"it is good!"

Bai Ye's eyes also shone with unusually dazzling light, and he said loudly: "I want to see today, whether you keep it~ stay!"

Suddenly, hundreds of millions of radiance from the heavens were suddenly released from his body, like a flood opening, the endless radiance of the heavens covered the Zhoutian world, and the ten directions of space were filled with pale-pale nine-colored rays of light.

The eyes of Taoist Zipao suddenly brightened, and he seemed to be surprised that Bai Ye was able to release such a supreme power.

Hundreds of Infinite Shattered Realm powerhouses who had not gone too far in the distance were extremely surprised when they watched Bai Ye unleash the unparalleled power to confront the purple-robed Taoist.

"This... guy, actually intends to confront Hongmeng Taoist head-on!"

Qingcang Primal Chaos God looked at the white night filled with murderous aura in disbelief with his turbid eyes.

"This Hongmeng Taoist heard that he was the supreme legendary figure who matched the Great Dao before endless years. It can be said that he represents the Great Dao. Although this is not his true body, it is not something that the powerhouses like me can shake. "

Qingcang Primal Chaos God thinks that Bai Ye and the Daoists of Hongmeng want to fight against each other.

"Hey, maybe I'm too confident about my own strength, but speaking of his strength, he has the confidence to give it a shot. Even if he loses to Hongmeng Daoist, I don't think Hongmeng Daoist can kill him. It is destined to stand at the top of a world."

The Supreme Chaos God Tian Luo supported Bai Yan and the Supreme Chaos God looked at the scene in the air, and said in a daze.

Shenyi Primal Chaos God looked at Tianluo Primal Chaos and said suspiciously: "Tianluo, you seem to have always seen this mysterious Eastern Chaos Territory powerhouse, what makes you feel this way about him."

Tian Luo Primal Chaos God didn't even look at him, and said lightly: "You should know that in addition to practicing the avenue of power, I also practice the avenue of deduction."

"Oh? So what did you deduce from him?"

Shenyi Primal Chaos God brows looked at Tian Luo Primal Primal Chaos and said.

At this time, Qingcang Chaos God also looked at Tianluo Chaos God.

Venerable Tianluo Chaos smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I haven't deduced it from him. His body is full of fog. As long as I have the idea of ​​deducing him, there is a supreme force blocking it, and I can't get over it!"

When he said this, the Primordial God of Chaos and Qingcang Primal Chaos frowned and their expressions became solemn.

"Your realm of strength can cross over to the realm of Chaos Lord at any time. If it wasn't for entering this Ten Thousand Realms Pool, I'm afraid you could already enter the Chaos Lord's realm, and even your current realm can't deduce anything from him, then There are only two possibilities, one is that his strength is terrifyingly strong, far exceeding the realm of strength of the Chaos Master, and the other is that his future achievements are too high to be looked up to, making it impossible to deduce! No matter which of these two results, both It shows how terrible he is!"

The god of chaos, the god of chaos, frowned and said slowly.

Tianluo Chaos God nodded with a complicated expression. Now he still doesn't understand Bai Ye's identity and character, and he doesn't know whether Bai Ye's being too powerful is a good thing or a bad thing for them.

At this time, Bai Yan's face was also very ugly, and he said bitterly: "I originally had the intention of revenge, but now it seems that there is no hope at all."

Tianluo Chaos God looked at Bai Yan Chaos God and said: "This kind of thinking is absolutely impossible, such a person is not something you and I can provoke, this time I was lucky to be able to save you, if there is another Second, then even your Southern Chaos Territory master can't save you, if it wasn't for my sister, I really wouldn't save you!"

Bai Yan Chaos God said to Tianluo Chaos God: "I owe you a life this time, and I will give it back to you when I have a chance in the future, but it's okay for your sister, my heart has already followed the dream. went."

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When Tianluo Chaos God saw Bai Yan Chaos God directly said that he was not interested in his sister, he wanted to say something, but after hearing Mengran's name, what he was about to blurt out, he swallowed it in his throat.

In the end, it turned into a long sigh and said: "Don't say whether you owe it or not, if it wasn't for you and Mengran Primal Chaos God who rescued me from the dark cage, now I am afraid that I have become a dark puppet, and if I owe it, it is me I owe you and Mengran Primal Chaos God first, but unfortunately... Mengran finally died in the hands of the Lord of Darkness."


Seeing that Bai Yan Chaos God's face changed when he heard Mengran Chaos God's face, Tianluo Chaos God did not continue to speak.

He quickly changed his words and said: "After returning, you and I will break through to the realm of chaotic masters as soon as possible, so that we may be able to do more for the endless chaotic world."

Bai Yan Primal Chaos murmured: "Tianluo, you don't need to be afraid of my sensitivity, after so long, I've slowly been relieved, Meng Ran won't come back, but she has always lived in my life. In my heart, I will only live for one thing in this life, and that is to kill as many dark creatures as possible to sue the powerhouses who died in their hands in the endless chaotic world."

Heavenly Luo Chaos God patted Bai Yan Chaos God slowly said: "Don't worry, I will always accompany you to do this."

Shenyi Chaos God and Qingcang Chaos God actually have similar experiences with Tianluo Chaos God and Bai Yan Chaos God. Their good brothers and relatives all died at the hands of dark creatures.

For the hatred of dark creatures, they are no less than Tianluo Chaos God and Bai Yan Chaos God.

"And us, even if we die in the hands of dark creatures in this life, we have to kill more dark creatures to back them up."

Shen Yi Chaos God spoke quietly.

"The activities of dark creatures have become more and more frequent recently. It seems that they have made a big move. I don't know how many powerhouses will die in their hands this time."

Qingcang Primal Chaos God spoke slowly.So.

Chapter [-]: Fierce Confrontation

"It's best for them to make big moves. They can't be found on weekdays. If they dare to show up, then I will kill them."

Tianluo Primal Chaos said with a suffocating expression on his face.

"I'm afraid that they have a big plan. We can't look at the problem for our own private emotions. Their dark creatures don't want to devour our entire endless chaotic world all the time. We must understand what they are planning."

Qingcang Primal Chaos God said worriedly.

"Senior Qingcang is right. We must figure out what they are planning, so we can deal with it. If we just kill some dark creatures, it will not affect the overall situation."

Bai Yan Primal Chaos thought for a moment and said slowly.

"I just don't know how to know their plans and plans. It is very difficult for our people to infiltrate his dark creature camp, and they must have the determination to die."

The god of chaos, the god of chaos, frowned and said.

"Although it is difficult, as far as I know, we still have some eyeliner infiltrated, but we don't know when we will be able to get the clues out."

Qingcang Primal Chaos God then opened his mouth and said.

"Alas, now we can only wait slowly, but the taste of waiting is very uncomfortable."

Tianluo Chaos Venerable God opened his mouth and said.

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