When walking in the depths of the forest of all things, a dark creature whose face could not be seen clearly opened the mouth of a man wearing a demon mask.

"Humph, there's no need to worry about this. When we complete the plan for this trip, and when all their strong men come together, they can't help us. Instead, I'm worried about them."

The dark creature with a demon mask at the head said with a cold smile.So.

Chapter [-]: Fierce Confrontation

The rest of the dozen or so dark creatures moved in their hearts. In fact, they didn't know what the plan for this trip was.

The only one who knows the details of this plan is their leader, the dark creature with a demon mask at the head.

"This plan..."

The dark creature instinctively wanted to ask further questions, but the leader of the dark creature with a demon mask turned his head and gave him a cold look and said, "I will naturally say what I should say, but what I can't say, you guys. It's best not to ask again."


The dark creature was shocked and quickly responded respectfully.

There is a strict hierarchy in their dark camp that cannot be crossed.

The dark creature wearing a demon mask glanced at him lightly, then took out an ancient map, pondered for a moment, and continued to go deeper into the forest of all things.

It seems to enter the eternal night and disappear into the depths of the forest of all things.


However, at this time on the other side, Bai Ye and the other dozen or so ninth-order powerhouses were looking for the next heaven and earth spiritual root. After a long search, they found a few heaven and earth spiritual roots.

There is no doubt that the spiritual roots of the heaven and earth that they plundered were all plundered, and it was naturally Bai Ye who collected most of them.

The rest of the ninth-order powerhouses only selectively picked a fruit of the avenue.

After all, each of them can only take three treasures out, and it is of no use to them if there are too many.

So it won't be as covetous as Bai Ye.

Although they didn't understand why Bai Ye did that, they didn't ask any more questions.

At this time, the dozen or so ninth-rank powerhouses who followed Bai Ye basically obtained more than three Dao fruits, and they were quite satisfied at this time.

When walking out of an endless ocean space, more than a dozen ninth-order powerhouses showed a satisfied look.

"Haha, this time our luck is really good, and we have received the required Dao fruits so quickly and smoothly."

An Endless Broken Realm powerhouse laughed loudly, with an excited smile on his face.

"This time, it's still thanks to Daoist Bai Ye. If it wasn't for Daoist Bai Ye, we wouldn't be able to go so smoothly."

On the side, Tianyuan Primal Chaos God said with a smile.

"That's right... If it wasn't for Daoist Bai Ye, we would still be struggling with those Dao Fruits. Once Dao Dao Bai Ye made a move, those Dao Fruits would have no power to fight back, and we could follow behind and pick like this. smoothly."

The rest of the dozen or so ninth-order powerhouses agreed.

They all showed great respect for Bai Ye, and Bai Ye at this time seemed to be their backbone and even their leader.

Bai Ye smiled and waved his hand: "Everyone is welcome, without me, you can still get these fruits, as for the rest, there is no need to talk about it."

Bai Ye's statement is also very modest.

"Haha, Daoist Bai Ye, you don't have to be so humble. Without you, we wouldn't even be able to unite together, and the difficulty of getting the fruit has also been greatly increased. In the past, it was not unusual to be able to collect three fruits. There are many, and even those who come home empty-handed, do you think we are thankful for you this time?"

Qiu Mu Chaos God said with a smile.

Bai Ye just smiled and shook his head.

"The fruits have been collected this time, but the Hongmeng fruit tree has not yet appeared. If the Hongmeng fruit tree can be encountered, even if the fruit is not available, I hope to see it."

On the side, an Endless Broken Realm powerhouse suddenly opened his mouth and said with emotion.

"Hongmeng fruit tree."

Hearing this, Bai Ye suddenly frowned.

He is still very interested in the divine fruit that can directly promote the eighth-order powerhouse to the ninth-order.

"This kind of divine tree appears irregularly, and it doesn't appear every time the Pond of All Things is opened. It still takes a great chance to knock it down. If the blessing is not enough, it may be difficult to see, but the fruit will appear every time. Falling all over the Wanjie Pond, the last time I got a Hongmeng good luck fruit was outside the forest of all things, and its appearance has no geographical restrictions."

At this time, the Priestly God of Chaos suddenly opened his mouth and said.

The only one present was that he accidentally got a Primordial Good Fortune Fruit last time, and the rest had seen it, but had no chance to get it.

You can’t get it by forcibly chasing it. These fruits of primordial good fortune are different from other fruits of the Great Way, as if they will automatically choose their masters, and they are unusually spiritual.

"Oh? Doesn't this Hongmeng fruit tree appear every time?"

Bai Ye frowned slightly...  

Seeing the change in Bai Ye's face, Qiu Mu's Primal Chaos God said, "This kind of fetish is hard to come by, even if you don't see it, it's nothing. Daoist Brother Bai Ye has obtained so many Dao fruits, if there is a way to bring them out, then The value is far beyond the three fruits of Hongmeng creation."

Bai Ye raised his eyebrows slightly, and said indifferently: "This is different, the fruit of Hongmeng's good fortune is so magical, you have to see it if you can't say it, and it is naturally the best to be able to get it."

Seeing Bai Ye speak like this, Qiu Mu Chaos God, shook his head with a wry smile, Bai Ye didn't want to let go of any treasure.

"Since Daoist Bai Ye is so interested in the Hongmeng fruit tree, let's look for it carefully. I don't know. We might be lucky enough to find the Hongmeng fruit tree."

Qiu Mu Chao Zun continued to speak.

Bai Ye nodded seriously.

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