"Hehe, why would I be absent from such a grand event? I have a fruit of Hongmeng fortune. You should have no opinion, right?"

Bai Yan Chaos God sat on the white dragon horse and said to Tian Luo Chaos God.

"of course not."

Tianluo Chaos God touched his nose and said, and suddenly he changed the subject: "But I don't have it, it doesn't mean that others don't. Today, there are a lot of strong people, and there are also a few strong competitors."

"Oh? Who else is here."

Bai Yan Primal Chaos God said.

"And us."

At this time, two powerful gods of chaos, an old man and a young man, appeared, and their figures had several avenues of different attributes. Power.

Seeing the appearance of the two figures, the old and the young, the faces of the Supreme Chaos God Tian Luo and the Supreme Chaos God Bai Yan showed smiles.

"Shen Yi, Qing Cang, your two masters and apprentices are here too. It seems that this time there is a fight."

Bai Yan Chaos God smiled slightly.

"There are four of us, but there are only 377 fruits of Hongmeng creation. I don't know how to distribute them. I am afraid that only one of your master and apprentice can get one."

Bai Yan Chaos God then opened the mouth and said.

When he spoke like this, it was obvious that he did not take the chaotic gods of the Eastern Chaos Territory in his eyes. I don't know if it was his intention, or he didn't pay attention to the Chaos Venerable Gods in the Eastern Chaos Territory at all.

This made Qiumu Chaos Zun, the Protected Chaos Zun, and Tianyuan Chaos Zun very popular.

"Four people? Did you not put our Eastern Chaos Domain in?"

At this time, Qiu Mu Chaosun couldn't help but said.

As he spoke, Bai Yan Primal Chaos God and other powerhouses in the Endless Fragmentation Realm looked towards the powerhouses in the Eastern Chaos Domain.

Tianluo Chaos God's face was a little surprised, but there was a smile on his face. He knew Bai Ye's existence, but he didn't know Bai Ye's specific strength. It would be good to let Bai Yan Chaos God try their strength.

Bai Yan Chaos God looked at Chaos God and others in the Eastern Chaos Territory, and smiled lightly: "What? Has there also been a strong man comparable to me in your Eastern Chaos Territory? Since the endless years, your Eastern Chaos The domain has always been the weakest party, if there is a strong player comparable to me, you can still compete, if not, it is better to watch it quietly.".

Chapter [-]: Fierce Confrontation

As the voice of Qiu Mu Chaos Venerable God fell, Bai Ye's figure slowly condensed from their side.

"Haha, I wanted to play for a while, but Daoist Qiumu actually saw it."

Bai Ye smiled slightly at the Qiu Mu Chaos Venerable God.

The Qiu Mu Chaos God also smiled indifferently and said: "I know your strength very well, how can you be affected by these soil-type avenue fruits."

Bai Ye raised his eyebrows slightly and did not speak.

However, at this time, the faces of the stone sculptors under the energy barrier of the heavens were extremely gloomy.

"It's unreasonable, you don't even take us seriously!"

The three-headed manless stone sculptor said angrily, and the terrifying power of the earth's avenues continued to surge, overwhelming the sky and covering the earth.

His face also became fierce and vicious, and he looked like he was going to eat people.

Bai Ye glanced at them lightly and said: "Hehe, take you all in your eyes? You don't have this qualification yet, the fruit is the fruit, your destiny is to be absorbed by others, this kind of destiny cannot be escaped, even if you cultivate Not even successful.”


The three-headed reckless man and several stone carving figures looked decisive, and 373 said coldly.

Not wanting to sit still, all the power in the body erupted, the power of the avenue of earth was earth-shattering, the surrounding space continued to vibrate, and the energy barrier of the heavens also shook slightly.

Several stone sculptors used their own methods to smash on the energy barrier of the heavens.

Bai Ye just looked at all this indifferently, he raised his palm slightly, stared coldly at several stone sculptors and said coldly: "You shouldn't be born with consciousness, now everything will be nothing!"

Bai Ye's palm moved slightly, and the energy barrier of the heavens changed rapidly, forming a large net that enveloped all the stone sculptors.

Several stone carvings were terrified. They struggled desperately, trying to break free, but the big net formed by the energy of the heavens was something they could tear apart.

"Ah... open it for me!"

The power of the Dao of Earth energy law is violent, but to no avail. The energy of the heavens is slowly invading their bodies, wiping out the energy of the Dao Dao energy in their bodies.

In the end, the consciousness of several of them was wiped out. After their consciousness was wiped out by the energy of the heavens, the energy of the Law of the Earth on their bodies gradually calmed down.

Their bodies began to change, gradually shrinking, showing their original shape, turning into crystal clear and attractive fruits of yellow orange orange.

Looking at the five fruits of the avenue of soil in front of him, Bai Ye waved them all away.

Then he looked at the other statues on the mountain in the distance, and said lightly: "It seems that only these fruits have given birth to consciousness, and the rest have not yet given birth to spirituality. It should be easy to deal with. You can go and pick them."

As Bai Ye's voice fell, more than a dozen ninth-order powerhouses nodded, stepped out to the mountain, and each chose a khaki stone carving man to start subduing them.

Although these stone sculptors have resisted, they are not as fierce as the few avenue fruits that gave birth to spiritual wisdom.

It didn't take long for them to collect the fruits of the avenue of soil, which were yellow and orange.

When all the powerhouses received one fruit of the Tao of Soil, Bai Ye used the energy of the heavens to cover the entire mountain, and took all the other fruits of the Tao of Soil into the bag.

The other dozen or so ninth-order powerhouses looked at Bai Ye in amazement.


They were speechless in shock.

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