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This time, the one who spoke was the venerated god of Chaos.

He knew that Zhen Yuanzi was a shirk, so he didn't intend to be polite.

"What? The old man doesn't give it, are you trying to snatch it?"

Zhen Yuanzi frowned slightly and said when he looked at the God of Chaos and protected him.

He could feel the strong hostility emanating from the shrouded Primal Chaos God.

Qiu Mu Chaos Sovereign stood at the forefront, he didn't want to do anything forcibly, but when he thought of what the Sovereign had ordered before, he didn't say anything.

What the Supreme wants is chaos in the Great Luo Hongyuan world, the more chaos the better, so they can't talk about benevolence, righteousness and morality.

The Guarded Chaos Venerable God and others also deeply understand this, so they are all ready to fight against Zhen Yuanzi at any time and snatch away this fruit tree of life.

...... 0

"Forcibly grab? If you don't give it, then we can only grab it!"

The Priestly God of Primal Chaos said bluntly.

At this time, the breath on his body was released without concealment.

An earth-shattering aura shot straight into the sky, causing the whole world to change color, and the other dozen or so chaotic gods also burst out all the auras without reservation.

The space of hundreds of millions of miles continued to vibrate, and all the nearby creatures fled in shock.

"You really are all quasi-holy realm powerhouses!"

Zhen Yuanzi's eyes narrowed slightly, and the same Xeon aura was released, forming a field of opposition to the aura of Qiu Mu Chaoshen and others.

Standing Qingfeng behind Zhen Yuanzi, the two boys Mingyue were so frightened that they hid in the Taoist temple.

Close the door tightly.

Only in this way will they feel better, otherwise they will be out of breath under the pressure of terror.

"My God, these dozen people are actually quasi-sacred realm powerhouses! This is in trouble! I don't know if the master can deal with it!"

Qingfeng hid behind the door and looked at the dozen or so terrifying quasi-sacred realm powerhouses in the yard, and said with a trembling body.

"Master is the ancestor of the Earth Immortal, second only to the saint, and should be able to deal with these uninvited guests!"

Mingyue's body also became trembling, but she still spoke with great confidence in her master.So.

Chapter [-]: Shaking the Great Luo Hongyuan World

The wind and thunder shook violently, the sun and the moon rose and fell, and wisps of terrifying aura disturbed the entire world.

At this moment, the confrontation between Zhen Yuanzi and Qiu Mu Chaoshen God and others had a very broad and far-reaching impact.

Many great masters of the Great Luo Honghuang World are here, and it seems that they have sensed the momentum fluctuations here.

"The direction of this vast breath is... it seems to be Wuzhuang Taoist Temple?!"

"What's the matter? Does anyone dare to spread wildness in Wuzhuang Taoist Temple?! It's the territory of Zhenyuan Daxian!"

One after another powerful consciousness gathered in the space not far from Wuzhuang Taoist Temple, and condensed phantoms in the void.

Because the space of Wuzhuang Taoist Temple in front has become extremely chaotic, and the air of chaos is constantly permeating, it is difficult to see the situation inside.

But they still sensed the existence of Qiu Mu Primal Chaos God and others.

"A dozen unfamiliar quasi-sacred breaths!"

"How come more than a dozen unfamiliar quasi-sage realm powerhouses came to Wuzhuang Taoist Temple to find Zhenyuan Daxian?"

"I don't know."

"There are basically very few people who can embarrass Daxian Yuan in the entire Great Luo Hongyuan world, and I don't know where these dozen or so quasi-sacred realm powerhouses came from."

They all felt puzzled, and none of them could figure out any clues.

At this time, Emperor Haotian in the heavenly court was watching the Wuzhuang Taoist Temple from above the heavenly court!There was a look of solemnity and horror on his face.

"Where did these people come from?"

There were so many powerhouses suddenly appeared in the Great Luo Desolate World, and they were completely ignorant powerhouses, making countless powerhouses in the Great Luo Desolate World puzzled.

"I don't know these yet!"

"However, there is news from the Superintendent of Heaven that the opportunity of heaven is abnormal. This is a sign of trouble!"

On the side of Taijinxing, there was a worried opening on the face of Taibaijinxing.

"According to observations, there are more than a dozen quasi-sacred powerhouses of unknown origin in the Great Luo Honghuang World, but also hundreds of thousands of other powerhouses of different strengths, and I don't know where these powerhouses came from. of."

"Hundreds of thousands of strange powerhouses? I don't know their origin?"

Emperor Haotian frowned and turned his head to look at Taibaijinxing's eyes with brilliance and said.

"Yes, I originally wanted to find out their specific details and report to His Majesty, but after careful investigation, I still found no clues. Even if I, the general of the heavenly court, grabbed one or two people from the lower realm to ask, but just caught it, there are more The strong powerhouse appeared and killed our Heavenly Court general, making us dare not pursue it any more."

Taibaijinxing reported according to the facts.

"Oh? Is there such a thing? Could it be that this is a strong man from a place other than Da Luo Honghuang World?"

Emperor Hao Tiantian carried his hands on his back, slowly paced the trail, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a ray of light flashed in the depths of his pupils.

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