He knew that the time and space spirit beasts of the fate in front of him had the ability to kill them.

After all, this fearful creature in front of him can control the power of the long river of destiny. Even if Bai Ye and him are stronger, they will not be the opponent of the spirit beast in the time and space of destiny.

At this time, Bai Ye also knew that he could no longer make fun of it, and he could feel that the time-space spirit beast in front of him was murderous.

With his hands on his back, he said directly to the huge space-time spirit beast of destiny: "I can help you get freedom, I wonder if you are interested?"

As soon as he said these words, the huge body of the Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny shook slightly, as if he heard something incredible.

But then he recovered quickly, his eyes still staring at Bai Ye with cold eyes and he said, "Help me get freedom, what do you mean by that?"

"What do you mean? You should be very clear about this. You have been staying in the long river of fate. I think you are tired. Don't you want to go to the outside world to see it?"

The corners of Bai Ye's mouth twitched slightly, and he smiled faintly.

"You mean, you have a way to get me out of this fateful river?"

The Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny frowned slightly as he looked at Bai Ye and said.

He didn't believe that the creature in front of him could take him out of this long river of destiny.

For countless years, he has tried countless methods, but he still can't break free from the long river of fate.

The creature in front of him that looks much weaker than him, will there be a way to make it leave here?

"Don't lie to me, otherwise, I have countless ways to make you survive or die!"

The Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny spoke to Bai Ye very seriously.

Obviously it's already very exciting.

Bai Ye smiled slightly: "Since I can say it, of course there will be a way to make you leave here, but if you want to leave here, you have to pay something, otherwise this transaction is not fair."

"what do you need?"

The Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny didn't talk nonsense, and said directly.

"The supreme material just now, you give me twenty times more, and you can also collect some of the treasures here, and I can take you out of here."

After speaking, he turned his head and looked at the pen creation Yuanling and said: "Daoist Yuanling, what do you want, just tell it directly."

At this time, the Yuanling of Creation was in no mood to ask for treasures. He looked at Bai Ye with a worried expression and said in a low voice, "Fellow Daoist Bai Ye, do you really have a way to take this fate-space-time spirit beast away?"

He obviously did not believe that Bai Ye could have such a shocking method.

However, Bai Ye looked at him with a smile and said, "Don't worry, fellow Daoist, since I can say it, I can definitely do it. You don't need to worry about this, fellow Daoist, tell me the treasure you need, and get it. After that, we can go back as soon as possible.”

Seeing Bai Ye's expression, Chuangshi Yuanling pondered for a moment and then said, "What I want is fate Yin Yang Xinlian."

"Is that all?"

At this time, the Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny said.

"Well, with all these things, can you do it?"

Bai Ye said lightly.

"Hmph, these things are just some ordinary treasures in the long river of fate, and they are just a matter of convenience!"

The Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny spoke with disdain.

Saying that, it waved its hand slightly, and the time and space were suddenly distorted, and wisps of the highest material rivers flowed from all over the distant river of destiny, forming a head-sized light sphere condensed with the white night just now.

In a short period of time, [-] have been formed quickly.

"This is the supreme substance you need, it's twenty times more!"

Looking at the twenty light balls in front of him, a smile appeared on Bai Ye's face, and he happily put away all the supreme matter.

Jiang Yi and Nether Night only needed ten such human-head-sized supreme substances, and the remaining eleven belonged to him.

Although he still doesn't know the specific utility of the supreme matter, it should not be a loss to get it.

After all, this thing is very useful for tenth-order powerhouses, and it should be a very rare treasure.

Even if he doesn't need it, the Zhutian City powerhouse also needs it.

Soon the lotus of fate yin and yang, which was needed for the creation of the primordial spirit, was also recruited by the spirit beast of fate.

A white lotus flower emitting pure yin and yang qi floated in front of Chuangshi Yuanling, and an extremely excited smile appeared on Chuangshi Yuanling's face.

"Now my treasure can be completely condensed."

Creation Yuanling said to himself that he couldn't help himself.

"Condensed treasure?"

Bai Ye raised his eyebrows slightly.

Speaking of which, he still doesn't have a weapon in his hand.

He turned his head slightly and looked at the Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny and asked tentatively, "What powerful weapons are there in this long river of destiny?".

Chapter [-]: The Treasure in the Long River of Destiny

"Yes, but generally powerful treasures have their own consciousness, and even I can't force them."

The Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny said coldly.

His answer surprised Bai Ye, and before Bai Ye could speak, the Spirit Beast of Destiny continued: "If you want to get your own weapon, I can take you there, but whether you can get it depends on your fortune. Yes, but before I do, I want to see if you have the ability to take me out of here, or it will be a waste of my time!"

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