Bai Ye's eyes flashed and he said.

Qiu Mu Chaos God smiled slightly and said: "If you take too much, then when you walk out of the forest of all things, the extra treasures will automatically disappear and be taken away by the avenues of this world."

"Oh? Will it be taken away automatically? That's interesting."

Bai Ye raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Haha, in fact, you don't have to be too greedy. It is very good to be able to get three treasures in the forest of all things. The treasures here are all extraordinary treasures, and each one is a treasure that makes people jealous." 370

Qiu Twilight Primal Chaos God smiled.

"Oh? Could it be that every treasure can be compared to that Hongmeng Good Fortune Fruit?"

Bai Ye slightly raised his eyes and looked at Qiu Mu Chaos God and said.

"It's almost, as long as the opportunity is enough, it may be possible to obtain treasures that are even more remarkable than the fruits of Hongmeng's good fortune."

Qiu Mu Chaos Venerable God opened his mouth and said.

"Is there any treasure that is more valuable than the fruit of Hongmeng's good fortune?"

Bai Ye was slightly startled.

"Of course, there are endless creations in the forest of all things, and the fruit of Hongmeng's creation cannot be regarded as the most powerful treasure. There was once a great powerhouse who once obtained a source crystal of the purest avenue."

Qiu Mu Primal Chaos said with some hope in his eyes.

"Dao Yuanjing? What is this, and what effect does it have?"

Bai Ye then asked, and it sounded very powerful.

"Dao Yuanjing, as the name suggests, is the crystal condensed from the source of the avenue. It is extremely pure. After taking it, you can make your own realm equal to the avenue. It can be said that such a realm may be stronger than that of the Chaos Master."

Qiu Mu Chaos Venerable God opened his mouth and said.

Hearing this, Bai Ye's eyes lit up slightly, and he seemed to be interested, and said: "There is still such a treasure, so it seems that this forest of all things is interesting.".

Chapter [*]: You also pick me up

"Although this treasure of the forest of all things is very amazing, it is not so easy to get it, and some people will even come home empty-handed, so you need to seize every opportunity."

Qiu Mu Chaos God spoke again.

Bai Ye nodded, and he didn't ask any more questions. At this time, he didn't want to delay any further, and said, "Then let's go in. If it's late, I don't know what we'll miss."

Some opportunities will be missed if they are slow.

As his voice fell, several people stepped into the forest of all things filled with the power of the avenue.

Entering the interior of the forest of all things, the surrounding space is completely different from the outside, and all around are towering trees with no end in sight.

The densely packed world has formed a dense forest. The lush branches and leaves cover the sky, and there is a straight avenue in the middle of the dense forest. Bai Ye looks at everything around him curiously.

"Is this really a forest?"

Bai Ye said with some doubts.

Although the surrounding trees are very tall, Bai Ye didn't feel anything special about them, not even the energy fluctuations.

This is a place that makes people feel a little unexpected. Originally, I wanted to come here in the white night. There should be a strange treasure everywhere here.

However, there is nothing special about it except that the place is a little strange.

However, when he asked this sentence, they suddenly felt a violent energy fluctuation in front of them.

Under the careful induction, they felt some familiar breaths, and also felt an incomparably hot energy, as if facing hundreds of millions of suns.

Qiu Mu Chaoshen's face moved slightly, and said: "There is a spiritual root in the world ahead."

After speaking, he stepped out and disappeared in place. Bai Ye and others followed without hesitation, and all the figures disappeared in place.

It didn't take long for them to stop under an incomparably tall tree that exuded terrifying heat energy.

Bai Ye looked up slightly, and the big tree in front of him was like a world tree. The branches were covered with fruits like the sun, exuding a monstrous power. The surrounding world was all illuminated red, almost impossible Look straight.

A person standing under this divine tree is extremely small, and a leaf is bigger than a ten thousand li area.

At this time, they were deep in a special space. According to Bai Ye's conjecture, this area should be in the space constructed by this divine tree, because no other objects could be seen around.

Bai Ye and Qiu Mu, the Primordial God of Chaos and the others, looked at the huge divine tree covered with the sun in front of them.

There are also several Endless Shattered Realm powerhouses and Jiufeng Chaos God on it.

Looking at the tree in front of him that was almost as high as the sky, a look of surprise appeared on the face of the Qiu Mu Chaos God.

"This is the Sun God Tree, and the sun fruit on it is of great benefit to those who possess the Law of the Fire Road. It can also condense a road of fire in a very short period of time, which is of great help for the improvement of strength.”

The Autumn and Twilight Chaos God stared at the ninth-order Chaos God on the branches of the tree and several endlessly broken realm powerhouses were eroded by the avenue flames released by the sun god fruit, and the monstrous terrifying flames poured down continuously. drowned everything.

The ninth-order Primal Chaos God and the four powerhouses in the Endless Shattered Realm were all struggling with the power of the Great Dao.

However, their strength into the Wanjie Pond itself has been severely reduced, and it is difficult for all the sun fruits that have released the Dao Tianhuo to surrender and pluck them for a while.

They were slowly stalemate, as if they wanted to exhaust the energy of the Great Dao in the Sun God Fruit.

At this time, Qiu Mu Chaos Venerable God and the four Endless Shattering Realm powerhouses around him all flew towards the sky above the Sun God Tree in front of him.

Bai Ye stayed under the tree, watching all this quietly, and carefully looking at the entire Sun God Tree.

He is not in a hurry, because the fruit of this sun god tree is very large, and he saw that these strong people are very difficult to pick, so he is not in a hurry.

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