Each of them is guarding one direction, and the various Dao law powers on them form an energy sea, transpiring the vast law energy, as long as the stone carving giants enter, they will be trapped and killed.

Bai Ye looked down at the stone-carved giants who were not afraid of death, and shook his head secretly in his heart. Although these stone-carved giants were unusually large in number, their strength did not reach the ninth-order realm at all.

At most, it is the top level of the Chaos Demon God. Such strength is like an ant in front of a ninth-order powerhouse.

If it wasn't for the power of the Earth Element Dao on them, I'm afraid a ninth-order powerhouse could kill them all.

But even so, in the face of 29 moves from a dozen ninth-order powerhouses, they couldn't resist for long.

It is only a matter of time before they are all wiped out.

Hundreds of millions of stone-carved giants were quickly wiped out.

One after another, the power of the Dao Law of the Earth Element dissipated, and the surrounding world became lighter and lighter, not as heavy as it was at the beginning.

Bai Ye knew that this was related to the disappearance of the giants at those moments. The power of the Law of the Earth Element that originally condensed above them slowly disappeared, and the space still slowly returned to normal.

Bai Ye stood below and did not make a move, he was guarding against the stone carvings on the mountain.

If the Qiu Mu Chaos God is right, these stone sculptors are the main objects. These stone sculptors are the fruits of the earth-type heaven and earth spirits, and they contain extremely strong earth-type Dao laws. In a short period of time, they are comparable to a ninth-order person. strong.

If they make a move together at this time, there is still a strong threat to the dozen or so ninth-order powerhouses in the sky.

The fruit of this earth-type heaven and earth spirit root is not as inoffensive as the fruit of the previous sun god tree.

The fruit of this earth-type heaven and earth spirit root is very aggressive. When they first entered here, they did not express any malicious intentions, and it took the initiative to attack and defend. It seems that the experience of countless years has informed them that in the face of outsiders, they Still need to be proactive.

Sure enough, when the stone carving giants in the sky continued to fall, several stone carving people in the khaki mountain suddenly opened their eyes, and the power of the avenues of the earth permeated their bodies.

The entire world of the ten directions vibrated, and the space that was gradually light became extremely heavy again.

More than a dozen ninth-order powerhouses in the sky looked down involuntarily.

Bai Ye looked at the awakened stone sculptors, and snorted coldly, "I can't help but make a move at last."

"Don't be distracted, I leave it here."

Bai Ye said domineeringly.

Seeing Bai Ye speak, the dozen or so ninth-order powerhouses in the sky suddenly felt relieved.

There is a white night, so they don't need to worry about anything.

They clearly know Bai Ye's strength, and his strength alone can basically be stronger than the combination of a dozen of them.

After all, any of them should not be able to make a move in Bai Ye's hands.

Bai Ye stood quietly in the void and looked at the several awakened stone sculptors on the mountain.

Several stone carving men stepped in front of Bai Ye, and a monk-like stone carving man stared at Bai Ye and said, "Humans, you should leave, this is not something you can interfere with, I will wait. Retreat here, and in a few days, you will be able to completely get rid of the body of the stone sculpture, completely detached, and now my strength will definitely not be weaker than you, if you really start, I am afraid you will not be able to please."

"Oh? Transcendence? You are the fruits bred from the spiritual roots of heaven and earth, do you really think that you can transcend?"

Bai Ye said coldly.

"What's wrong with this, everything can become enlightened and detached, you humans can, can't we as the supreme congenital beings born and raised in heaven and earth?"

One of the stone sculptors who looked like a Taoist said coldly.

"Haha, it's interesting, you can, but today you have to pass my test. If you can pass my test, then you should be enlightened. If you can't pass it, then you should accept your fate obediently."

Bai Ye sneered and said.

"So, are you determined to do it?"

The headed monk stone sculptor narrowed his eyes slightly, and wisps of terrifying killing intent permeated his body.

"What do you say?!"

Bai Ye also said coldly.

He could sense the strong killing intent in them. If such creatures became enlightened and transcended, they would not be kindhearted.

Looking at their transformed appearance, it should have been affected by something, or once swallowed up the strong people who came here, so they became what they are today.

He faintly felt that there was a trace of bloody soul power entangled in them.

"If that's the case, I'll let you bury here today and absorb the energy from your body. If we don't know, we can get out of here immediately and leave here!"

A reckless man with three heads on his body said coldly.

"Hehe, as long as you have the ability to do this, I'd be happy to do it for you!"

The corner of Bai Ye's mouth evoked a cold arc and said in a cold voice.


The three-headed reckless man raised his fist and rushed towards Bai Ye, while the rest of the stone sculptors stood on the spot and watched.

It seemed that they thought that one of them could take out Bai Ye.

The power of the avenue of earth is surging, the space is solidified, and the square space of Baiye is completely wrapped by the power of the avenue of thick earth.

Bai Ye seemed to be unable to move as he stood on the spot, a savage smile appeared on the face of the three-headed man, and his huge fist was about to stick to Bai Ye's face.

Bai Ye didn't mean to resist and fight back, but when the three-headed reckless man thought that a punch had hit Bai Ye, Bai Ye showed an inexplicable smile on his face.


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