Luo Hu, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He seemed to see the tragic end of the three thousand gods and demons in front of him.

"It seems that the matter is coming to an end. These gods and demons will definitely not be the opponents of Brother Luohu. Brother Luohu is afraid that he will clean up all of them in the end."

Shi Hao spoke quietly in front of him. At this moment, he could already feel the aura on Luo Hu's body rising, and the cold murderous intent was undisguised.

His aura locked all the remaining [-] gods and demons, and his aura was to clean up all the remaining [-] gods and demons.

"Okay, you don't have to retire anymore, your consciousness of life is destined to end today!"

Standing on the highest point in the void, Luo Hu looked down at all the chaos gods and demons and said coldly.

After hearing Rahu's words, all the chaotic gods and demons all stopped, staring at Rahu in the heights of the void with extremely ugly expressions.

Their faces gradually turned hideous, and a tyrannical aura emerged from them again.

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These gods and demons seemed to be provoked by Rahu's words, or that there was no intention to let them live in Rahu's words.

"If that's the case, then let's fight, even if I wait for everything to disappear completely, we will not make you feel better!"

A tall Chaos Demon God roared.

The first one rushed out, and the rest of the Chaos Gods and Demons did not have any luck or hesitation. They turned into eternal rays of light and went towards Rahu at the top of the void.

The power of the endless Dao Law is surging, more than a thousand chaotic gods and demons are rushing to the mountains and the sea, attacking the galaxy, the sun and the moon are sinking, and it looks extremely terrifying.

"Looks like they're going to be desperate."

Luo Feng and other eighth-tier powerhouses were on the ground, watching more than a thousand chaos gods and demons swarming up, all of them squinting slightly and frowning.

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"It looks spectacular, more than a thousand chaotic gods and demons are desperately trying."

"I don't know if Brother Luo Hu can handle it. Should we take action and help Brother Luo Hu?"

"I don't see it anymore, these gods and demons have a good momentum, but they don't pose any threat to Brother Luohu. Also, don't forget that Luohu asked us not to interfere before. I believe that Brother Luohu should be able to easily remove these Chaos Gods from them. All the demons are cleaned up."

Several eighth-order powerhouses opened their mouths one after another looking at the scene in front of them.

At this time, Luo Hu, who was standing at the height of the void, watched more than a thousand chaos gods and demons kill him. He did not panic, but his face was unusually calm.

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