"Beyond the Great Luo Honghuang World?"

Taibaijinxing was shocked.

"Isn't it boundless chaos outside the great Luohuang world? Could it be that these strange powerhouses came from boundless chaos?"

As soon as these words came out, Tai Jinxing himself didn't believe it.

"It's possible, aren't those Chaos Demon Gods born from Boundless Chaos? Even if they all came from Boundless Chaos, it's not surprising."

Emperor Haotian seemed to know a lot, and said in a calm tone.

"Then do you want to report this matter to Tianzun and the others?"

Hearing this, Tai Jinxing moved in his heart and opened his mouth cautiously.

"There is so much trouble about this matter. I believe the saints already know it. The specific reasons are probably more clear to the saints than we are. We should not do it again."

Emperor Haotian pondered slightly for Shaoqing, and said indifferently.

"You send someone to closely watch the movements of those who have entered the Great Luo Desolate World. If there is any abnormality, please come and report at any time."

Finally, Emperor Haotian said to Taibaijinxing.


Taibaijinxing respectfully exited the hall.

Emperor Haotian continued to look down at the movement of Wuzhuangguan.

"What is the intention and purpose of these strange powerhouses looking for Zhen Yuanzi as soon as they come up?"

He whispered to himself, as if he didn't understand.


Wuzhuang Taoist Temple, at this time, it can be said that it has attracted the attention of many powerful people in the Great Luo Hongyuan world.

Internally, Zhen Yuanzi faced a dozen or so chaotic gods alone, and he didn't seem to be struggling at all.

"Although your strength is good, there is still a gap between your strength and mine. I advise you to retreat. I can pretend that nothing happened!"

Zhen Yuanzi said aloud to the Qiu Mu Chaos God and others...  

The voice is like Hong Zhong Da Lu, very clear and bright, with a kind of thought-provoking feeling.

At this time, there is the source of Yin and Yang around him, forming a wonderful cycle.

It is full of the mysteries of the Great Dao, as if the heavens are revolving around him, and the yin and yang two qi have evolved all things around him.

"Retreat? Do you think we'll retreat so easily now?"

The guardian of Chaos Venerable God held a huge battle axe in his hand, and he was full of fighting intent and said.

"So, do you want to do it?"

Zhen Yuanzi's face darkened at this time, and a long sword appeared in his hand with a seven-star pattern on it.

On weekdays, he only uses floating dust to get in and out to fight the enemy.

Before the battle of life and death, he would definitely not use the Seven-Star Sword. Since he used the Seven-Star Sword, it showed his importance.

"Go ahead!"

Protecting the god of chaos, his eyes flashed coldly, and he rushed forward with his battle axe, wanting to give Zhen Yuanzi a heavy blow.

However, Zhen Yuanzi watched the chaotic god of protection rush towards him, and slashed down with a fluttering sword, like a river of stars falling from the sky, and countless stars flowing in the galaxy.

2.1 The Guarded Chaos Venerable God saw this axe smashed up. Although his axe was extremely powerful, it could split the sky and the galaxy, but this time he only annihilated more than half of the galaxy's sword energy.

This Xinghe sword energy condensed the avenue of Zhen Yuanzi, and it was not so easy to break. Even if it was just a light blow from him, the Primordial God of Chaos could not be broken at all.

After all, there is a clear power gap between them.

The Qiu Mu Chaos Venerable God in the back looked at the scene in front of him and also shot.

He directly annihilated the remaining general Galaxy Sword Qi with one palm.

At this time, he said solemnly: "Let's shoot together, the ninth-order peak powerhouse is not so easy to deal with!"

When his words fell, the dozen or so chaotic gods and powerhouses beside him shouted loudly, then waved their weapons to kill Zhen Yuanzi together. .

Chapter seven hundred and thirty sixth: please supreme shot

Seeing more than a dozen strong men coming towards him, Zhen Yuanzi also became fierce at this time, waving the long sword in his hand frequently.

One after another, the shocking sword energy turned into pieces of light of destruction.

Suddenly, a big explosion occurred from the Wuzhuang Taoist Temple as the center, and hundreds of millions of miles of mountains and rivers were directly annihilated, turning into endless dust.

Terrible cracks appeared in the space at this time, like a cut wound, and a space storm raged out from it.

This fluctuation directly alerted some old monsters that were dormant in the great Luo's wild world.

They sent out their consciousness one by one, and came to investigate Wuzhuang Taoist Temple.

"Zhen Yuanzi, who is this provoking, and there is such a big war?"

The consciousness of an old monster was not too close, but he could feel the terrifying murderous aura.

One after another terrifying fluctuations continued to emit, as if to destroy the sky and destroy the earth.

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