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This is a powerhouse of the same level as Lord Chaos God!

They have heard about the supreme powerhouses of other great universes, and some such powerhouses have come in the endless years.

Their Chaos Sovereign Realm is collectively referred to as the Supreme Broken Realm!

Such a powerhouse can freely travel between the various big worlds and the big universe, with almost no obstacles.

It can be said that it is a real great joy and freedom, which is very different from the powerhouses like them who can only be trapped in one big world.

It can be said that it is truly detached when it comes to the Supreme Shattered Realm powerhouse.

Seeing that Bai Ye is such a strong person, the Great Demon God Feng Yuan and the Great Demon God Lei Ling immediately saluted Bai Ye and said, "I have seen Lord Bai Ye."

...... 0

They have great respect for the strong.

Bai Ye looked at them with empty hands, and helped them all up, said indifferently: "You two don't need to be so polite, I can't stand these courtesy, we can get along with the previous one. ."

The Great Demon God Feng Yuan and Great Demon God Lei Ling looked at each other and thanked Bai Ye: "Thank you for your kindness, Lord Bai Ye, but some rules and etiquette cannot be broken. In our place, the strong should be respected, especially like Lord Bai Ye. Such a strong man."

Seeing that the Great Demon God Feng Yuan and the Great Demon God Lei Ling insisted on calling him adults, Bai Ye could only let them go in the end, and he wasn't particularly bothered about this kind of thing.

Once something is broken, it is impossible to return to its original state.

For example, if a person calls the emperor a brother without knowing it, without knowing the identity of the other party, he can talk and laugh freely and call himself a brother.

But if this identity is rubbed, then it will not return to the previous state anyway. Although the emperor asked him to be free from the rituals as before, he will not be able to return to that state.

"Okay, let's go down first. I still have something to talk about with Daoist Brother Bai Ye, and take good care of Daoist Brother Bai Ye's friends for me."

At this time, Qiu Mu, the Supreme God of Chaos, suddenly spoke to the Great Demon God Feng Yuan and the Great Demon God Lei Ling.


Great Demon God Feng Yuan and Great Demon God Lei Ling bowed and retreated.So.

Chapter Five Hundred and Ninety: Contaminated

After the Great Demon God Feng Yuan and the Great Demon God Lei Ling withdrew from the Shenxiao Temple, the Primal Chaos God invited Bai Ye to the hall.

Bai Ye looked at the entire hall slightly, and he could feel how restricted it was. There seemed to be a kind of power suppressing him, and the power of the law would be weakened infinitely.

It makes people feel like walking inside like an ordinary person.

But such a restriction would not be too big for Bai Ye, after all, his current state is very detached, and there is almost no restriction force that can suppress him.

He himself was only slightly affected.

"This Shenxiao Tiangong is not simple."

Bai Ye looked around the entire Shenxiao Hall and said slowly.

Qiu Mu glanced at him and smiled and said, "This Shenxiao Tiangong has been practiced by me for endless years, and it is connected to the Supreme Avenue. It possesses such great power, in order to resist the coming of this great terror."

"Great horror?"

Bai Ye looked at Qiu Mu, the god of chaos.

He had heard this word several times, and he could feel that it was not simple from the mouths of Feng Yuan Great Demon God and Qiu Mu.

"Yes, this great terror is an evil force that exists in the endless chaotic world. They want to contaminate and assimilate all the creatures of our entire endless chaotic world, and then devour the avenue of the entire endless chaotic world. Then they can use the endless chaos. The world is the foundation point to erode the heavens and the world! I don’t know what kind of disaster it will be at that time.”

Qiu Mu waved his hand and a tea table appeared. He invited Bai Ye to drink with him, poured a cup of tea for Bai Ye, and said slowly.

"Oh? It's so serious? Can't you clear or balance them? Will the Supreme Road not come out to stop it? Will they be allowed to do so?"

Bai Ye looked at Qiu Mu again and asked seriously.

Hearing what Qiu Mu said, he understood the seriousness of the matter, polluting and assimilating all the creatures of endless chaos?And devour the Supreme Avenue?What kind of ambition is this?

Qiu Mu slowly drank a cup of tea, looked at Bai Ye with a chuckle, and said leisurely, "We don't have any way to completely eliminate them yet, but their power is getting bigger and bigger. Dark energy is bestowed by the Supreme Dao. It can silently pollute a strong person, and it is difficult for people to notice. Over a long period of time, unconsciously, many powerful creatures will become their people invisibly. As for Why won't the Supreme Avenue come forward to stop them..."

Having said that, Qiu Mu paused for a while.

"Is it true that there is no difference between good and evil in the eyes of the Supreme Dao?"

Bai Ye seemed to suddenly think of something, and then Qiu Mu said.

Qiu Mu looked at Bai Ye with a slight smile and said: "Yes, the so-called good and evil have no meaning to the Supreme Dao, no matter who wins the Supreme Dao, there will be no indication, because the energy of both of us comes from Supreme Dao, if we win and occupy most of the entire endless chaotic world, then this Supreme Dao is the main good, otherwise if they win, then the Supreme Dao is the main evil, even if it is swallowed up, the Supreme Dao will also be Indifferent, because it is originally a running rule, even if it is swallowed up, it will still exist in another form, so it will not intervene in the battle of good and evil in the endless chaotic world."

"I see."

Hearing him say this, Bai Ye understood.

"I wonder if Brother Bai Ye is interested in helping us? To tell the truth, Brother Bai Ye, we are at a disadvantage now, and now we need strong foreign aid. If a powerhouse like Brother Bai Ye is willing to help If we speak, then we will also have more power, and we will have more confidence in dealing with those evil energies."

Qiu Mu suddenly spoke to Bai Ye.

Bai Ye took a deep look at Qiu Mu, and then said indifferently: "Fellow Qiu Mu, the experts in the endless chaotic world are like clouds, I'm afraid there are not many more than me, your purpose is to want me to stay in Tianjiang City and take over. Is this Shenxiao Tiangong?"

Qiu Mu looked at Bai Ye with a startled look, frowned slightly and said, "Have you noticed it?"

The corners of Bai Ye's mouth twitched into a slight smile and said, "I didn't notice it at the beginning, but when I was sitting opposite fellow Daoist Qiu Mu, I sensed that there is a dark power in Brother Qiu Mu's body, although you I tried to suppress it with my own cultivation, but I still couldn't escape my notice..."

"Brother Bai Ye is really powerful. It seems that Brother Bai Ye's strength should be far superior to me, even comparable to Chaos Master."

Qiu Mu saw Bai Ye aware of the condition in his body, he no longer concealed it, and gently drank a cup of tea with a wry smile on his face.

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