"Stop!...Show your token."

One of the Chaos Demon Gods holding a spear spoke to the three of them.

Demon God Lei Ling on the side took out a token that was as white as jade, and the two eighth-order Chaos Demon God glanced at the token in the hands of Demon God Lei Ling and put them in.

As soon as they stepped outside the palace, a divine light descended from the sky and enveloped the three, followed by a loud 350 sound.

"Following this divine light, you can fly up and come directly to the Shenxiao Hall to see me."

"This is……"

Hearing this unfamiliar and majestic voice, Bai Ye was a little puzzled.

"This is the voice of Lord Zunshen. Following this divine light, you can ignore the prohibition of Tianjiang City and go straight to the top of Shenxiao Palace."

The Great Demon God Feng Yuan explained.

"I see."

Nodding at night.

When they stepped into the range of the Shenxiao Palace, the Lord Primordial Primal Chaos felt it.

Said, the three of them flew to the top floor of Shenxiao Palace along the Chaos Divine Light. This distance does not seem to be very far, but Bai Ye felt like flying for nine days.

across space and time.

Come to the top floor of this Shenxiao Palace.

Here in the white night, I saw a different scenery.

Everything in front of you is a countless bright starry world, which looks endless, as if it is the dome of the endless chaos world.

At a glance, there are twinkling stars, as if they have left Tianjiang City and come to a different world.

In addition, not far away, he saw a gigantic Chaos Demon God with nine heads tied to the Heavenly Pillar.

These nine-headed Chaos Demon Gods are extremely huge, each of which is comparable to the size of tens of thousands of stars, and looks extremely shocking.

It was the first time Bai Ye saw such a huge Chaos Demon God.

Nine gigantic Chaos Demon Gods were tied to the heavenly pillar, and they had many deadly terrifying wounds on their bodies.

One of the Chaos Demon Gods had a divine sword stuck on top of his head and directly pierced his hideous head, looking extremely terrifying.

Some half of their bodies are tattered, and they look like they have been dead for a long time, and their bodies are filled with endless death energy.

The breath on their bodies is very strange, different from the ordinary Chaos Demon God breath.

The aura on their bodies is abnormally evil and dark, as if it is the source of darkness in this world, and the surrounding time and space are constantly shattering around them.

There was no material around them except the heavenly pillar, as if nothing could get close to them.

Death filled the entire starry sky, and they seemed to have no life at all, as if they had died for endless years.

Bai Ye looked at the nine-headed chaotic demon god with nine heads tied in the starry sky in front of him, and felt a little shock visually.

These dark Chaos Demon Gods, although the breath on their bodies is very strange, they are extremely powerful, so powerful that ordinary Chaos Demon Gods will feel incomparable heart palpitations when they approach them.

These dark chaotic demon gods seem to have reached the level of the ninth-order half step, and they can step into the ninth-order realm with only half a step.

Such powerhouses are extremely terrifying. It can be said that they are truly invincible under the ninth order, and nine-headed and half-step ninth-order powerhouses can pose a threat to a ninth-order powerhouse.

Nine-headed and half-step ninth-order powerhouses are a very terrifying force, enough to destroy everything.

Unexpectedly, this nine-headed, half-step, ninth-order Chaos Demon God died here.

This can be said to be a very large handwriting, and I don't know who did it. Could it be done by the Primal Chaos God of the Divine Sky Palace?

Bai Ye sighed secretly in his heart.

"Does it feel strange?"

Just as Bai Ye was concentrating, Feng Yuan, who was beside him, smiled at Bai Ye.

Bai Ye came back to his senses, glanced at him, and smiled: "A little bit."

"In fact, don't be too surprised. Although the endless chaotic world is a complete world, the strong and the strong can be in different worlds, and the perception of each great realm is completely different. , The scenery here, ordinary people can't see it, and they can't step into this place without a certain strength, it can be said to be the real top layer of the endless chaos world."

The Great Demon God Feng Yuan then explained.

Nodding at night.

"Then what happened to these nine-headed chaotic demon gods with dark aura? Are they the big terror you mentioned before?"

Bai Ye asked the Great Demon God Feng Yuan.

The Great Demon God Feng Yuan was slightly stunned, following Bai Ye's gaze, looking at the nine-headed dark Chaos Demon God in the starry sky with a somewhat complicated expression: "Forget it, but compared to the real horror, they are just me. It's nothing more than a polluted supreme powerhouse of the square camp."

"Are they the corrupted powerhouses of our camp?"

Hearing this, Bai Ye seemed a little puzzled.

"That's right, the legendary horror is extremely terrifying. Even such a powerful demon god like this may be contaminated, and will change his mind, become no longer himself, work for the opponent, attack me The square camp, these nine supreme Chaos Demon Gods were killed by Lord Chaos God when they attacked Tianjiang City, and Lord Chaos God bound their bodies in the starry sky just to warn Tianjiang City. Top powerhouses, let them understand the horror of this great terror."

The Great Demon God Feng Yuan spoke slowly.

These nine half-step ninth-order Chaos Demon Gods were indeed killed by the Chaos Venerable God of this Shenxiao Temple.

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