At this moment, even the disciples of the saints on Mount Kunlun sensed this extremely strong aura of destruction.

They drew a circle from the air and presented some pictures of Wuzhuang Taoist Temple.

The Antarctic Immortal Weng and Guang Chengzi and other disciples of the second generation of Anjiao closely stared at the picture in the void.

"How could someone fight so fiercely with Zhen Yuanzi? Who is it? Zhen Yuanzi shouldn't have any enemies, who is shooting him?"

Taiyi Zhenren said in surprise.

He knew the strength of Zhen Yuanzi.

When it comes to the realm of strength, they explain that they are far inferior except for their master, Yuanshi Tianzun.

Although they have just stepped into the quasi-saint realm, they are still a bit far from a truly powerful person like Zhen Yuanzi.

Apart from the saints, there are not many who can match the realm of Zhenyuanzi's strength.

For a while, they couldn't figure out who was fighting against Zhen Yuanzi.

"There should be more than one person, and a dozen people can be faintly seen."

At this time, Guangchengzi narrowed his eyes slightly and said.

"A dozen people? So doesn't it mean that there are more than a dozen quasi-sacred realm powerhouses? Why suddenly there are a dozen quasi-sage realm powerhouses gathered to deal with Zhen Yuanzi?"

The real Taiyi opened his mouth even more puzzled.

"No one knows about this at the moment, but there are some in the history that went for Zhenyuanzi, but they were for Daoist Brother Zhenyuan's ginseng fruit tree and the book from the ground. These two treasures made a lot of money. Those who are capable are greedy, and it is normal to be able to have some intentions, but I don’t know if these quasi-sacred realm powerhouses also have such intentions and thoughts.”

Guangchengzi continued to speak.

"The two treasures of Daoist Brother Zhenyuan are indeed coveted by many people. The Book of the Earth is one of the three great books in the Great Luo Hongyuan world, and the ginseng fruit tree is the three major spiritual roots since the beginning of the world. This treasure can be said to be loved by Heaven, but I didn't expect that there are still people thinking about these two treasures."

On the side, Master Yuding said, looking at the fierce battle scene in the void.

"Just don't know how it will turn out in the end."

"Don't worry about it. Now that Brother Zhenyuan's strength is in the realm of strength, plus he has a book, there will be no one who can do anything to him except the saints!"

At this time, Antarctica Xianweng, who had not spoken for a while, suddenly spoke up.

He obviously had great confidence in Zhen Yuanzi.

"But that's more than a dozen quasi-sacred realm powerhouses! Maybe there are people with powerful means among them."

The real Taiyi said.

"What about more than a dozen quasi-sacred realm powerhouses, there is still a big gap between the quasi-sacred peak powerhouses and the general quasi-sage realm powerhouses, and it is not a simple number that can make up for it."

Antarctica Xianweng lightly stroked his beard and smiled.

Seeing him say so, Taiyi Zhenren didn't say anything more.

They all stared at the picture in the void one by one, waiting for the result.

At this time, people not far from them taught the Eight Views Palace, and Grand Master Xuandu was also looking at the battle scene of Wuzhuang Taoist Temple in the picture on the wall, and his eyes shone slightly.

"The Great Luo Wilderness World hasn't moved for a long time. I didn't expect it to be so violent this time. Could it be that the Great Luo Wilderness World is going to be in chaos again?"

Archmage Xuandu muttered to himself.


Wuzhuang Taoist Temple.

After a long battle, both sides could not do anything to each other, Zhen Yuanzi alone resisted all the attacks of Qiu Mu Chaoshen and others.

It seems to be very relaxed, but at this time, the Qiu Mu Primal Chaos God and others were a little out of breath.

They consumed a lot, and they all used their full strength, but they still couldn't break Zhen Yuanzi's defense.

Above his head there was a strange yellow book covering him, theirs.No matter how violent the attack was, Zhenyuanzi couldn't be hurt in the slightest.

The two of them split up and confronted each other at the moment.

Zhen Yuanzi quietly looked at Qiu Mu Chaos Venerable God and the others, and said with a cold smile: "If there is a book, it is impossible for you to hurt me, if you continue to fight, only you will perish. I don't want to kill you, but if you keep entangled, then the poor Daoist will kill you."

Qiu Mu Chaos God and the others looked at each other, and they really saw the strength perception of them and Zhen Yuanzi.

Zhen Yuanzi is right, if they continue to fight, the energy in their bodies will be exhausted, and it will not be difficult for Zhen Yuanzi to kill them by then.

But they didn't worry about anything, after all, they knew that the Supreme was watching them secretly.

The Supreme would not let them fall into the Great Luo Desolate World.

So they can be considered fearless at this time.

"Hmph, want to kill us? You can't do it! Today I'll wait to see if you old Taoist won't give in!"

The Guarded Chaos Venerable God is still unwilling to admit defeat.

"Concession? Just because you want me to make concessions? Your strength is far from enough! Even if the saints come and want to make concessions easily, it is not that simple, let alone you!"

Zhen Yuanzi said with some disdain looking at the Priestly God of Chaos.

His strength and status are detached, and in the entire Great Luo Hongyuan world, it can really be said to be second only to the seven saints.

Qiu Mu Chaos God knows the horror of Zhen Yuanzi, and he didn't try to be brave. He just looked up at the sky calmly, bowed to the sky, and said loudly: "Please take action!"

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