The Qiu Mu Chaos God and Jiufeng Chaos God and others below were shocked by everything.


They looked up incredulously at the white night standing at the top of the Sun God Tree, and the radiance of the sky completely wrapped him, looking unusually holy and detached, as if a natural ancient god had descended.

"Brother Bai Ye actually calmed down all the Sun God Fruits. How did he do it?"

Qiu Mu Chaos Venerable God 370 said in a daze.

He knew that the power of this Sun God Fruit could be comparable to that of a Primal Chaos God for a short period of time.

Bai Ye was able to soothe all the Sun God Fruits by himself.

This sun god tree has a total of [-] fruits, and the amazing energy released by Bai Ye calmed all the sun god fruits.

At this time, they seemed to have an illusion that Bai Ye's strength seemed to have exceeded their realm.

The radiant energy of the heavens in Bai Ye continued to flow down. At this time, the entire sun god tree changed color, no longer a fiery red or ordinary ancient volcano. It looks like it has changed.

At this time, taking advantage of the complete calm of the sun god fruit, Jiufeng Primal Chaos God and others picked the sun god fruit one by one.

They didn't dare to ask for more, and each picked only one sun god fruit.

As for them being able to pick the Sun God Fruit so smoothly, it was Bai Ye's acquiescence.

Bai Ye won't be so greedy to take all the Sun God Fruit in his pocket, after all, he still needs to leave a line in his life.

After Qiu Mu Chaoshen Zun and others finished picking the Sun God Fruit, they retreated a long way and quietly watched Bai Ye's movements.

They were very satisfied when they got a Sun God Fruit. After all, they could only take three treasures in the entire forest of all things, so they were relatively safe.

Looking at Bai Ye who was standing on the Sun God Tree, Jiufeng Primal Chaos God couldn't help but marvel, and said, "Fellow Daoist Bai Ye's performance is really amazing everywhere, it makes people feel unbelievable, and it's hard to say that he is now What state are you at?"

"Is there a feeling that Brother Bai Ye's realm has surpassed that of Chaos Master?"

On the side, Qiu Mu Primal Chaos God was relatively calm, with a smile on the corner of his mouth and said.

Jiufeng Primal Chaos God glanced at Qiu Mu Primal Chaos God and nodded: "I have felt this way before, but Daoist Bai Ye doesn't seem to be completely beyond our realm."

"Haha, even if Brother Bai Ye didn't transcend our realm, it's probably the most invincible realm in our realm."

Qiu Twilight Primal Chaos God smiled.

Jiufeng Chaos God did not deny the words of Qiu Mu Chaos God.

She has never seen a powerhouse that is stronger than or almost as powerful as Bai Ye.

Although the Chaos Lord is very powerful and domineering, it is only one or two small realms stronger than them, and it will not exceed them too much.

Without Bai Ye giving them this feeling, if they have powerful means, they can still escape under the master of chaos, but under Bai Ye, they feel that no matter how powerful the means are, they cannot escape.

This was their most intuitive judgment and feeling about Bai Ye at this time.

Several ninth-order powerhouses looked at Bai Ye standing on the Sun God Tree at this time, and their eyes changed slightly.

Instead of the initial awe, it began to become a bit of admiration.

Bai Ye stood on the sun god tree, his hands slightly moved, affecting every ray of brilliance of the heavens, and the sun god trees trembled, as if they were about to break away from the branches and leaves, and the energy of the terrifying avenues of fire began to surge again. stand up.

But in the end, it was suppressed by the radiant energy of the heavens.


Bai Ye shook his arm again, all the sun god fruits broke off the branches and leaves in unison, and flew towards the top of the white night, the red sun god fruits exuded blazing light, like small suns surrounding the white night.

It looks extraordinarily spectacular.

Bai Ye was overwhelmed by the rays of the sun god fruit, making it impossible to see his figure.

Bai Ye looked at the sun god fruit in front of him, with a smile on his face, and with a wave of his hand, all ninety-eight sun god fruits were collected into the space ring by him.

After picking all the sun god fruits, Bai Ye stepped down from the top of the sun god tree, and in an instant, he came to the eyes of Qiu Mu Chao Zun and others.

At this time, the light of the sun god tree that has been picked is much dim. After all the sun god fruits are removed, the whole towering sun god tree exudes a terrifying avenue power, and suddenly it is a sky-high flame energy. , stirred the whole world, and then slowly calmed down, slowly disappeared, and disappeared in front of everyone.

As the sun god tree disappeared, the surrounding space changed, and everyone came to the forest of all things, surrounded by dense forests.

Bai Ye looked at this change, and his eyes flickered slightly.

At this time, Qiumu Primal Chaos God and Jiufeng Primal Primal Chaos looked at Bai Ye with shock and confusion. They did not expect that Bai Ye actually picked all the Sun God Fruits from the entire Sun God Tree.

Qiu Mu Chaos God looked at Bai Ye hesitated and asked Bai Ye, "Brother Bai Ye, you should know that you can only take three treasures in this forest of all things, why did you pick all the sun god fruits? Come down, even if you get these sun god fruits, you can't take these sun god fruits out, could it be that Brother Bai Ye has other uses?"

Qiu Mu Primal Chaos God knows that Bai Ye should not be the kind of confused person. He should have a purpose in doing this?

He didn't think that Bai Ye would be able to take all these sun god fruits out of the forest of all things.

Several other Endless Shattered Realm experts also looked at Bai Ye in confusion.

Bai Ye smiled slightly and said, "Don't ask more about this. Since I did this, I naturally have my reasons for planning."

Chapter [-]: Dao Zi Lei

Bai Ye looked at all this with a smile in his eyes.

In any case, the power of the law of the earth system cannot break through the barrier formed by the energy of the heavens.

At this time, he looked up at the situation in the sky. More than a dozen ninth-order powerhouses fought violently, and they resorted to extremely powerful means.

All kinds of avenues are intertwined, ruthlessly strangling the billions of stone-carved giants that rushed towards them.

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