Just like the previous conflict between Bai Ye and an endless Shattered Realm powerhouse under Meng Hu, he also watched from the sidelines.

He never thought that such a thing would happen to him. He had experienced Bai Ye's strength, and his strength was definitely far above him, and it should be similar to the strength of Chaos Lord.

With such strength, it is really a bit reluctant for the four Endless Shattering Realm experts to fight against him.

But he knew that it was impossible to stop them at this time. At this time, both of them had a strong hostility, and he could not persuade them with a few words. .

Chapter [-]: Special purpose plan?

"The realm of Taoism?"

Bai Ye looked stunned for a moment, then secretly chewed: "Daozhi, does the name of this realm refer to the end of all Taos?"

"Okay, I have already said what I have to say. Next, please do your best. I hope that one day you can reach the level of my master."

At this time, the Chaos Dragon's figure dissipated lightly, and after leaving this sentence, it disappeared.

As the figure of the Chaos Dragon dissipated, Bai Ye came back to his senses.

"It seems that only when you reach the tenth-order realm can you naturally find the other side of the road."

Bai Ye whispered in his heart.

At this time, the Qiu Mu Chaos God and the four Endless Broken Realm powerhouses slowly stepped forward and came to his side.

"Congratulations to Daoist Bai Ye's victory over this chaotic dragon. The treasures in this heaven are all yours. Since endless years, there are probably not many who can defeat this chaotic dragon."

Qiu Mu Chaos Venerable God said to Bai Ye with a smile.

Bai Ye glanced at him, raised his brows, and then turned his eyes to the treasures emitting bursts of precious light in the sky. With a wave of his hand, all the treasures flew into his hands from the sky, and he did not count them carefully. . 29

As if he didn't care too much about these treasures.

After putting away all the treasures, he said to the Qiu Mu Chaos God, "Where are we going next?"

Seeing Bai Ye's question, Qiu Mu's Primal Chaos looked stunned for a moment, and said slowly, "The next important place is the Forest of All Things, where there are many spiritual roots of heaven and earth, and it is the place with the most treasures in the entire Dao Zifu. The Hongmeng fruit tree will also appear there, I am afraid that this Jiufeng, they have already gone there."

Hearing this, Bai Ye had some interest.

He is still very interested in the Hongmeng fruit tree. After all, the fruit of the Hongmeng fortune produced by this Hongmeng fruit tree is a rare treasure that can directly create a ninth-order powerhouse.

This is still very useful to the experts of Zhutian City.

After all, at this time, none of the Zhutian City powerhouses had broken through to the ninth-order realm.

"It's not too late, let's go."

Bai Ye said directly.

"it is good."

Qiu Mu Chaos God nodded.

With that said, the group of them walked towards the forest of all things in the depths of the Purple Mansion.

In fact, the treasures obtained by defeating the Chaos Dragon this time are still quite good, but in order not to make Qiu Mu Chaos God and others look hot, Bai Ye behaved very calmly.

Although he was calm, he had already checked all the treasures he had obtained in secret.

Among them, Chaos Longyuan, as well as the golden armor on the Chaos True Dragon and the secret techniques it uses are all in it.

In Bai Ye's eyes, these treasures are not less valuable than Na Hongmeng fruit.

There are a total of nine chaotic dragon yuan. According to Bai Ye's deduction, if someone takes these nine dragon yuan, they can quickly advance to the ninth-order realm.

Even if you take one, for the eighth-order peak powerhouse, there is a great chance of entering the ninth-order realm.

If used well, these nine Chaos Dragon Essences are invaluable.

Some of the spiritual fruits that I have obtained before are also very valuable, at least for the eighth-order powerhouse. .

In Bai Ye's original guess, the spiritual fruits on the periphery of the Purple Mansion on the Dao Dao were originally prepared for the evildoers in the peak of the eighth-order.

How could such a spiritual fruit be a mortal thing?

As for that set of Chaos Divine Dragon Golden Armor, it is a ninth-order top treasure, which is very valuable to ordinary ninth-order powerhouses, and it is a rare treasure.

In the end, the secret technique was handed down by the tenth-order powerhouse, and its value is immeasurable. If the ordinary ninth-order powerhouse can get it, the strength will increase greatly.

It is estimated that it is a secret technique that many ninth-order powerhouses dream of.

This is the reason why Bai Ye is silent.

Originally, Qiumu Primal Chaos wanted to see what treasure Bai Ye got, but when Bai Ye collected the treasure, it was wrapped in the energy of the heavens, and they couldn't find it at all.

Since Bai Ye didn't want to reveal it, he wouldn't ask more.

After knowing some information about the tenth-order powerhouse, he was quite satisfied.

Everyone was speechless along the way.

It didn't take long for a few people to come to a place filled with the laws of the Great Dao. In front of them was an area with colorful rays of light. The entire area was covered by the energy of the Great Dao, making people unable to see the specific appearance inside.

"Is this the Forest of Everything?"

Bai Ye and Qiu Mu Chaos God stopped outside this area, Bai Ye turned his head slightly to look at Qiu Mu Chaos God and asked.

Qiu Mu Chaos God nodded slowly and said: "Yes, this is the forest of all things, and the forest of all things has a rule. You can only take three treasures here, and you can't take more."

"Can only take three pieces? There is such a strange rule, what if you take more?"

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