"Brother Bai Ye, this... Where are we going? Are we going to leave this world?"

Qiu Mu couldn't help but asked.

The corners of Bai Ye's mouth twitched, a faint smile appeared, and he said, "Fellow Daoist Qiu Mu, don't worry, just come with me, if you believe me."

Saying that, Bai Ye stepped into the bottomless passage of the world. Qiu Mu frowned when he saw Bai Ye step in, and finally followed without hesitation.

At this time, he has no choice. He feels that the dark energy in his body will not be suppressed for long. If he does not choose to believe in Bai Ye, then he will not be able to support it for long.

Even if Bai Ye had bad intentions, he recognized it, and in the process of his contact with Bai Ye, Bai Ye was not a shady and treacherous person.

After the two stepped into the world channel, the world channel began to close, and there seemed to be a wisp of consciousness observing all this above the supreme avenue.

But after seeing the closure of the world channel, this consciousness also quietly retreated, as if nothing happened.

At the other end, Qiu Mu followed Bai Ye to the city of the heavens.

Qiu Mu and Bai Ye stepped into Zhutian City and looked at the city in front of him, and there was an indescribable feeling in his heart.

In the faint, he felt an aura that surpassed the supreme avenue.

But he couldn't feel the great aura of the endless chaotic world, which made him feel that he had left the endless chaotic world and came to a completely unfamiliar world on the other side.

"Brother Bai Ye, is this...?"

Qiu Mu briefly looked at Zhutian City, then looked at Bai Ye and said.

Bai Ye looked at Qiu Mu's somewhat sullen expression, and smiled slightly: "This is the city of the heavens, standing outside the heavens and the world, and I am the city lord of the city of the heavens."

"You are this... City Lord of Zhutian City?!"

Qiu Mu looked at Bai Ye in disbelief and exclaimed.

Bai Ye nodded calmly.

"This city of the heavens seems to me to be more advanced than the world of endless chaos. Brother Bai Ye is actually the city owner of this city, so the strength of Daoist Bai Ye should be above the chaotic master?!"

Qiu Mu saw Bai Ye nodded seriously, his eyes widened, and he thought of a lot in an instant.

If this is the case, then Bai Ye's knowledge of the dark energy in his body should not be empty talk.

Bai Ye raised his eyebrows and said, "I don't know about this, but knowing the dark energy in Daoist Qiu Mu's body can still do it."

The two walked slowly along the streets of Zhutian City.

Qiu Mu's originally restless mood slowly calmed down.

"Two gods, you have also come here."

Just as the two of them were about to reach the Zhutian Tower, the Great Demon God of Tianhun, who was eating and drinking in the chrysanthemum downstairs, appeared in front of Bai Ye and Qiu Mu, and said with a surprised look on his face.

Qiu Mu was a little surprised when he saw the Great Demon God Tianhun and others, and said, "It turns out that you disappeared before, but you came to the city of the heavens of Daoist Brother Bai Ye."

The Great Demon God Tianhun nodded and said: "Yes, we didn't know where it would appear before, but when we found out that this was Lord Bai Ye's Zhutian City, we put our minds down."

Bai Ye looked at them and nodded and said: "Now you can enter and exit Zhutian City at any time. The two dark creatures outside have been killed, and there should be no dark creatures to trouble you in the future."

"The two dark creatures were killed?"

Several eighth-order Chaos Demon Gods were a little surprised. .

Chapter [*]: Clear Dark Energy

But they were not too surprised, because they felt that the white night was unfathomable and could easily escape them from the two ninth-order dark creatures, whose strength should be above the two ninth-order dark creatures.

And it should not be difficult for Qiu Mu Chaoshen to help kill two dark creatures.

"We are not in a hurry to go out now, and it will not be too late to go out until the Wanjie Pond is opened."

The Great Demon God Tianhun then scratched the back of his head and said.

Bai Ye nodded and said indifferently, "It's up to you."

Then Bai Ye and Qiu Mu came to the downstairs of Zhutian, and Bai Ye said to Qiu Mu, "Fellow Daoist Qiu Mu, you only need to hand over all the valuable treasures on your body to him."

When Bai Ye and Qiu Mu arrived, Shen Wansan was already waiting here. He smiled at Qiu Mu Chaos God and said, "This is your ID card, please keep it."

When Qiu Mu walked in front of Shen Wansan, Shen Wansan had already registered all his information.

Qiu Mu took the ID card in a daze, and then asked, "Do I need to understand the dark energy in my body now~?"

Bai Ye nodded lightly: "You can start at any time, but before that, you must exchange your valuable treasures for the value points of Zhutian City, so that you can start to understand the dark energy in your body."

"I see."

After Qiu Mu understood, she saw the treasures of Chaos and took them out.

He has a lot of treasures on his body. As the god of chaos in the endless chaos world, he has collected a lot of treasures. After all, at his level, a big world can be opened up at will, and there are naturally countless treasures. do.

Pieces of treasures exuding chaotic energy floated in the void, and Shen Wansan's eyes swept over these treasures.

A series of information emerged from his eyes.

"Ninth-order treasure, hand-crafted by Chaos True Spirit, worth 800 billion value points."

"Ninth-order treasure, chaotic true spirit armor, worth 900 billion value points."

"The ninth-order treasure, the Chaos True Spirit Immortal Sword, is worth 850 billion value points."

"Ninth-order treasure, Chaos True Spirit Ring, worth 600 billion value points."

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