They were forcibly pulled back from time and space by this terrifying existence in front of them!

This is a means of manipulating time at will.

At this time, they understood that in front of Bai Ye, even if they wanted to escape, they couldn't do it.

"We have no intention of offending! Please let this adult let us go."

Hai Hou changed his strategy at this time, and began to beg Bai Ye for mercy.

However, Bai Ye just smiled faintly.

"No intention to offend? Let go of you? Did you ever think about this when you just took action against those innocent lives?"

Bai Ye looked at them quietly and said.

Haihou was speechless by Bai Ye's words.

"Then what do you want?! We are the people of the Lord of Darkness. If you kill us, you will also be targeted by the Lord of Darkness. Even if you are a powerful god of chaos, you will inevitably be Doom is coming!"

At this time, the bat-shaped dark creature seemed to be fighting, and said sharply to Bai Yeshi.

"Hey, are you threatening me!"

Bai Ye's eyes flashed coldly, and he glanced at the bat-shaped dark creature. One of his arms suddenly exploded and dissipated into nothingness.

The bat-shaped dark creature suddenly screamed in pain...  

He wanted to make his arm grow again, but his arm just grew and it was shattered into pieces. He tried this many times, but the result was still the same, it burst into pieces when it grew.

It seems that there is a special law force wrapped around his arm.

"Ah, what the hell did you do to me!"

The bat-shaped dark creature said sharply to Bai Ye.

Bai Ye gave him a cold look, and said indifferently, "If you talk more and say things that make me uncomfortable, I will make you experience the most painful death countless times!"

Looking at Bai Ye's terrifying eyes, the bat-shaped dark creature suddenly closed his mouth. He had no doubt that Bai Ye could do it.

Facing Bai Ye, they did not have any arrogant capital.

They didn't know how Bai Ye would deal with them, and at this time they were all very uneasy.

However, just when they were uneasy in their hearts, Bai Ye didn't talk nonsense with them. He raised his hand and took a small stone from the ground. With a wave of his hand, he sealed the three dark creatures into the small stone.

The reason why Bai Ye didn't kill them was because he wanted to bring them back to study and study, and maybe he could find a way to break the dark energy.

After the three dark creatures such as Haihou were sealed, the entire Tianhu Divine Kingdom completely recovered.

"Respect God!"

At this time, several eighth-order powerhouses such as the Great Demon God of Twilight slowly approached Bai Ye and bowed 2.1 to Bai Ye.

Bai Ye glanced at them lightly.

"I'm not a god of chaos, I'm just a passer-by here."

When Bai Ye spoke like this, Tianhuo Great Demon God and others were startled.

But he recovered quickly and continued to say: "Whether you are the Lord of Chaos God in the endless chaos world, as long as you reach the realm of God of Chaos, you will be respected by us, not to mention that you rescued us just now. The whole life of the kingdom of God."

Bai Ye's expression changed, and he said, "When it comes to saving lives, I didn't take action in time just now, causing many innocent lives to fall. Now I will resurrect them all."

Said, Bai Ye waved his hand.

"Fate Reshaping!"

Suddenly, an invisible force acted in the entire kingdom of God, and all the lives that had fallen were resurrected. .

Chapter Five Hundred and Ninety Six: Disperse the Kingdom of God

Looking at the resurrected lives, the Great Demon God Tianhu and several Chaos Demon Gods were secretly shocked in their hearts.

"Master Revered God, it really is a good method. It can actually revive this fallen creature. I have long heard that the Chaos Revered God's method is unfathomable, able to control time and space, and resurrect life. Now I have finally seen it."

The Great Demon God Tianhu looked at all the resurrected beings in Tianhu Divine Kingdom and couldn't help but said.

Bai Ye took a light look and said, "They didn't die for a long time, and their realm is not too high, so it is relatively simple to resurrect them, but if a chaotic demon god of your realm falls, it cannot be resurrected."

"It was also very shocking."

The Great Demon God of Twilight said from the side.

He still knows that the powerful Chaos Demon God can't be resurrected after death, not to mention the Chaos Venerable God can't do it, even the Chaos Lord can't do it.

However, being able to revive the life of the eighth-order Chaos Demon God, this kind of shocking and anti-good luck method is still very shocking.

"Okay, you are temporarily safe here, but the three to 29 dark creatures here disappeared inexplicably. I think the dark camp will track them down. You all need to leave here and migrate to the main cities of the four major Chaos Domains. There Only then can we truly protect their safety.”

Bai Ye pondered for a moment and said to the Great Demon God Tianhun and others.

The Great Demon God of Twilight nodded, and they also understood the crisis, but now that they have escaped the crisis, they will have time to migrate.

"We want to enter the four major cities, but there are really many of us, and none of the four major cities can accept us."

The Great Demon God of Twilight said.

Bai Ye glanced at them lightly and said: "You don't need so many people to go to the four major cities together, other beings, dark creatures should not be in the eye, their goal should be you powerful people. Chaos Demon God, you only need to disperse all the creatures in your country, and you powerful Chaos Demon God can enter the four major cities, and the people of their dark camp will not pursue the weak creatures in your country."

Hearing Bai Ye's words, the eyes of the Great Demon God of Twilight lit up slightly.

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