The Guarded Primal Chaos God, Tian Yuan Primal Primal Chaos and others did not understand why Bai Ye did this, because the extra fruit could not be brought out.

Qiu Mu Chaos God and others shook their heads helplessly when they saw Bai Ye's behavior.

Bai Ye intends to eat as much as possible wherever he goes.

Although he didn't know why Bai Ye did this, he shouldn't be doing useless work when he wanted to come to Bai Ye, and he should have his own plans for doing so.

He also wanted to see how Bai Ye took all these fruits out.

Suddenly he thought of the city of the heavens in Bai Ye, and he seemed to have a guess in his heart, but he didn't think much about it.

After Bai Ye had collected all the fruits of the Dao of Earth, the original huge khaki-yellow mountain suddenly disappeared in front of them with the turbulent energy of the Dao of Earth.

More than a dozen ninth-order powerhouses, including Bai Ye, all returned to the forest of all things.

Bai Ye looked into the distance and wanted to move on and choose to find the next target, but at this time he suddenly felt an unusual and very familiar aura.

Bai Ye frowned slightly and said, "The breath of darkness, it seems that a dark creature has entered the forest of all things and is staring at us."

"Dark creatures?"

As Bai Ye spoke, the rest of the dozen or so ninth-order powerhouses were all shocked.

They are very aware of what the dark creatures are referring to.

They looked around, fortunately there were many of them, but they weren't so afraid and worried.

"Come out, don't hide."

Bai Ye swept several directions and said coldly.

"Haha, it's really sharp enough. We were still discovered by you when we used the hidden secret method. It seems that you have an incredible powerhouse among you."

As Bai Ye's voice fell, a dark laughter remembered that a line of dark creatures slowly walked out of the forest of all things in the dark.

At the head is a tall dark creature wearing a demon mask.

They are all human-shaped, and they look no different from ordinary Chaos Demon Gods. If it weren't for Bai Ye's careful induction, they would not have been able to detect the dark energy on them.

You only noticed it when you used the energy of the heavens in Baiye. If other people can't detect the dark aura on them at all, I'm afraid even the Chaos Lord can't detect it.

Otherwise, he wouldn't let these dark creatures get in.

Qiumu Chaos God, Tianyuan Chaos God and others stared closely at the dozen or so dark creatures that appeared. They tried their best to observe the aura on their bodies, but they still couldn't detect the dark aura on them.

This made them frown.

If it wasn't for Bai Ye's words and their own admission, they really didn't know that the dozen or so people in front of them were actually dark creatures.

Now that their identities have been determined, the dozen or so ninth-order powerhouses beside Bai Ye have all banned themselves with solemn expressions, knowing that dark creatures are not easy to provoke.

It's not that their strength makes them feel fear, but the dark aura on them, which is extremely polluting, will be very troublesome once it is contaminated. .

Chapter [*]: Fierce Confrontation

"Haha, I originally thought it was so powerful, but I didn't expect it to be just a eloquent person."

The stone carving Taoist on the side said with a sneer.

"Next, there is still some garbage to deal with."

Several stone sculptors looked up at the dozen or so ninth-order powerhouses in the sky.

"Although their strength is not very strong, there are more than a dozen people, we still can't be too careless."

An old woman who had never spoken opened her mouth.

"Humph, even if you can't keep them all in, it's still okay to drive them out."

The headed stone carving monk said coldly in his eyes.

More than a dozen ninth-order powerhouses in the sky noticed the underground situation, and they felt very horrified that Bai Ye was bombarded by one of the stone carving men.

"How... how could fellow Daoist Bai Ye be killed by them with one punch?"

Meng Hu opened his mouth somewhat incredulously.

At this time, he felt a little uneasy in his heart. If Bai Ye couldn't hold up a move in front of those stone carving people, then the situation of more than a dozen of them would be very dangerous.

The other dozen or so ninth-order powerhouses also began to worry a little.

At this time, they had no intention of confronting the enemy, and they thought in their hearts whether it was better to advance or retreat.

However, the Qiu Mu Primal Chaos squinted his eyes slightly and said, "Don't worry, Brother Bai Ye can't be killed by the fruits of the Dao of Earth, we just need to deal with the stones we have, those Dao of Earth. Fruits, Daoist Brother Bai Ye will take care of them."

Qiu Mu Chaos God is very confident in Bai Ye, and Daoist Brother Bai Ye will be absolutely fine in such a place.

Because in his heart, the height of Bai Ye has no one to match. If someone can kill Bai Ye, then only the supreme powerhouse who has surpassed the realm of Daozhi in his great realm will do it, right?

So at this time, there was not much fluctuation in his heart.

Seeing Qiu Mu's words from the Primal Chaos God, Tian Yuan also nodded and said, "Qiu Mu is right, it's unrealistic to be able to kill Daoist Bai Ye, even if the master of chaos can't do it, these Dao of Earth's fruits are not bad. , but saying that one punch kills Daoist Bai Ye, I absolutely don't believe it, you don't have to worry, I believe Daoist Bai Ye has plans and arrangements."

Hearing the words of Qiumu Chaos God and Tianyuan Chaos God, the dozen or so ninth-order powerhouses around them also felt a little relieved.

In retrospect, Bai Ye should not have been killed by the humanoids transformed by the fruits of the earth-based avenues.

However, the stone carving figures on the ground did not know Bai Ye's true strength and thought that Bai Ye was just a weak chicken.

They stared at the dozen or so ninth-order powerhouses in the sky, striding towards the sky in unison, but in mid-air, they were blocked by a transparent barrier.

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