The two eyes are like the two most powerful blazing suns, illuminating the entire star field.

He sits in the center of the endless star field as if he is the master of this world. The vast dark stars are constantly revolving around his throne. The endless dark power fills every part of the star field, and countless ghosts and gods look like Phantasm, looks terrifyingly terrifying.

When he opened his eyes and opened his mouth, more than a dozen huge dark creatures appeared beside him. None of them were human-shaped, and they all looked very strange, like prehistoric monsters, and their shapes were very hideous.

They stood obediently in front of the Lord of Darkness, like the most loyal servants.

"My lord, we just checked, Hai Hou, Kro, and Gu Aike disappeared into a kingdom of gods in the Chaos Demon Realm."

A huge dark creature shrouded in a strong dark aura spoke to the incomparably huge Lord of Darkness.

In his body, nine energy stones flickering like stars could faintly be seen, exuding strange energy.

"¨" Go check and see how they disappeared. Their souls didn't go out, but they disappeared from my perception. This is very strange. We must find out the reason."

The Lord of Darkness looked down at them and said.


Two huge dark creatures disappeared in this star field.

After the two of them disappeared, a dark creature with a thousand hands and ten thousand eyes slowly stepped forward to report to the Lord of Darkness: "The Myriad Realms Pool on the Chaos Demon God's side is about to open again, my lord, we should need some action?"

"The Myriad Realms Pool is about to open again. Time flies really fast. It's just a few naps. Hundreds of millions of years have passed. Since the Myriad Realms Pool is about to open, then follow the previous plan. Do it."

The voice of the Lord of Darkness descended, and all the other dark creatures took their orders and retreated.

After they all retreated, the dark lord's huge eyes turned slightly, and he was still wondering why Hai Hou, Kro, and Gu Aike disappeared without a sound.

This kind of thing has never happened before.

All the dark creatures born and separated from it, no matter where they appear in the endless chaotic world, he can easily sense their existence.

But it disappeared from his perception at this moment, which made him puzzled and made him a little alert. It was an amazing method to be able to cut Haihou, Crow, and Guek from his notification.

"Could it be that those guys have any new methods?"

He whispered to himself in his heart that he knew that the Chaos Demon God has been studying how to deal with them since the endless years.

Different new methods are emerging one after another. If this time is also a new method that is similar to the past, then he needs to check it out in order to deal with it. .

Chapter Five Hundred and Ninety-Eight: The Way to Clear Dark Energy

However, he didn't know that the three dark creatures including Haihou, Crow, and Gu Aike were brought into the city of the heavens by the seal of the white night, and he naturally couldn't sense it.

The City of All Heavens exists outside the Heavens and Myriad Realms, and no matter what kind of supreme existence is, it cannot be sensed by prying eyes.

Even the Supreme Dao is unaware of the existence of the City of the Heavens, let alone the Lord of Darkness in the endless chaos.

At this time, Bai Ye's consciousness returned to Zhutian City.

He returned to the body in the Zhutianlou, and as his consciousness returned, he slowly opened his eyes, who was sitting on the futon in the Zhutianlou.

"Dark creatures."

Bai Ye stood up slowly, he took out the small stone that sealed the three dark creatures, and whispered softly.

Even a ninth-order powerhouse like Chaos Sovereign is no match for this dark energy, which shows that this dark energy is unusually strange and difficult to deal with.

He also secretly used his strength to clear the dark energy in Yi Haihou before.

However, he found that although the dark energy seemed to be clear, it would grow again soon after, completely cutting off the source of the dark energy.

Just like Tianjiang City City Lord, Qiu Mu said, that dark energy seems to have grown roots in Haihou, and people can't see the reason.

He frowned slightly, pondered for a moment, and then spoke slowly.

"Xiao Bai, do you have any way to find out the characteristics of this dark creature's power, and how can you eradicate and purify this power?"

As he opened his mouth to ask.

Xiaobai's mechanical voice sounded as promised: "The energy of this dark creature belongs to one of the sources of energy in the endless chaotic world, but it is only the source of darkness. This source of darkness has a very strong vitality, as long as there is a trace of it that is not cleaned up If it is clean, then he will quickly devour the energy in the body again to grow, to eradicate and purify this dark energy, unless the dark creature or the polluted person is completely destroyed."

Hearing Bai Ye's brows wrinkled again, he then asked, "In addition to destroying it completely, is there no other way to eradicate and purify it?"

"Yes, yes, but you need to use the energy of the city of the heavens, and you need to bring it to the city of the heavens to be able to completely purify it. The value point required may be very high, and I don't recommend it under normal circumstances. , because what you give is not proportional to what you get.”

Xiaobai's voice sounded again.

Hearing Bai Ye's brows stretched out, he said, "That said, there is a way."

"Of course, although Zhutian City can't suppress the avenue of the endless chaotic world now, but it is clear that the energy of the source of darkness can still do it, but it needs to be done outside the place covered by the endless chaotic avenue, so that the source of darkness energy will not Relying on the power of the Great Dao of the Endless Chaos World, it shows such a powerful vitality, but it is the most appropriate to do it in the city of the heavens."

Xiaobai replied again.

"So what is the value point needed to know this dark energy?"

Bai Ye then asked.

If you can understand this dark energy, then you should be able to understand the dark camp in the endless chaos, and by the way, it will also bring a lot of value point income to Zhutian City.

"The value points required by powerhouses at different levels are different, because this dark energy is related to the energy of the polluted powerhouse. The stronger the power of the polluted powerhouse, the harder it is to clean it up. The greater the energy of the city of the heavens is required, generally, the value points required by the eighth-order Chaos Demon God are 500 to 1000 billion value points, and the ninth-order powerhouse needs 5000 billion to 10000 billion value points."

Xiaobai replied calmly.

Hearing the numbers Xiaobai said, Bai Ye was slightly surprised in his heart.

The eighth-tier powerhouse needs 500 billion to 1000 billion value points, and the ninth-tier powerhouse needs 5000 to 10000 billion value points?

10000 billion value points can make Zhutian City upgrade from seven stars to eight stars!

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