He raised the long spear in his hand high, opened and closed, and an extremely terrifying force of destruction erupted from his long spear.

Every time he waved the long spear in his hand, a big explosion would occur in the surrounding void, forming a huge fissure canyon that was deep and invisible.

At this time, the momentum on his body has climbed to the extreme.

When his momentum reached its peak, suddenly, he swooped down, with an unrivaled attitude, rushing towards more than a thousand Chaos Demon Gods.

He shouted to kill Zhentian, and in an instant, his figure appeared among more than a thousand chaotic gods and demons. The light of the gun erupted with a ray of light as strong as the sun, illuminating the sky, and in an instant, a group of gods and demons fell under his gun. , the power of the laws of the avenues was wiped out.So.

Chapter five hundred and seventieth: call array

On the horizon, the bloody light was like Wang Yang's ocean, condensing into streaks of substantial rays of light.

Under Rahu's lore, the Chaos Demon God let out a burst of screams, shaking the universe, as if the world was about to be turned upside down.

The terrifying destructive energy is continuous, like waves, layer after layer.

I don't know how long it took to fight, the crazy and violent energy gradually subsided, the chaotic fog dissipated, and more than a thousand chaotic gods and demons all fell.

The whole world was completely quiet, all the figures of the Chaos Demon Gods disappeared, and the power of the Three Thousand Dao Laws they represented also all dissipated in this world.


With the complete disappearance of the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods, the world completely collapsed.

The existence of this world relies on the power of the three thousand chaotic demon gods. Now that the power of the three thousand chaotic demon gods has all dissipated, this world will naturally collapse.

The enchantment that sealed all the treasures also dissipated.

All the treasures seemed to emerge from time and space and flew in all directions. The eighth-order powerhouses watched those mountain-like treasures fly out. At this time, they couldn't control their excitement and grabbed those treasures.

There are a lot of treasures here, and they are not going to snatch them. They all collect the treasures individually. At this time, Luo Hu was still in the lead, and received many treasures in an instant.

The treasures of the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods were all born from chaos, and their grades were very high. Even if they were not used by themselves, they could be exchanged for a very considerable value point in Zhutian City.

So at this time, the eighth-order powerhouses were a little excited.

One by one, they scrambled to collect all the treasures of the Chaos Gods and Demons into their pockets.

The quantities they charge are all good, and there are no disputes.

However, there are still some treasures that flew into the prehistoric world.

"Everyone should have a very good harvest this time, right?"

Luo Hu put away the spear, walked slowly from a distance, and said to the eighth-order powerhouse present.

All the eighth-order powerhouses present had satisfied smiles on their faces.

"This time the harvest is really good, and it is much bigger than the previous harvest."

Luo Feng, Daoyan and the others said with smiles on their faces.

"It's just that some treasures flew into the prehistoric world. It seems that we still need to enter the prehistoric world and take back all the treasures."

Dao Yan then spoke up.

Luo Hu smiled slightly and said, "I won't go, you guys can go, I've got enough treasures, I won't go to the prehistoric world, I want to go back to Zhutian City and take a break for a while."

Seeing Luo Hu like this, Shi Hao and Xiao Shihuang also said, "We're not going either, we don't need those treasures anymore, and in the current prehistoric world, there's no longer any challenges and no fun, so we have to return to the Heavenly City."

Some of the remaining eighth-order powerhouses chose to go to the Great Desolate World, while others chose to return to Zhutian City with Luo Hu and Shi Hao Xiao Shihuang.

After all, there are not many treasures that flew into the prehistoric world, probably only a dozen or so, so some of them don't care at all.

If they all entered the prehistoric world to find those treasures, it would be almost the same for each person.

This time, they harvested a lot of treasures, and they did not lack one or two treasures.

The only people who chose to stay and headed to the prehistoric world were Dao Yan and Luo Feng.

The rest of the eighth-order powerhouses all sat cross-legged, formed a barrier, and their souls returned to the city of the heavens.


Seeing that they had returned to Zhutian City, Daoyan and Luo Feng walked side by side towards the prehistoric world.

They have locked the whereabouts of the treasures of the Chaos Demon God, and they went in two different directions.


At this time, in front of the gate of Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain, Donghuang Taiyi, Di Jun, Wang Dadong, Shi Qilin, Yuan Feng, and Zu Long have come here.

The movement of their arrival is very big, and their momentum can be said to be undisguised. All the disciples in the Yuxu Palace felt their arrival.

But they didn't come out to pay attention to Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun.

Because they are all taking refuge, the moment is very sensitive, the Chaos Demon God invades, no matter what the situation, they will not leave the Yuxu Palace.

Donghuang Taiyi and Emperor Jun, they wanted to forcefully enter the Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain, but found that the guarding formation was blocking their footsteps...  

They are very clear that the great formation in front of them is arranged by saints, and they cannot open it.

"What should we do? The disciples of their teaching should all sensed our arrival, but they didn't make any movement. Could it be that they sensed something and couldn't come out?"

"If they can't get out, then we have nothing to do. With the great guard set up by the saints, it is basically impossible for us to force our way in. If we can't get in, then our plan will be in vain. ."

Donghuang Taiyi suddenly said.

"Let's call the array first and see how they will respond. If they really ignore it, then we can only go home. If they have a response, then we will act accordingly."

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