"The River of Destiny!"

Jiang Yi said solemnly.

"River of Destiny?"

Bai Ye did not know where this river of fate was.

"Yes, this river of destiny is connected to the world beyond the Tao, flowing in the heavens and the world, connecting every world, and there are many supreme substances floating in it, most of which are the strongest of the world beyond the Tao. So the energy there is extremely pure, as long as some material energy can be taken out of it, the two of us can recover quickly.”

Jiang Yi spoke slowly.So.

Chapter [*]: Ninth-Order Star Core

"Then how can we enter the river of fate?"

After listening to what Jiang Yi said, Bai Ye continued to ask.

As soon as he said this, the faces of the three present were startled, and they looked at Bai Ye in surprise.

Could it be that Daoist Bai Ye wants to enter the river of fate for them?

Creation Yuanling frowned slightly, and said with some uncertainty: "Fellow Daoist Bai Ye, do you want to venture into the river of destiny? That is very dangerous, I think it is more appropriate to wait for a few epochs. "

"I can't wait too long. A few epochs may not be very short for you, but for me, it is very long. If there is a way, I can make Jiang Yi and Nightmare Dao. If your friend recovers quickly, there's nothing wrong with taking a little risk."

Bai Ye didn't look worried, and said calmly.

If we can enter the other side of the Tao with Jiang Yi Ningmao and others, then we can be considered to be taking care of each other. Even if it is a dangerous place or taboo, we can understand it in advance.

After all, he still doesn't know what kind of world the other side of the road is.

However, from the words of Jiang Yi and Nether Night, he could conclude that the world beyond the Tao would not be a peaceful place.

There are several tenth-order powerhouses entering the world beyond the Tao, which is also a good choice.

"For a strong person like me, as long as you are careful, you can calmly withdraw from the river of destiny, and I am afraid that some accidents will occur."

Jiang Yi pondered for a moment and said lightly.

"Accident? What kind of accident? Can Daoist Jiangyi explain in detail?"

Bai Ye's eyes flashed slightly as he looked at Jiang Yi and said.

"The river of destiny is fickle, as long as we enter it, the changes are beyond our control. The river of destiny has existed since ancient times, and it is the reason that connects the other side of the Tao. The entire river of destiny will give birth to some unconsciously powerful Living beings, or some invisible Jedi have formed, these are dangerous for us, and in the end, we still have to beware of the perception of the portal on the other side of the Tao, which is also more difficult."

Jiang Yi finally spoke slowly.

They were still very moved that Bai Ye could enter the long river of fate for them.

They also hope to recover as soon as possible.

Just in their current state, it is unlikely that they will enter the river of fate.

They are not yet complete bodies, and their consciousness is also flawed. Entering the river of fate in this way is very dangerous, and they will be lost in the river of fate at any time.

Hearing this, Bai Ye nodded slightly, and then smiled slightly: "There is nothing wrong with this."

In the end, he seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes flickered slightly and said: "The supreme substance in the river of destiny should also be of great help to the strong under the realm of Taoism, right?"

Bai Ye said such a sentence, Jiang Yi and others were a little puzzled, and looked at him puzzled and said: "What do you mean by Daoist Bai Ye? Do you want to improve the realm of strength for your subordinates?"

Bai Ye didn't hide it, he nodded and said, "Yes, I still have a group of subordinates. I hope they can grow up as soon as possible. If there is any material that can make them go to the sky in one step, that would be the best."

Hearing what he said, Jiang Yi and others understood.

Before Jiang Yi could speak, the Creation Yuanling on the side said: "Actually, you can make your strong men grow up as soon as possible without the supreme substance in the long river of fate."

"Oh? What else can I do?"

Bai Ye looked at the Creation Yuanling with some hope and asked.

He looked at the Dao-level guards outside the palace, and knew that the Creation Primordial Spirit should have some powerful means, otherwise it would be impossible to have so many Dao-level strong guards.

Creation Yuanling smiled slightly and said: "Actually, this is a bit simple, as long as it is a strong person under our realm, it is not troublesome to manufacture, Daoist Bai Ye only needs to extract some core energy from the big world and inject it into you. The body of those subordinates can make them soar into the sky. Speaking of which, I have some here, as long as Daoist Bai Ye needs it, I can take it!"

With that said, Creation Yuanling slowly took out a dozen colorful stones like the most dazzling gems in the world from his arms.

"This is……"

Bai Ye looked at the dozen or so pure gems in front of him, his face changed slightly and he said...  

"These are the star cores of some big worlds, which I have collected over countless years. Most of them, I used to make guards, and these are the rest."

Chuangshi Yuanling said with a smile.

"Star core?"

No wonder Bai Ye looked at these stones, very familiar, they turned out to be star cores.

It's just that these star nuclei are a little different, very bright, and the energy they emit is extremely pure and of a very high level.

If Bai Ye is not wrong, these are all ninth-order star nuclei.

It is not easy to obtain this kind of star core. He did not expect that the creation of the primordial spirit would have so many ninth-order star cores.

"I also have some of these star nuclei here. They are all collected by traveling through billions of latitudes and time and space for endless years."

At this time, Jiang Yi also spoke slowly.

As soon as he turned his hand, a small bag appeared in his hand, and then handed it over to Bai Ye.

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