"If this is the case, then Jiufeng Chaos God and the others are a little dangerous. There are only five people in Jiufeng Chaos God, and the group of dark creatures has as many as a dozen people. If they encounter a conflict, nine Venerable God of Chaos Chaos, they will definitely not be the opponents of those dark creatures."

At this time, the face of the hooded Chaos Venerable God also became dignified and said.

Bai Ye frowned slightly and thought, and finally raised his eyes slightly and said: "It seems that we are going to search for the whereabouts of Jiufeng Chaos God and their whereabouts, if they really encounter those dark creatures, if we rush over now, we should still It's not too late.".

Chapter [*]: Incarnation of the Supreme Avenue

The crowd nodded.

This time it can only be so.

They are also very worried in their hearts that Jiufeng Chaos God and those dark creatures have encountered them.

"It shouldn't be too late, let's go. We don't need to go to the places we have walked before. If we haven't walked, search for them, and we should be able to find them soon."

Bai Ye said directly.

The Qiu Mu Chaos Gods nodded slowly and said: "There are not many places we haven't traveled yet, and we haven't been to the deepest part of the forest of all things. I also noticed the direction of the disappearance of those dark creatures. "

Bai Ye said again: "Well, let's go to the deepest part of the forest of all things."

With that said, a dozen strong men and Bai Ye disappeared in place, heading towards the deepest part of the Forest of Everything.

Under the leadership of Bai Ye, looking for dark creatures, they have nothing to worry about. With such a powerful strength of Bai Ye, he can basically completely suppress or even kill the dozen or so dark creatures by himself.

After they disappeared, in the distance Tianluo Chaos God and others looked thoughtful.

"Dark creatures, they mentioned dark creatures, do we want to follow?"

God One Chaos Venerable God opened his mouth and said.

"Dark creatures... Could it be that there are some dark creatures mixed in this Wanjie Pond? If that's the case, then we really have to take a look. It's not a trivial matter for the dark creatures to enter the Wanjie Pond. They are sneaky. I don't know what the plot will be."

Bai Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said faintly.

"What else are you talking about, let's go over and take a look."

Tian Luo Primal Chaos God spoke directly.

Qingcang Primal Chaos God nodded slowly and said, "Go!"

Saying that, the four of them also disappeared in place, following the direction in which Bai Ye and others disappeared.

The other hundreds of powerhouses in the Endless Shattering Realm also heard their conversations and heard the existence of dark creatures, and most of them were very interested.

The presence of dark creatures is no small matter.

"Let's go, let's also go and see the excitement. Although it may not be of much help, we can also see the purpose of these dark creatures entering this Wanjie Pond."

Some of the Endless Shattering Realm powerhouses disappeared one after another, while the rest of the Endless Shattering Realm powerhouses were not very interested. They chose to continue looking for opportunities in the Forest of Everything, and some of them had not gained much so far.

So they don't have anything to worry about right now.

It's not that they don't hate dark creatures, they know that there are Bai Ye and Tianluo Chaos God, their top powerhouses in the endless chaos world, and those dark creatures must be doomed.

In the past, they just watched the excitement, and at most stood on their feet to cheer.

Some people choose to continue to try their luck in the forest of all things.


In a hazy place in the very depths of the forest of all things, Jiufeng Chaos God and other five people are encountering those dark creatures.

"Jie Jie, I didn't expect that I would be able to meet you guys in the Endless Fragmentation Realm. You are here for the Eternal Ancient Temple, right?"

The dark creature at the head, wearing a demon mask, let out a strange cold laughter.

It sounds like a ghost crying, which is chilling.

At this time, the expressions of Jiufeng Zunshen and others were very ugly.

They were indeed attracted by a peculiar aura, which was what the dark creature said about the Eternal Ancient Temple, and they just came out of the Eternal Ancient Temple and got unimaginable benefits.

But what they didn't expect was that they encountered these dark creatures when they came out.

"Fellow Daoist Jiufeng, what should I do now, these people in front of me are actually dark creatures!"

Originally, they could stagger away from these dark creatures, but they didn't find out that these people were dark creatures at first, so they didn't avoid it specially.

However, what they didn't expect was that these powerhouses with similar breaths to them were actually a group of dark creatures.

This made Jiufeng Primal Chaos God and others nervous.

If there were only a few people on the opposite side, they wouldn't be so nervous. There were more than a dozen people on the main side, which formed an absolute advantage for them.

Jiufeng Primal Chaos God frowned, looked up at the dozen or so dark creatures on the opposite side, and finally set his eyes on the dark creature at the head and said, "I didn't expect your dark camp to have so many people mixed in this time. , and came directly to the Eternal Ancient Palace, it seems that you all knew the existence of the Eternal Ancient Palace in the previous years, do you want to wake up those evil gods?"

They just came out of the Eternal Ancient Palace and learned the secrets of the Eternal Ancient Palace. There are a group of suppressed ancient evil gods in the Eternal Ancient Palace.

These Evil Gods, they looked at the records in the Eternal Ancient Temple. These Evil Gods are extremely powerful, and they are the dark side of the Wanjie Pond. However, the Eternal Ancient Temple is the source of darkness that suppressed the Wanjie Pond.

This time, the dark creatures came here on purpose, and with so many powerhouses coming, you don't need to guess to know the purpose of their coming here.

So at this time, Jiufeng Primal Chaos God and others had very solemn expressions.

They had little encounters with these dark creatures. If they were allowed to release the dark evil gods in the Eternal Temple, then things would be unimaginable.

At that time, they will be united with those dark evil gods, and their dark creature camp will be extremely huge at that time. At that time, their endless chaotic world, I am afraid it will really be extremely dangerous.

At this time, the god of chaos, Jiufeng, made up his mind to find a way to stop them, but now they are indeed a little weak, let alone stop them, even if they can safely escape from these dark creatures. Two said.

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