Bai Ye's body was smashed and flew out, and then his body exploded in the void.

The breath is completely gone.

Seeing that Bai Ye was killed by his own punch, the three-headed reckless man showed a arrogant smile on his face, and said disdainfully: "With such strength, you dare to be so wild in front of me, what a courtship!"

Seeing that the three-headed reckless man easily solved Bai Ye, the faces of the stone carving figures standing behind him also showed pleasant smiles. .

Chapter [-]: Fierce Confrontation

"What's your purpose here?!"

Qiu Mu Chaos God slowly stepped forward and said to these dark creatures in front of him.

There was a cold light in his eyes, and he naturally didn't have a good face for these hateful dark creatures.

There was even a trace of murderous aura emanating from him.

He is different from other ninth-order powerhouses, and he doesn't mind fighting these-dark creatures here.

Because he knows that Bai Ye has a way to clear the dark energy, but it only needs to spend high value-value points.

The hatred for these dark creatures in the heart of the Qiu Mu Chaos God exceeded those so-called value points.

Many of his good brothers who were born and died were folded in the hands of these dark creatures.

"Jie Jie, you don't have to be nervous, we are just passing by, and now we don't want to fight with you, this is a treasure hunt place, if there is any grudge, we can go out and settle it later!"

The tall, dark creature wearing a demon mask spoke quietly.

"Hmph, I'm afraid it's up to you."

Qiu Mu Chaos God snorted coldly and said.

The rest of the ninth-order powerhouses wanted to say something, but they couldn't persuade them with the attitude of Qiu Mu Chaos Sovereign God and the long-term confrontation between them and the dark creatures.

But at this time, Bai Ye smiled slightly, put a hand on the shoulder of Qiu Mu Chaos God, and said slightly: "He said it right, this is a treasure hunt place, it is not appropriate to do it, if you miss something, it is you. My regrets, if there is any grudge, I will go back outside and talk about it."

Qiu Mu Chaos God looked back at Bai Ye, frowned slightly, his face was obviously a little unhappy, but looking at Bai Ye's gentle smile, if he persisted at this time, it would not end well.

In the end, he could only nod his head and say, "Since Daoist Brother Bai Ye spoke like this, let them go first!"

Seeing the Qiu Mu Chaos God nodding, Bai Ye said very calmly to the dark creature on the opposite side: "Let's go, next time we meet again, it can't be said that it will be a battle of life and death."

The dark creature headed Jie Jie laughed, and then their dozen or so dark creatures slowly disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

These dark creatures are very calm, come calmly, and leave without unnecessary nonsense.

Like a ghost.

After the dozen or so dark creatures left, an Endless Shattering Realm expert frowned and said in a puzzled manner: "This is not good, there are actually more than a dozen dark creatures appearing. So many dark creatures have never appeared before, so many dark creatures are dispatched together, it makes people feel a little unusual, do they have any special purpose here?!"

Hearing what he said, the rest of the ninth-order powerhouses also frowned and felt puzzled.

The appearance of these dozen dark creatures together makes people feel a little weird, even a little conspiracy.

"Hmph, no matter what conspiracy they have, there are many of us in this Wanjie Pond. Even if they have any conspiracy or special purpose, we have enough strength to stop them."

Qiu Mu Chaos God snorted coldly and said.

He hates these dark creatures deeply. As long as he has the chance, he will definitely fight with them. If Bai Ye didn't speak up this time, it would be difficult for him to restrain the impulse in his heart.

"Yes, we do have more people than them. If they have any special purpose, it is not difficult to stop them, but it is still difficult to completely eliminate them. After all, the dark energy in them is still It is very difficult to deal with, once you and I are infected, it is difficult to protect ourselves."

At this time, the Priestly God of Chaos Protected Chaos said deeply.

The dark energy in those dark creatures is what they are most concerned about.

Even if they are superior in strength, they cannot remain so calm.

At this time, Bai Ye smiled lightly and said, "These are just guesses now, we'll talk about it when we meet them again, now we still need to find treasures, and put the dark creatures aside for the time being, and it shouldn't be two days to fight against them. God, everything doesn't need to be so impatient, the calculation is to eliminate them all here, as long as the ultimate root cause is not removed, they will continue to appear and kill endlessly, so don't look too shallow, as long as They're keeping a low profile here, and we don't have to worry about anything like that."

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Bai Ye spoke lightly.

Everyone's expressions gradually eased. Bai Ye said it well. It has been against the dark creature camp for endless years, and it has been impossible to eliminate it. Even if all the dark creatures here are killed, it will not affect the overall situation.

As the world of endless chaos or the powerhouses who have gone out from the world of endless chaos, they still need to find a way to get rid of the root cause.

Those who have left the endless chaotic world are also looking for a path to break through to a higher realm. If there is a big breakthrough in their strength, it will still have a good impact on the overall situation, even if they cannot find a way to break through to a higher realm. Finding a way to clear the dark bio-energies is also a game-changer for the bigger picture.


It's just a pity that neither of them has made any breakthroughs so far.

Only the Autumn and Twilight Chaos God knows that Bai Ye can clear these dark biological energies.

But without Bai Ye's permission, he wouldn't tell this information.

But he was sure that as long as the white night was there, they didn't need to worry about being polluted by dark energy.

And Bai Ye was also on their side.

While they were talking, a dozen dark creatures on the other side left in one direction of the Forest of Everything, and they seemed to be looking for something.

When they encountered a spiritual root of heaven and earth, they didn't stop, almost without even looking at it, they went to the depths of the forest of all things.

Like ghosts and ghosts traveling through the forest of all things.

"This time our identities have been exposed. I don't know if they will summon all the powerhouses to trouble us."

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