"Yeah, why didn't I think of this, their target should be us, the creatures that are too weak, they should not see it in their eyes, we only need to get to a safe place, and the people of their dark camp have nothing to do ."

The Great Demon God Tianhun patted his forehead slightly and said.

It's really messed up when you care.

Bai Ye saw a few Chaos Demon Gods, as if he suddenly thought of something, and saw the cards in their hands, saying: "If you encounter the pursuit of dark creatures on the way, take out this card at that time. , it could save your life."

Seeing that it was a treasure brought out by Bai Ye, the Great Demon God Tianhun and others solemnly took the card in Bai Ye's hand and carefully collected it.

The treasures given by the Priest Chaos God are no trivial matter. Since the Lord Primordial Chaos said that he could save their lives, he should be able to save their lives.

"Thank you for the life-saving talisman! If it can be used in our brother's place in the future, you can speak up, no matter what the hell and the sea, our brother will definitely die."

The Great Demon God of Twilight and several Chaos Demon Gods sincerely thanked Bai Ye.

Bai Ye's kindness to them was too great. Not only did he save the lives of all the creatures in the kingdom of heaven and night, but he also pointed out the way for them and gave them a life-saving talisman. They were very moved and grateful.

They are all warm-blooded men, and Bai Ye has so much kindness to them, they don't know how to repay Bai Ye.

At this moment, with their ability, they can only make a promise to appease the throbbing emotions in their hearts.

Bai Ye smiled slightly and said, "You don't have to do this, I just do it with ease. No matter who encounters the invasion of the dark camp, I will not sit idly by. You can only consider it your luck."

"Sir, it's a fact that you saved us, no matter what, if we meet in the future, our brothers will try our best to repay you. We are all people who repay our kindness. If you don't need to care about us, then we will be underestimated. I wait, although our strength is too different from the adults, but I think you always need to come to us, I don't know the honorable name of the adults, and I don't know if the adults are willing to disclose it to us."

The Great Demon God Tianhun continued to speak with a solemn expression.

"Yes, although our strength is not too strong to be compared with adults, but in the endless chaotic world, our strength can still be seen in the past, as long as the adults tell us our honorable names, we will find adults in the future. Find a way to repay the adults."

At this time, a Chaos Demon God standing in the Great Demon God of Tianhun said respectfully to Bai Ye.

Seeing their sincerity, Bai Ye nodded slightly and said, "My name is Bai Ye, I don't think we will meet again in a long time. Well, I won't stay here any longer, we are all ready. Dismiss the people of your kingdom of God, the people from the dark camp should be aware of it soon, you better hurry up."

After these words fell, Bai Ye's figure disappeared without a trace, making people feel no breath.

353 Looking at Bai Ye's disappearing figure, the Great Demon God Tianhu retracted his gaze, and then looked at his own heavenly kingdom with infinite nostalgia. This was the kingdom of God he created with his own hands. Now he wants to disband it in person. His heart was very complicated.

But in the current situation, even if he is reluctant, he has to make a decision.

If the dark camp were to find them again, then their entire Heavenly Haze Divine Kingdom would be completely destroyed, and there should not be any Primal Chaos God coming to rescue them.

He stared at his beautiful kingdom of God for a long time, and then said to several powerful Chaos Demon Gods around him: "Release all restrictions, open all passages, and let them all run for their lives. The kingdom of faint gods is officially disbanded."

Several powerful Chaos Demon Gods have very complicated moods. Many creatures in this god's country, and many of their clansmen, are also very reluctant to disband them, although they can use the great supernatural power to destroy their clansmen. Contained on the body, but doing so would be very dangerous.

If they don't have settlements, it will be very dangerous to fight outside. If they die, their people will fall with them. .

Chapter Five Hundred and Ninety Seven: Lord of Darkness

After they thought about it carefully, it would be better for them to spread out and multiply in the endless chaos.

That way they can at least stay safe.

Several eighth-order Chaos Demon Gods could only obey the order and spread the news, and the whole kingdom of God was shocked and reluctant to part, but this was also what they had to do.

The kingdom of God was completely opened, all the restrictions were lifted, and hundreds of millions of creatures in the entire kingdom of God began to escape in a scattered manner.

They can't get together to migrate, because the goal is too big, they can only be divided into countless parts to escape, which is the most safe.

After the entire Divine Kingdom had completely left the Tianhu Divine Kingdom, the Tianhu Great Demon God and several eighth-order Chaos Demon Gods also began to head towards Tianjiang City and West Desolate City.

The distance between them is the shortest from West Desolate City and Tianjiang City, and the cities they can reach quickly are West Desolate City and Tianjiang City.

"Not long ago, I heard that the Wanjie Pond is going to be opened. Lord, do we want to go to the Wanjie Pond?"

In the endless chaotic star field, an eighth-order Chaos Demon God opened his mouth to the Great Demon God of Tianhun.

The Great Demon God Tianhun nodded slightly: "Well, we don't know the specific opening time of Wanjie Pond. We can only choose a main city to settle down in Xihuang City and Tianjiang City."

"So which main city should we go to?"

An eighth-order Chaos Demon God then asked.

"Xihuang City, the city lord of Xihuang City, Lord Jiufeng Zunshen is very powerful. Among the four main city city lords, it can be ranked first in the faint. The most important thing is that Xihuang City and our Eastern Chaos The chaotic master of the domain has a great origin, and it should be the safest for us to go to Xihuang City."

The Great Demon God Tiandu looked at the vast and boundless chaotic star field and said.

"Jiufeng Zunshen is very powerful, but I heard that there are countless strong people in Xihuang City, and the city regulations are very strict. As long as any of the city regulations are violated, they will be expelled from Xihuang City, and they will not be allowed to do it again for hundreds of millions of years. Entering into the West Desolate City ¨."

An elderly Chaos Demon God frowned slightly and said.

These people just like to be free, so they don't live in the four major cities. If they live in the Xihuang City with the strictest city regulations, then they really know if they can accept it.

"The most important thing now is to save our lives. As for the other things, they are secondary. As long as we can escape this storm, then we can come out and live a free life again. At present, Xihuangcheng is our most ideal choice. After arriving in Xihuangcheng , what we can tolerate, try to tolerate it as much as possible, and live a low-key life, so that we will not be in trouble."

In the end, the Great Demon God of Twilight said.

The rest of the eighth-order Chaos Demon God nodded slowly.

What the Great Demon God of Twilight said is right. The most important thing for us now is to save our own lives. As long as we live in Xihuang City, then they will be very safe. Even if the dark camp knows that they live in Xihuang City, they will not dare to do so. Reckless.

Saying that, they traversed the distance of space with all their strength and headed towards the West Desolate City.


Just when the group of them went all out to the West Desert City, the dark camp had already noticed that the bat-shaped creatures and octopus-shaped creatures in the sea had disappeared.

"Haihou, Crow, Gu Aike, they all disappeared, and they can't sense their breath at all!"

In a vast and boundless star field of endless nothingness, a gigantic Lord of Darkness with a height of hundreds of millions of miles, sitting on the Dark God Throne in a star field, suddenly opened his eyes and said.

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