She was turning around in her heart, thinking about a solution.

She has secretly sent the information about the situation here to the Qiu Mu Chaos God and the others, hoping that they can come and rescue them.

But she didn't know the exact location, so she couldn't tell Qiu Mu Primal Chaos their exact location, so she could only send out such an urgent distress message.

After Qiumu Primal Chaos God and others received the distress message sent by Jiufeng Primal Chaos God, they quickened their pace and headed towards the deepest part of the forest of all things.

According to the simple information description of Jiufeng Chaos God, they guessed that Jiufeng Chaos God and others should be in the deepest area of ​​the forest of all things that they have never set foot on.

One after another, lightning-like rays of light went towards the depths of the forest of all things, and the speed was terrifying.

Behind these dozen or so figures that were as fast as electric fire, one after another of extremely galloping figures followed behind them and disappeared into the depths of the forest of all things. .

Chapter [-]: Incarnation of the Supreme Avenue

"Humph, some things, even if I don't say anything, you all know in your heart... I didn't want to make trouble at all. Since I met here, I can only blame you for being unlucky."

The dark creature wearing a demon mask sneered and said.

He knows that meeting Jiufeng Chaos God here means that their motives and purposes may be leaked out. In order to avoid future troubles, then they can only kill them all here, and they can rest assured .

With a wave of darkness wearing a demon mask, more than a dozen dark creatures immediately surrounded Jiufeng Primal Chaos God and others.

For the sake of safety, he opened his mouth to a dozen of his subordinates and said: "You will solve them, I will go to the Eternal Ancient Temple to complete the rest, and then join you."


A group of dark creatures took the lead.

The dark creature with the demon mask disappeared in place, and the remaining dozen or so dark creatures slowly pressed towards Jiufeng Primal Chaos God and others.

They are slowly releasing a strong dark aura. At this time, they don't have to hide anything anymore. Now that they have reached their destination at 380, and the task will be completed soon, they don't have to worry about anything anymore. .


At this time, more than a dozen dark creatures could no longer hide their slaughtering and evil nature, and a dozen dark creatures rushed towards Jiufeng Chaos God and others.

The dark killing aura exploded, endless black thunder was constantly intertwined, the space was constantly collapsing in an instant, and the radius of hundreds of millions of miles was constantly oscillating, instantly covered by a thick dark aura.

The five people of the Nine Phoenix Primal Chaos God were also tense at this time, and the power of the complete Dao Law flowed out from them, and instantly released the biggest attack method, and wanted to rush out in an instant.

A complete avenue spreads out, opening up the dark world, trying to escape.

As long as they can rush out of their siege, then they have hope of escape.

However, I still underestimate the power of these dark creatures in front of me. These dark creatures are not ordinary ninth-order powerhouses. The strength of each of them can be said to be above them.

Their most powerful attack power is completely ineffective against these dark creatures.

It was blocked in an instant.

Layers of dark worlds continue to cover and superimpose, as if the dark world of nine days has come down one after another, and the originally opened mouths are constantly being made up.

The power of their Dao Law is constantly being compressed, and they can only retreat to passive defense.

"What to do...their strength is above ours..."

An anxious voice transmission from a powerhouse in the Endless Shattered Realm.

"If we can't rush out, then we may be buried here."

"Let's try our best to resist for a while. I have already spread the information about the situation here, and someone will come to support us soon. As long as a strong person rushes over, then we will be saved."

Jiufeng Chaos God replied.

At this time, nine-color flames burst out from her body, forming a beautiful and dangerous fire prison, wrapping them all in it, and temporarily resisting those dark energies.

However, the surrounding world has turned black, and all the ten directions are filled with a pungent and unpleasant dark breath, as if in an instant, they have fallen into the boundless darkness of hell.

People can't extricate themselves, can't see the sun, and sink into it forever.

A dozen dark creatures stood in the dark sky, looking down at them coldly.

The five people of Jiufeng Chaos God can only tighten the circle and lean closely together. In this way, their strength can be maximized, and it is not easy to be defeated by these dark creatures one by one.

It can also last longer.

However, these dozen or so dark creatures are like a group of hungry wolves, staring at them closely, the dark power in the surrounding space is getting stronger and stronger, and it has a strong devouring power.

The source of the Dao power in their bodies seems to be being swallowed up all the time.

However, Jiufeng Primal Chaos God and others still held on strong, and would never give in easily. The power of the Great Dao flowed continuously in their bodies, desperately resisting the dark forces of the outside world.

"Don't do unnecessary resistance, you can't escape today no matter what."

A dark creature stared coldly at Jiufeng Primal Chaos God and said.

"Hmph, even if we can't escape, we won't succumb to it. It's not that easy for you to kill us!"

Jiufeng Primal Chaos God's beautiful face became serious.

An unyielding look on his face.

"It seems that we still have to use some means to make them die happily."

Another dark creature said faintly.

"Hmph, that's the only way to deal with them as soon as possible. Otherwise, things will change later. After all, there are a lot of Chaos Venerable God powerhouses here. If they find out, it will be very troublesome. "

"Well, call the gate of darkness. Since our breath has been released, I am afraid that the sensitive gods of Chaos have already noticed it at this time, and we have to make a quick decision."

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