Daoyan on the side spoke again.

It seemed like it was the first time he came out to see the market, which made him sigh.

After everyone sighed.

The screen flows again.

This time they saw a powerful and towering Chaos Demon God running in the starry sky.

The aura on their bodies is very huge, it seems to exceed the average eighth-order powerhouse, and the aura on their bodies is extraordinarily tyrannical.

Several of their demon gods were chasing a nine-headed chaotic beast. The beast made a scream of bullying.

Large tracts of fresh blood flowed out and converged into a small river in the void. The power of blood evil in it was very pungent, and even made people feel nauseated. If a weak strong person encounters such a The power of blood evil may directly affect the will and mind, and those who are miserable may become idiots in an instant.

But fortunately, the powerhouses present have reached the level of the eighth-order, so such a power of blood evil is still bearable for them.

However, this scene is still shocking.

"It's really brutal and primitive, really like a savage."

The primordial Tianzun wrinkled his nose while looking at the savage hunting Chaos Demon God in the distance.

I don't know if this sentence was heard by those Chaos Demon Gods, or what.

At this time, some chaotic demon gods in Tianyu seemed to have discovered them. Their gazes were like giant searchlights, which made people feel a little palpitated. Several powerhouses present felt their hearts tighten. They felt A sense of oppression emanating from those Chaos Demon Gods.

These Chaos Demon Gods wanted to stop the powerhouses on the Golden Avenue.

But when they were about to approach, Bai Ye raised his eyes slightly to look at them, the Chaos Demon Gods.

Several powerful Chaos Demon Gods suddenly stopped, whimpering in their mouths, as if they were afraid and did not dare to take half a step forward.

They quietly looked at Bai Ye's eyes and kept retreating. They seemed to see great terror in Bai Ye's eyes.

"Don't get close, or you will be killed without mercy."

Bai Ye looked at them and said lightly.

After several Chaos Demon Gods heard this sentence, they immediately retreated, and they didn't even want their prey anymore. Bai Ye's tone sounded very peaceful, but the terrifying murderous intent contained in it was only felt by them.

Because Bai Ye's words were aimed at them.

Therefore, several Chaos Demon Gods fled in fright as if they had seen a ghost.

Looking at Bai Ye is just a look and a word, and it scared away the terrifying Chaos Demon Gods. The eighth-order powerhouses in Zhutian City are still relatively indifferent. After all, they probably know how terrifying Bai Ye's realm of strength is. .

But the Six Saints of the Great Desolation seem to have a new understanding of Bai Ye's realm of strength.

Just relying on their eyes can make the Chaos Demon God stronger than them retreat. This strength is definitely beyond their imagination.

At this time, they felt a little more awe of Bai Ye in their hearts.

After seeing several Chaos Demon Gods retreat, Bai Ye withdrew his gaze and did not pay any more attention to the outside scenery.

As the avenue of golden light continues to penetrate into the depths of endless chaos, the picture is constantly changing.

I don't know how long it took 350, and finally they came to the end of the Cotai Avenue.

Here they saw an incomparably huge and vast city, and at the gate of the city, they saw the two nameless Chaos Demon Gods they saw last time.

A middle-aged man with a white face and no beard, always had a faint smile on his face, looking elegant and easy-going. The Zhang Fei general.

Looking at the arrival of Bai Ye and others, two anonymous Chaos Demon Gods came to Bai Ye's front. The elegant middle-aged Chaos Demon God smiled at Bai Ye and others and said, "Welcome to the Eastern Chaos Domain!"

Bai Ye looked at the majestic city in front of him, and chuckled lightly: "What a majestic and majestic city, I can feel the boundless and primitive aura. I don't know what this city is called?"

At this time, all the eighth-order powerhouses present also noticed the majestic city in front of them. The city in front of them was unusually high, like a heavenly city.

At this time, the burly Chaos Demon God on the side slowly opened his mouth and said: "This is one of the four main cities in the Eastern Chaos Domain, called Tianjiang City, also known as Nantian City, because he is located in the south of the Eastern Chaos Domain. Location.".

Chapter five hundred and eighty seventh: Chaos God

"Tianjiang City? It is located in the south? One of the four main cities in the Eastern Chaos? So there are three other such main cities?"

Bai Ye said thoughtfully.

"Of course, the main cities of the four chaotic domains all have a chaotic god sitting in town to defend against the unknown terror."

The elegant middle-aged man with a white face and beardless said with a light smile, as if revealing some information.

"Respected God of Chaos? Resist the unknown terror? Are there other foreign enemies in this Chaos Domain?"

Bai Ye said with a startled look.

"This...it's hard to tell at the moment, you just need to know that no matter where you are, you can't do without yin and yang, good and evil, it's not that who is right and who is wrong, it's just the natural birth of the Dao, and there will be two opposites. Power exists."

The elegant middle-aged man smiled again and didn't want to say more.

Since he didn't want to say more, Bai Ye couldn't ask more.

"Let's go to the city to talk, you will know what information you need to know, if you have such strength here and your talent is strong enough, then the future will be bright. I have already told you about your matter. God wants to see you in person."

In the end, the elegant middle-aged man brought Bai Ye and others into the city and spoke to Bai Ye.

Bai Ye and others entered the city and found that the city here was not much different from the big cities they had seen in other big worlds in the past.

The only thing is that this city is really very big, and it is difficult to see its end at a glance, as if it is a big world.

The pavilions are elegant, large and small, far and near, densely packed and endless. Most of the residents walking on the street are congenital creatures, at least the powerhouses above the sixth rank.

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