This is an incredible thing. Some people have excellent talents, and they may not be able to reach the sixth-order level if they work hard for a lifetime.

However, the most common resident here, even with children, has such realm strength, so it has to be amazing, the ninth-order world is different.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Bai Ye quickly came back to his senses and said in surprise, "Respected God wants to see me ¨.?"

His consciousness was slightly released, and he could sense that on a high tower in the center of the entire city, a strong man with strong aura like hundreds of millions of suns, his aura was abnormally detached and terrifying, if Bai Ye did not sense it wrong, This strong man should be the respected god in the mouth of the elegant middle-aged man in front of him.

"Yes, your deeds are also amazing. You can break the barriers of the prehistoric world and easily suppress all the saint-level powerhouses in that world. Such a celestial appearance is quite rare. Geniuses born on the edge of the chaotic world, respecting gods are more valued."

The elegant middle-aged man continued.

"Oh? Why is this? Why does the venerable god value the demon gods born on the edge of chaos? It stands to reason that there should be a lot of peerless chaos gods born in this chaos domain, right?"

Bai Ye asked again.

Just now, he simply swept away his consciousness and found that there are many strong men hidden in this Tianjiang City, some of which are much stronger than Rahu.

However, none of them have reached the ninth-order realm, but according to Bai Ye's estimation, those powerhouses should be half-step ninth-order.

"Haha, speaking of this, it has to start from the origin of Lord Zunshen, because Lord Zunshen was also born from the edge of the endless chaotic domain, and there are many powerful Chaos Demon Gods who have fallen and even left this endless chaotic world. The powerhouses in the world are also born from the endless chaotic world, but compared to the entire endless chaotic world, although there are few, but everyone who can grow up is amazing and brilliant, and the future is extremely broad."

The rough Chaos Demon God on the side laughed and said.

"I see."

Bai Ye seemed to understand and whispered to himself.

"Okay, let's not delay. Zun Shen only wants to summon you alone. Your other partners can find a place to stay and wait. After seeing Lord Zun Shen, you will meet again."

They walked slowly on the street, and the elegant middle-aged man suddenly spoke to Bai Ye.

Bai Ye nodded, then turned to Luo Hu, Bai Ye and the others said, "You can just stroll around, I'll be back soon."

Luo Hu stood up and said, "Go ahead, Lord City Lord, we will arrange ourselves."

Bai Ye nodded, and turned to the elegant middle-aged man and the rough Chaos Demon God: "You two lead the way."

"You're welcome."

The elegant middle-aged man smiled slightly.

After speaking, the two of them took Bai Ye into a gate of light, and the three of them disappeared in place in an instant, and came to the center of the entire Tianjiang City, which is a completely different world.

This place is full of peace, the fragrance of birds and flowers, and the lowest level of chaotic creatures walking on the road has reached the seventh-order realm, and there are also many eight-order chaotic demon gods.

They all look different.

But seeing the elegant middle-aged man and the rough Chaos Demon God, they all have awe in their eyes. Obviously, the identities of these two Chaos Demon God are not simple.

"¨"Feng Yuan Great Demon God, Lei Ling Great Demon God, who is that guy with him? He looks very strange. Could it be a newly born Demon God?"

On the road, some chaotic creatures noticed the elegant Demon God Feng Yuan and Bai Ye beside the rough Demon God Lei Ling.

"It should be, the breath on his body is very powerful, and it seems that he is also a powerful demon god."

Bai Ye, the Great Demon God Feng Yuan and the Great Demon God Lei Ling walked on the street, attracting a lot of attention. They were all walking, but the speed was much faster than usual. Basically, one step is thousands of meters. the distance.

In the eyes of ordinary people, they are teleporting on the ground.

"Is it forbidden to fly here, travel through space?"

On the road, I felt that my feet were a little slow, and asked the elegant Feng Yuan Great Demon God.

Hearing the comments of others, he learned the names of the two Chaos Demon Gods around him.

The Great Demon God Feng Yuan turned his head slightly and glanced at Bai Ye and said: "Tianjiang City has many restrictions, even if you want to fly through space, you can't do it, except for Lord Zunshen, no one can arbitrarily shuttle the entire Tianjiang City. ."

"I see."

Bai Ye nodded slowly.

In fact, his current realm should be comparable to that of the Lord Zunshen in the mouth of the Great Demon God Feng Yuan. Since Zunzi of Chaos can arbitrarily travel through the entire Tianjiang City, then he can, but he is unwilling to reveal his strength now. and.

He could only follow Feng Yuan honestly, and Lei Ling, the two great demon gods, moved instantaneously on the ground together. .

Chapter [*]: Nine Chaos Demon Gods in the Starry Sky

Soon, they came to the sky-reaching building in the real center of the entire Tianjiang City, Shenxiao Tiangong!

"It's here, this is the palace where the Lord Primordial Chaos God lives - Shenxiao Tiangong, let's go up."

The Great Demon God Feng Yuan smiled faintly.

"Shenxiao Temple?"

Bai Ye stopped slightly and looked up.

The palace towers that reach the sky exude incomparably strong energy, and various incomparably powerful divine powers are intertwined here, forming a transparent skynet.

If ordinary creatures enter here, even if they look up, they will be subjected to an extremely violent impact.

There is a feeling of being afraid to stare at.

Bai Ye looked down.

Outside the palace, there are many powerful chaotic creature soldiers who will guard here, just like the ancient heaven, and the guards are very strict.

The three slowly stepped forward.

Two Chaos Demon Gods wearing Chaos Armor stopped them.

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