Bai Ye secretly said in his heart.

"Even such a terrifying powerhouse can contaminate it. It seems that this unknown terror is indeed very terrifying."

Bai Ye said lightly.

"Well, it is precisely because of the horror that we need many strong people to resist this unknown terror."

The Great Demon God Lei Ling suddenly opened his mouth and said. .

Chapter five hundred and eighty ninth: talk to the god of chaos

While the three were chatting, a figure silently appeared in front of their eyes, like a plume of blue smoke descending.

The Great Demon God Feng Yuan and the Great Demon God Lei Ling saw the figure appear in front of them, their faces became solemn, and they hurriedly knelt down on one knee to the figure.

"See Your Honor."

"Get up."

This figure is unusually stalwart, dressed in a black robe, and even though the breath on his body is extremely restrained, it still makes people feel very oppressive.

Like billions of suns standing in front of you, people dare not look directly.

Bai Ye raised his eyes slightly to look at the figure, and said lightly, "Are you the Primal Chaos God here?"

Seeing Bai Ye's words, the Great Demon God Feng Yuan seemed a little rude, and said to Bai Ye, "I haven't paid my respects to Lord Zun Shen!"

Priest Chaos has a very high status in their minds, and if someone speaks rudely, they will be severely punished.

However, Bai Ye was indifferent to the words of the Great Demon God Feng Yuan.

He just quietly looked at the Primal Chaos God in front of him, without any expression, his face was neither sad nor happy.

Let him pay homage?

Not to mention the god of chaos, even the chaotic master of the entire eastern chaotic domain does not have this qualification.

Even now in the entire endless chaos world, there should be no one who is his opponent.

When the Great Demon God Feng Yuan saw that Bai Ye was indifferent and was about to exit again, the Primordial God of Chaos suddenly spoke up.

"I don't know what to call this Daoist brother?"

Priest Chaos asked Bai Ye with a faint smile on his face.

"white night."

Bai Ye answered briefly.

The expression on his face was very calm.

"My name is Qiu Mu, nice to meet you."

Qiu Mu, the god of chaos, smiled at Bai Ye and said.

"Nice to meet you too."

Bai Ye said calmly.

Seeing the Primordial Chaos God's attitude towards Bai Ye, this made the Great Demon God of Wind and Cloud and Great Demon God Lei Ling a little puzzled.

They didn't understand why Lord Chaos God treated Bai Ye with such a kind attitude, which had never happened before.

Even if Lord Chaos God cherishes talents, he will not have this attitude. The scene in front of him is like a picture of two strong men of the same level intersecting.

However, what they didn't know was that Qiu Mu, the god of chaos, felt that Bai Ye was very difficult at first sight.

Others can't detect Bai Ye's deeply hidden breath, but he can still feel it vaguely.

Although he couldn't see the depth of Bai Ye, he could conclude that Bai Ye's realm of strength would never be below him or even above him.

That's why he has this kind of attitude towards Bai Ye.

"Lord Zun God...this..."

Feng Yuan, who was a little stunned on the side, wanted to ask something, and Qiu Mu, the Primal Chaos God, glanced at him and said, "You don't have to think it strange, Brother Bai Ye's strength is not inferior to me, even stronger than me."

"Stronger than Lord Zunshen? is this possible?! He was only bred from the endless chaotic border area!"

The Great Demon God Feng Yuan suddenly widened his eyes and said in disbelief.

"Hehe, you won't understand until we reach our level."

Qiu Mu, the Supreme God of Chaos, glanced at the Great Demon God Feng Yuan and said.

Then he looked at Bai Ye and asked, "Brother Bai Ye must not be from this endless chaotic world, right?"

Bai Ye looked at the eyes of Qiu Mu, the god of chaos, and nodded slowly and said, "Yes, I am indeed not a person in this endless chaos, but I have no malice in coming here, this Qiu Mu said. Fellow Daoists can rest assured."

"This is natural. There have been other powerhouses in the endless shattering realm who came to our endless chaotic world. They were just curious about such a world and left after a short stay. As long as Daoist Bai Ye didn't have any malice, we are here. You can swim as you wish, Daoist Brother Bai Ye."

Chaos Sovereign God Qiu Mu said with a smile.

"Thank you very much, I won't stay here for too long, but the endless chaos world is indeed very spectacular, far from being comparable to the eighth-order world."

Bai Ye slightly arched his hands towards Qiu Mu, the god of chaos.

At this time, the Great Demon God Feng Yuan and Great Demon God Lei Ling were a little stunned when they listened to the conversation between Qiu Mu and Bai Ye, the Supreme God of Chaos.

They did not expect that a Chaos Demon God who seemed to be of ordinary origin and strength was actually a powerhouse in the Endless Fragmentation Realm!

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