Although the supreme matter in front of him is scattered and scattered throughout the river of fate, it is not troublesome to collect it.

"These are not enough in front of us. We still need ten times as much material. If it were that simple, Daoist Jiang Yi and the Nightmare would have asked me to enter the river of destiny to collect them."

Chuangshi Yuanling said with a light smile.

Hearing what he said, Bai Ye felt a little surprised, and said, "These are not enough? It seems that Jiang Yi and fellow Netherworld Daoists have collected the highest substances over the years. It is not easy."

Chuangshi Yuanling smiled and couldn't deny it.

Bai Ye didn't say anything more. With a wave of his hand, the supreme matter scattered like stars in the sky suddenly converged into a river and came towards Bai Ye.

It quickly gathered in front of him into a ball of light the size of an adult's head, emitting a dazzling light.

Just when he was collecting the supreme substance so recklessly, a creature seemed to open its eyes in the long river of fate, and observed the white night and the creation spirit here.

At this moment, Bai Ye and Chuangshi Yuanling also felt the breath of fear of living beings. Although they were far apart, they still clearly felt the breath that was gradually approaching.

"Not good, there are fears that the creatures have recovered, let's retreat."

Chuangshi Yuanling's face changed slightly, pulling Bai Ye to retreat.

But it was too late for them to react.

A giant triangular beast emitting white light came to them in an instant, a pair of huge eyes, emitting endless FaLun, suppressing the surrounding void of fate.

The surrounding space and time were immediately controlled by him.

"Fate Space-Time Spirit Beast!"

Chuangshi Yuanling stared at the spirit beast that looked like a unicorn in front of him, and said with a big change in his face.

Bai Ye, who was on the side, showed no fear, and said indifferently, "What? Is this spirit beast very scary?"

Bai Ye didn't feel the slightest threat from the Spirit Beast of Destiny in front of him, and he didn't even feel the evil aura.

"At this time and space, the fate spirit beast is a terrifying creature born in the long river of fate. His strength is still higher than the ordinary Daozhi realm powerhouse. If he is discovered, I am afraid that he will be trapped in the long river of fate forever, even if It's not easy to escape even if you and I join forces."

Chuangshi Yuanling's face was very ugly and he said.

When he just finished speaking, the space-time destiny spirit beast in front of him said: "¨"It's been a long time since a living creature has broken into the long river of destiny. Do you know the consequences of breaking into the long river of destiny?!"

The Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny looked down at Bai Ye and the Yuan Spirit of Creation, and it was able to speak human words.

"You can actually speak."

Bai Ye frowned slightly.

"If you can communicate, then it will be easy."

Facing the fate time-space spirit beast in front of him, Bai Ye showed a very calm and calm expression, and there was no panic on his face.

"Fellow Daoist Bai Ye, what do you mean? Don't you want to communicate with him, convince him, let's leave?"

Creation Yuanling stood beside Bai Ye at this moment and whispered to Bai Ye.

Bai Ye smiled at Chuangshi Yuanling and said, "Daoist Yuanling, don't panic, just leave it to me here, I will naturally have a solution."

Looking at Bai Ye's calmness, the original restless heart of Chuangshi Yuanling was inexplicably calmed down at this time.

He was a little curious about how Bai Ye could make the time-space spirit beasts of fate in front of him let them go.

He knew that the time-space spirit beasts of destiny in front of him were very difficult to speak, because there were many legends about the time-space spirit beasts of destiny handed down from time immemorial.

In the endless years, there have been many powerful Daozhi realm powerhouses who have entered the long river of destiny, and many of them have encountered the spirit beasts of the time and space of destiny.

The Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny is extremely powerful and terrifying. Many powerful Daozhi experts are buried forever in the river of fate, half of which are the actions of this Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny. .

Chapter seven hundred and forty eight: make a deal

Therefore, many Daozhi powerhouses are extremely jealous of this fate-space-time spirit beast.

It can be said to talk about a tiger's discoloration.

Bai Ye ignored the thoughts of the Creation Primordial Spirit. He raised his eyes slightly and looked at the fate time-space spirit beast in front of him and said slowly, "How about we make a deal?"

The Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny looked at Bai Ye with a disdainful smile on his face.

"Deal? What qualifications do you have to make a deal with me? Or, do you think you have something in you that I can like?"

The Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny narrowed his eyes slightly and said proudly.

He didn't think that the two strange creatures in front of him could have anything that he dared to be interested in.

Seeing him speak like this, Bai Ye was not angry, and he still said with a faint smile: "I may not have something on me that you are looking at, but there is one thing I am sure you should be very interested in."

"Oh? What? If you can't say it, then you will be destroyed immediately from my presence!"

The Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny looked at Bai Ye's huge pair of eyes and said coldly.

"Hehe, let's not say whether you have this ability or not, even if you have, you will not do it."

Bai Ye continued to open the mouth with a smile as he looked at the Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny.

His calm expression looked very unhappy in the eyes of the Fate Time-Space Spirit Beast.

But at this moment, he still suppressed the anger that was rising in his heart, and said to Bai Ye: "Don't be in front of me, pretending to be mysterious, if you have something to say, say it as soon as possible, otherwise, if I'm in a bad mood, even if you want to In other words, there will be no chance at all.”

"Do you have any means to use it as soon as possible, fellow Daoist Bai Ye, this time-space spirit beast of destiny is obviously on the verge of rage."

On the side, Creation Yuanling watched Bai Ye talk to the huge space-time spirit beast of destiny, and said with a heart-pounding start.

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