Jiang Yi's face looked a little excited.

"What can this reincarnation of the great road represent?"

Bai Ye is like a little white, very puzzled.

"Haha, this avenue of reincarnation is the catastrophe that many strong people under the realm of Daozhi need to experience. Thirty million epochs is a reincarnation of the avenue. The reincarnation of the avenue will harvest many powerful creatures, and you can live if you hide. When it comes to the next Dao reincarnation, I have to go through at least seven or eight Dao reincarnations before I step into the realm of Daozhi. I didn’t expect Daoist Bai Ye to reach the Daozhi realm without experiencing it. !"

Jiang Yi was in a good mood at this time, and said with a big smile.

"I see."

After Bai Ye listened to Jiang Yi's explanation, he understood.

Don't say it's a reincarnation of the Great Dao, he hasn't even experienced an era, and if he says it, I don't know what their expressions will be.

But Bai Ye would not tell them this.

A Dao reincarnation has not yet reached the realm of Daozhi, which shocked them so much. If he told them his real cultivation time, I am afraid they would not believe it.

After all, he still relies on the city of the heavens to be able to reach the current state so quickly.

"In the future, fellow Daoist Bai Ye will definitely be able to make great achievements in the world beyond the Tao, and maybe even become a hegemon."

Jiang Yi opened his mouth excitedly.

Just when he said these words, a strange wave suddenly came from outside, and an unconscious swept towards them.

Jiang Yi's smile stopped abruptly, and he immediately closed his mouth.

All the breaths were taken away.

As if frightened, his expression became tense.

When the fluctuation dissipated, he let out a long sigh of relief.

"I almost slipped my words just now, and was noticed by the portal on the other side of the Tao."

Jiang Yi touched his chest and said.

"Haha, it's better to be cautious. We should not discuss the other side of the Tao, otherwise, we will talk about things that shouldn't be said."

Creation Yuanling on the side, haha ​​laughed.

"Yes, we have said everything that can be said, and if we continue to talk about it, it is a taboo topic."

Another Void on the side opened his mouth and said.

After Bai Ye experienced the scene just now, he also nodded and said, "Then we won't talk about it."

Then he changed the subject and asked, "You are all nothingness now, when will you be able to fully condense the entity?"

"With enough energy replenishment, we can recover quickly, but outside the world beyond the Tao, there are too few supreme substances, and it will take several epochs to fully recover and condense the entity."

Jiang Yi said with a faint smile.

"How many epochs are so long?"

Bai Ye frowned suddenly.

Looking at Bai Ye's expression, Creation Yuanling smiled slightly and said, "This is already very fast, Daoist Brother Yi and Daoist Nightmare have already repaired three avenues of reincarnation, and they can be repaired in the next few epochs. , it is the best time.”

"Yes, we have recovered more than [-]%, and it will take a few epochs to fully recover. At that time, we can condense the entity and enter the other side of the Tao again."

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Jiang Yi opened his mouth.

Obviously, they are very satisfied that they can recover in the next few epochs, but for Bai Ye, who has not practiced for thousands of years, that is an extremely long time.

If you want to enter the world beyond the Tao with them, it will be an extremely long wait.

Night can't wait.

"Then is there any way for you to quickly repair your body?"

Bai Ye suddenly looked at Jiang Yi and Nightmare and said.

Yi and Nightmare looked at each other, looked at Bai Ye in a puzzled manner and said, "Does Bai Ye think we need too long?"

Bai Ye is not obscure, and nodded directly: "Yes, a few epochs are too long, it would be best if you can recover as soon as possible."


Jiang Yi and Nightmare's expressions were a little complicated after hearing this. The two of them thought that a few epochs were already very fast. For a realm powerhouse like them, a few epochs were just a very short moment.

However, Bai Ye felt that this time was very long.

This puzzled them.

It's just that they don't know the time Bai Ye cultivated, so they are so confused.

At this time, they felt that Bai Ye seemed to be impatient to enter the other side of the Tao, which is why they were so eager and felt that their recovery time was slow.

The two of them straightened their faces, looked at Bai Ye and said slowly, "There is a place where substances can make us recover quickly, but it is a little dangerous, and if we are not careful, we will get lost in it."


Bai Ye's eyes lit up slightly.

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