
A series of information flickered in Shen Wansan's eyes, causing him to feel a little shocked. A few simple treasures were worth more than [*] billion points.

The treasure possessed by the ninth-order powerhouse really opened his eyes.

However, the Qiu Mu Chaos God did not take out too many ninth-order treasures. After taking out a set of ninth-order treasures, the next step was some eighth-order treasures.

However, these eighth-order treasures are very numerous.

The value is even more than the value of the ninth-order treasure that the Qiu Mu Chaos God brought out.

Finally, after Shen Wansan counted all the treasures, he summed up the value of all the value points.

"The inventory is completed, a total of [*] billion value points."

After Shen Wansan put away all the treasures, he said to the Qiu Mu Chaos God.

"More than [*] billion worth points?"

Qiu Mu Chaos God murmured softly, he didn't know how much or how little of these value points.

He turned his head slightly to look at Bai Ye and asked, "Brother Bai Ye, are these points of value enough?"

Bai Ye smiled slightly and said: "Enough, the value points needed to clear your body are 6000 billion value points, you have more than [*] billion value points, and after clearing the dark energy in your body, there are more than [*] billion value points. "

"It only needs 6000 billion value points, which is quite cheap."

Qiu Mu Chaos God raised his eyebrows slightly and said.

Bai Ye smiled and said nothing.

Shen Wansan also described the feeling in his heart at this time after listening to it, 6000 billion worth is still cheap?That is, the ninth-order powerhouse with rich and powerful wealth can say such words.

"Now that the value points have been satisfied, after deducting the 6000 billion value points, you still have more than 2000 billion value points." Bai Ye opened his mouth slightly, then he glanced at Shen Wansan: "Transfer the more than [*] billion value points to him."


Shen Wansan transferred more than [*] billion worth of points to the identity card of the Qiu Mu Chaos God.

Qiu Mu glanced at the numbers on the ID card, but didn't care.

"Brother Bai Ye, can we start now?"

Qiu Mu looked at Bai Ye with some anticipation and said.

Bai Ye nodded: "Yes!"

As he said that, he waved his hand, and the city of the heavens shook slightly, and suddenly an unusually holy energy rose from all directions, exuding nine colors, like a beam of light, a rainbow soaring into the sky, and then under the guidance of Bai Ye, poured into it. The body of the god of chaos in the autumn evening.

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When the energy of Zhutian City was wiped from his body, Qiu Mu Primal Chaos God did not feel any pain. Instead, he felt an incomparable comfort in his body, like soaking in the hot springs of the Great Dao, and his whole body was nourished.

Unconsciously, his body slowly floated up, sitting cross-legged in the void, and Bao Xiang Zhuang seemed to be caught in an ethereal meditation.

At this time, strands of extremely evil dark energy could be seen drifting out of his body like traces of black mist.

Not far away, the Great Demon God and the others watched this dark energy appear, and their footsteps unconsciously took a few steps back.

... 0

They are extremely sensitive and fearful of this terrifying dark energy.

But this dark energy did not spread everywhere, and completely evaporated under the purification of the energy of the city of the heavens.

You can faintly hear the extremely evil and miserable screams, as if these dark energies have begun to have spiritual consciousness.

But even if the dark energy has given birth to consciousness, but under the purification of the energy of the heavens, they have nowhere to hide.

At this time, the dark energy in Qiu Mu Chaoshen's body was gradually disappearing. At this time, his face also showed a hint of pain.

It seems that this time has reached the final critical moment, and the energy of Zhutiancheng is clearing the dark energy in the deepest part of his body, and even the deepest part of his soul.

With the passage of time bit by bit, a ray of dark energy hidden in the depths of Qiu Mu's body and soul suddenly rushed out of his body. .

A pained sound came out of his mouth.

He wanted to break free and escape from the city of the heavens, but at this time, all the energy of the city of the heavens from the body of the Qiumu Chaos God turned his head and turned into a nine-colored fairy sword to cut him off.

After getting the same dark energy as Qiu Mu Chaos God, there was a final scream of unwillingness, and he disappeared into the city of the heavens and was completely drowned out.

As the last dark energy was removed, the Qiu Mu Chaos God slowly opened his eyes.So.

Chapter [*]: The Endless Broken Realm Powerhouse Comes From Across Borders

At this time, his eyes were particularly bright, shining like never before.

"The dark energy in my body has all disappeared!"

Qiu Mu slowly fell from the void, looking at Bai Ye and said excitedly.

"Congratulations, fellow Daoist Qiu Mu, you will have no worries from now on."

Bai Ye smiled faintly.

"I would like to thank Daoist Bai Ye for this. If it wasn't for Daoist Bai Ye's actions, I don't know how long I would be able to survive under the immersion of this dark energy."

With that said, Qiu Mu gave Bai Ye a deep clenched fist.

Bai Ye smiled and said, "You don't have to do this, fellow Daoist Qiumu. You paid the value point, and I did it in an equivalent exchange."

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