They have been here in Zhutian City for a few days, but they have never left the chrysanthemum to go downstairs. Although a few days are very short for their long life, they have felt in Zhutian City these few days. Extraordinarily boring.

The reason is that they are out of tune with Zhutian City, they have not integrated into the life of Zhutian City, and they don't even have new friends.

So after a few days they felt bored.

"Wait slowly. After all, we are birds in a cage now, and many things are not for us to decide now."

Sect Master Tongtian sat upright opposite the Daoist Zhunti and spoke lightly.

The quasi-mentor sighed leisurely, and said nothing.

At this time, the two of them were bored looking at every corner of Zhutian City, and their eyes wandered aimlessly on every powerhouse on the streets of Zhutian City, which seemed unusually leisurely, even very boring.

The other four sages were meditating and entered into meditation, allowing time to drift by.


On the top of Zhutianlou, Bai Ye's breath slowly recovered, as if the eternal loneliness began to have vitality, and slowly there was a flow of laws.

It didn't take long for Bai Ye to slowly open his eyes, and wisps of soft white light flashed across, looking very friendly.

The breath on his body is not that strong, some are just endlessly light, and he looks like an ordinary person. He seems to have achieved a real return to the original, and the breath on his body is extremely peaceful.

But with a slight stretch of his hand, he can shatter the endless cosmic barriers and travel freely among the major dimensional universes.

At this moment, he had a faint smile on his lips.

"The ninth-order realm is really wonderful, and the level of life feels different."

Bai Ye felt that his body could change into any form at will, as long as he could imagine it.

It can exist anywhere, and with a single thought, it can ignore any barrier distance, and truly reach the state of freedom and freedom.

"Congratulations to the city lord for successfully reaching the ninth-order realm. From now on, entering any world does not require the help of Zhutiancheng to open up channels."

When Bai Ye reached the ninth-order realm, Xiao Bai's voice sounded slowly, congratulating him.

The corner of Bai Ye's mouth slightly evoked an indifferent smile: "Ninth order, although it can reach the barrier of ignoring any distance and the great universe, but this state is not invincible, I believe that in the endless chaos world, there should be A lot of ninth-order powerhouses, right?"

"This is natural. Of course, there will be ninth-order powerhouses in the ninth-order world. I don't know how many ninth-order powerhouses there are. For those powerhouses, it is not convenient for Zhutiancheng to investigate too much. After all, the current The level of Zhutian City has not risen to the highest level, so it is impossible to investigate too much, after all, the avenues of the ninth-order world are not easy to avoid."

Xiaobai's voice sounded. .

Chapter Five Hundred and Eighty-Four: Prepare to Enter the Endless Chaos World

Bai Ye nodded slowly.

After all, Zhutian City is only seven stars now. It is still impossible to suppress the avenue of the ninth-order world, but fortunately, Zhutiancheng can be promoted. I don’t know if Zhutiancheng can be promoted to eight stars. Can suppress the avenue of ninth-order world Woolen cloth?

Bai Ye was longing in his heart and didn't think much about it, but he still had some expectations in his heart.

"Now that you have stepped into the ninth-order realm, it is time to enter the endless chaos world~."

White night talking to himself.

He raised his head slightly and looked ahead, his eyes twinkled slightly, and he took one step and came to the outside of the Zhutianlou.

As soon as he appeared, all the powerhouses in Zhutian City felt it.

There was an uproar in Zhutian City, and all the powerhouses rushed in the direction of Zhutianlou.

"The Lord of the City has come out."

The first to notice were Luo Feng and the others who were upstairs in the chrysanthemum, as well as the Tongtian sect master, the quasi-daoist, and even the original Tianzun, Lao Tzu, and the Daoist who had been meditating in meditation all woke up and turned around.

Almost as soon as Bai Ye appeared, they came to the streets of Zhutian City and watched Bai Ye.

"Master City Lord, you have finally left the customs. Can you enter the endless chaos world this time?"

The original Tianzun respectfully opened his mouth to Bai Ye.

Bai Ye looked at him, nodded slowly, and said: "Well, the time is almost up, this time into the endless chaos world, only the eighth-level powerhouse is allowed to enter with me, and the other-level powerhouses will practice in Zhutian City first. , wait until I settle down there, and then consider sending you over there."

When he spoke, the other powerhouses didn't say much.

They know that the Lord of the City has arranged this, and naturally has his reasons, and they don't want to ask more.

"Okay, just prepare a little, and we'll leave later."

Bai Ye spoke again.

All the eighth-rank powerhouses present nodded their heads. At this time, even Luohu, Shi Hao, Xiao Shihuang and other eighth-rank powerhouses who were cultivating in the All-Heaven Pagoda had all left.

"Endless chaotic world, I don't know what kind of powerhouses will exist? Shouldn't we be disappointed?"

Luo Hu, Shi Hao, and the others slowly came to Bai Ye's side and spoke indifferently.

Bai Ye glanced at them and said: "There will be many strong men in the endless chaotic world that are stronger than you, and you must be prepared, but such a place is full of opportunities for you, maybe You can quickly break through the current realm."

"A lot better than us? If that's the case, then I'm looking forward to it very much. I've stayed in the current realm for many years. If I can step into the ninth-order realm in one fell swoop, then it's true. It's so perfect."

Luo Hu smiled slightly.

The more he cultivated to the end in the eighth-order realm, the more he yearned for the legendary ninth-order realm.

"There will be a chance."

Bai Ye smiled lightly.

"Okay, everything that should have arrived has arrived. Your demon body should still be in the prehistoric world, right? This time we will enter in a state of splitting our souls."

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