"Now there is no other way but to wait."

Qingcang Primal Chaos God then opened his mouth and said.

When he said this, everyone fell silent.

However, when they were talking about the dark creatures, Bai Ye had already attacked the Daoist Priestess of Hongmeng. The overwhelming energy of the heavens erupted in the sky with terrifying destructive power, and pieces of space were instantly shattered into pieces. Huge black holes appeared, and you could vaguely see the big world outside the Wanjie Pond.

Daoist Hongmeng didn't have any reservations when he made his move. He sat cross-legged in the void, and the power of the supreme avenue was continuously swept out in the wave of his hand, intertwined with the energy of the heavens.

An unprecedented explosion occurred.

All the ninth-order powerhouses felt terrified, and they all exited hundreds of millions of miles away in an instant.

The destructive power of Bai Ye and Daoist Hongmeng was too strong.

They stood in the distance and watched Bai Ye and Hongmeng Daoist take action, and they were speechless in shock.

"This... He didn't lose any advantage in the fight against Hongmeng Taoist. What kind of strength is this, what kind of realm!"

In their feeling, Bai Ye should have been defeated by the Daoists of Hongmeng, and should have been suppressed by Daoists of Hongmeng. After all, Daoists of Hongmeng are the incarnation of the Supreme Dao in a big world, and the power they use is almost equal to the Supreme Dao's shot!

However, Bai Ye was not weak at all in the face of Hongmeng Daoist. He fought back and forth with Hongmeng Daoist, the Great Dao was roaring, endless visions appeared, heaven and earth were repeated, and the endless world was perishing.

Their specific battle scenes, they are almost unable to peep.

They seemed to have entered another realm, only to see the terrifying power of destruction constantly spreading out from the billions of sky.

As if to die.

In a special space that they can't see, endless pure energy of the original Dao Law is flowing.

This seems to be the central area of ​​the entire Supreme Avenue, without any creatures.

Here, Bai Ye and the Daoists of Hongmeng fought fiercely, the energy of the heavens was scattered here, and the Supreme Dao was changing in a thousand ways, using the most severe attack methods.

"Time goes back!"

Hongmeng Taoist Baoxiang said solemnly.

He followed his words, and an unusually powerful time acted on Bai Ye's body.

He wanted to turn Bai Ye's time back to when he was weakest to kill him. The space around Bai Ye's body was constantly flowing back, everything was upside down, and Bai Ye's body had undergone some changes under the power of the Supreme Dao.

But he is covered with the energy of the heavens, and these changes are very slow on him, almost negligible.

Seeing that the time return is useless to Bai Ye, the Daoist Hongmeng continued to speak: "The space of the heavens is dead!"

Immediately, the surrounding world collapsed in an instant, the square space fell into a dead silence, and no space energy could exist.

For a moment, the energy of the heavens in Bai Ye's body almost stopped and disappeared, but he was still carried by Bai Ye.

Bai Ye looked at Hongmeng Taoist coldly and said: "I admit that you are very strong, and may be the most powerful and somewhat difficult opponent I have encountered so far, but these methods can't help me!"

"If there is no stronger means, then the game is over!"

Bai Ye suddenly shouted loudly, this time he did not have any reservations, and turned the energy of Zhutian City, and the momentum on his body rose a lot...  

Daoist Hongmeng looked at Bai Ye, whose momentum had risen a lot again, and his face was a little uneasy.

"You... how could you have a power that can surpass that of the Supreme Dao!"

Daoist Hongmeng looked at Bai Ye in disbelief and said, this is the first time he has behaved a little gaffe.

Bai Ye is blessed with the indelible and transcendent pure energy of the city of the heavens, his eyes turned gray, exuding the light of the supreme god, he said coldly: "You don't need to know this, just erase it for me!"

Bai Ye walked in front of Daoist Hongmeng in an instant, and all energy could not stop him. At this moment, the power of the Supreme Dao was suppressed in front of him, and he chose to retreat.

Bai Ye seemed to be detached from everything at this time, and truly dominated everything. Bai Ye pointed at the center of Daoist Hongmeng's eyebrows. Suddenly, Daoist Hongmeng opened his eyes and opened his mouth. In an instant, his figure turned into countless particles and dissipated in the sky. in this space.

After he disappeared, a dazzling divine tree appeared, floating in this space, this is the Hongmeng fruit tree.

Bai Ye looked at the Hongmeng fruit tree and instinctively wanted to pick 2.1 of the three Hongmeng good fortune fruits on the tree, but at this time Xiaobai's voice suddenly sounded: "This Hongmeng fruit tree is good, if it can be planted in Zhutian City. It's also good."

Stopping to Xiaobai's voice, Bai Ye's outstretched hand paused slightly, and said, "Can you take it out?"

"If the Hongmeng fruit tree can't be brought out, then the Hongmeng good fortune fruit can't be brought out either. The avenue fruit on your body has far exceeded the limit that can be brought out here. You should understand what I mean when I say this."

Xiaobai's voice sounded again.

Hearing this, Bai Ye had a smile on his face and said, "You're right."

Saying that, he grabbed the Hongmeng fruit tree directly and put it away.

One or two is to take, it is better to take them all directly.

After receiving the Hongmeng fruit tree, a satisfied smile appeared on Bai Ye's face. .

Chapter [*]: Fierce Confrontation

The violent and surging energy fluctuations in the sky slowly subsided, and the thick chaotic mist gradually dispersed.

The ninth-order powerhouses on the ground stared at the changes in the sky with wide eyes.

Looking at this scene, they all noticed.

"It seems... it's over?!"

Unable to perceive the power of the Dao Law that destroys the sky and the earth, an Endless Broken Realm powerhouse said blankly.

"I don't know who won."

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