Bai Ye spoke again to all the eighth-order powerhouses present.

The crowd nodded.

However, at this time, Dongbo Xueying, Wang Lin, and Bai Xiaochun stood up and respectfully saluted Bai Ye: "Lord City Lord, we have just stepped into the city of the heavens, and we don't have the body of a demon god, what should we do? ?"

Bai Ye glanced at them and said, "Since you don't have the body of a demon god, then after you enter the prehistoric world in a state of divided souls, I will take you into the endless chaotic world together, and if you can find a suitable demon god body then , let you merge."

The three nodded after listening.

If they can follow into the endless chaotic world, they will have no opinion.

The three of you enter the reincarnation pool.

Bai Ye waved his hand in the void and the reincarnation pool appeared again. Dongbo Xueying, Wang Lin, Bai Xiaochun, the three looked at the reincarnation pool in the void.

Without any hesitation, they stepped in.

Because about the Reincarnation Pond, the prehistoric world, and the endless chaotic world, they all heard Luo Feng and several other eighth-order powerhouses talking about it.

I also probably know the general process of entering the endless chaos world.

The purpose of this reincarnation pool is to strip out their separate souls.

After entering the reincarnation pool, Wang Lin, Dongbo Xueying, and Bai Xiaochun were quickly separated from each other.

Watching the three of them float out of their souls, Bai Ye waved slightly and put them all away.

"Okay, now you all have entered the reincarnation pool and entered the prehistoric world."

Bai Ye turned to the rest of the eighth-order powerhouses.

Luo Hu, Shi Hao, Luo Feng and the others did not delay and entered the reincarnation pool one after another.

At this time, the original Tianzun and Tongtian sect master asked Bai Ye: "Lord City Lord, what should we do?"

Bai Ye glanced at them with a slight smile and said, "Go back to the prehistoric world first!"

With a wave of his hand, he sent the original Tianzun and Tongtian sect master out of the city of the heavens.

In an instant, the original Tianzun and the sect master of Tongtian, Laozi, Daoist Receiver, Nuwa, Daoist Zhunti, and other six saints were transported by Baiye to the prehistoric world, and they were next to the body of the devil in Baiye.

...... 0

Several people came out of nowhere outside the prehistoric world, and this was where they were sealed.

"We're back?"

The original Tianzun still didn't believe it, and they returned to the prehistoric world from Zhutian City in an instant.

"We are back. This method is really amazing. With a wave of our hand, we can be brought into a different big world!"

The Daoist Receiver exclaimed in admiration.

The other four saints were also unable to calm down for a long time.

"Just this method can prove how big the gap between us and the Lord of the City is."

At this time, the old man came back to his senses and said lightly.

"We have known the gap for a long time, but we just don't know what our Dao Lineage is now. We have been looted by the powerhouses of Zhutian City. Does our Dao Lineage still exist?"

The Daoist Receiver said lightly from the side.

"If you want to take a look, go back and take a look. Now we are deep in the wild world, and going back is just a thought."

Talking to the sect master on the side, he spoke in a lukewarm manner.

He doesn't care much about the situation of his own interception. Since the last Conferred God War, they encountered a catastrophe in intercepting the teaching, and his disciples were almost destroyed, so he had no intention to stay in his own teaching. A shopkeeper who throws the palm of his hand and allows his disciples to develop, he will not worry about the fate of his disciples.So.

Chapter five hundred and eighty-fifth: start to enter, Cotai Avenue

After being said by Tongtian Sect Master, the Daoist Receptionist had such an idea.

"Tongtian Taoist friend said it well, if you want to take a look, go and have a look."

Nuwa on the side also spoke indifferently.

Empress Nuwa also said the same, and the hesitant heart of the Daoist who received and led was determined at this time, and she planned to enter the prehistoric world to see how her Western religion was.

However, just when he was about to make a move, a strange energy came one after another.

The six saints looked not far away, and they found that the breath of Bai Ye, who had been sitting quietly not far away, suddenly turned around.

With the recovery of his breath, the surrounding space suddenly swayed, like a ripple layer by layer.

At this time, the Six Saints quietly looked at the white night with the breath flowing on his body, and did not dare to take any action. The Daoist Receiver also stopped at this time, and instantly broke the mind of entering the prehistoric world.

Bai Ye wakes up, then they will set off immediately, and he can't afford to delay.


"I didn't expect the Lord of the City to come so quickly."

Feeling the breath of Bai Ye's complete recovery, Tongtian sect master muttered.

He understood that Bai Ye crossed over from Zhutian City, but the speed was a bit fast, almost the same as them.

But the speed is fast, which is also quite good. The arrival of the white night means that everything is about to begin!

They are heading towards the endless chaos world!

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