
With a pair of incomparably blazing eyes, that supreme figure glanced at the entire river of fate, and his face changed in shock.

However, after careful search, no trace of Bai Ye was found, as if they had disappeared out of thin air!

This made him feel very surprised.

There are still people who can disappear before his eyes!At this time, he was shocked and angry!

"Who the hell is secretly shooting!"

At this time, he thought that there must be a supreme existence in the dark to help them escape, otherwise, how could it be possible to escape in front of his eyes with only three powerhouses in the realm of Daozhi!

As if responding to him, an incomparably huge scorpion like an eternal star, the ancient behemoth suddenly woke up slowly.

With its awakening, the entire river of fate seems to have become active.

All the Qi machines have become extraordinary.

"Gouya, you suddenly came to my destiny, what is the so-called! Such a big movement woke me up, do you need to give me an explanation?"

The incomparably gigantic ancient beast, with a pair of eyes like the dome hanging on the entire river of fate, looked down at the figure of the supreme being that descended from the other side of the Tao and said coldly.

Only when the ancient beast of the long river of destiny opened his mouth, did he know that the supreme existence that descended from the other side of the Tao was called Gou Ya.

Gou Ya stared at the huge eyes with his hands on his back and said, "Explain? How do you want me to explain? A piece of my treasure was taken away by an ant, do you also need to give me an explanation? But it has been agreed that I can take one of the treasures of the long river of destiny, and now the treasure has been taken away, what do you say?"

The ancient giant beast said unhurriedly: "It's your business to not take good care of the treasures, but don't rely on me, I only allow you to take heavy treasures, do I have to guard these treasures for you? It's just a joke!"

"I saw a time-space spirit beast of destiny with those ants. If it wasn't for your destiny and the long river of creatures to mix with them, how could they take away the treasures of this seat, no matter what, you are too Can't get rid of it."

Gou Ya continued to speak coldly. At this time, he seemed to be spreading his anger towards the ancient beasts in the long river of time and space.

His tone seemed to be asking for guilt.

"There are so many creatures in my destiny, how can I restrain them all? This incident is also an accident, but if you want to accuse me here, I advise you to think about it before you speak!"

The ancient giant beast exuded endless coldness and said, and the breath of fear locked Gou Ya.

Gou Ya seemed to feel that there was no point in arguing like this any more, and in the end he just snorted and left the river of fate.

He is still very afraid of the ancient beast in the long river of fate, and he does not want to argue.

"It's best not to let me catch it, otherwise, this seat will make your souls fly away, and you will never be resurrected!"

Gou Ya's anger was hard to calm at this time, but he was helpless in the face of the ancient beast in the long river of fate, and he had no way to investigate.

If it was really behind what he did, he would be helpless. After all, the long river of fate is its territory. No matter how strong he is, it is impossible for him to defeat the ancient beast in the long river of fate! .

Chapter [*]: Entering the City of the Heavens with a tenth-order powerhouse

On the other side, Bai Ye and the Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny and the Yuan Spirit of Creation came to Zhutian City.

"It's very dangerous. If it is another hour at night, we will all be buried in the river of fate."

At this time, the Creation Yuanling who came to the gate of Zhutian City opened the mouth with some fear.

"We have completely messed with that supreme existence. If we meet in the future, he will definitely not let me wait."

The Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny sighed slightly.

Bai Ye smiled slightly and said, "What's there to fear, when you enter the world beyond the Tao, who will destroy who will not be sure!"

The Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny and the Primordial Spirit of Creation glanced at Bai Ye, they didn't know where Bai Ye got such confidence.

That is a terrifying existence that is one or two levels higher than them. If they encounter it head-on, they may have no way to escape.

What they just met in the long river of fate was just that terrifying wisp of soul consciousness that exists in the supreme existence. When they met head-on, they could not imagine their value.

But they didn't say much, they still couldn't see through the white night, just say that they can take them calmly to escape the pursuit of the terrifying powerhouse and come to this mysterious place, which is already something that an extraordinary powerhouse can do. .

"Where is Daoist Bai Ye here?"

Creation Yuanling looked at Zhutian City at this time and asked Bai Ye.

He felt that he could not sense any aura of the World's Great Dao, which was very mysterious and undetectable.

"It seems that the place where you sent me before is here. This city has an extraordinary charm. It should be a great treasure?"

The Destiny Space-Time Spirit Beast on the side also carefully looked at Zhutian City and said.

Bai Ye said with a chuckle: "This is the city of the heavens, you can enter here without any worries, no matter how powerful the existence is, you can't detect it here, the two of you can enter the city with me for a look. "

Saying that, Bai Ye stepped into the city of the heavens first, and the Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny and the Primordial Spirit of Creation also stepped in without any hesitation.

Entering the interior of Zhutian City, the Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny and the Creation Primordial Spirit suddenly felt the immense fortune of Zhutian City.

As tenth-order powerhouses, they can still see some of the underlying atmosphere of Zhutian City. The moment they entered the interior of Zhutian City, they felt an aura that was difficult to explore.

It stands to reason that in the outside world, they are beyond the world's avenues, and no world's avenues can be side by side with them.

However, in the city of the heavens, they felt a faint sense of oppression.

This made them feel very frightened.

"This city of the heavens is the most extraordinary city I have ever seen. I don't know who the owner of this city of heavens is? It should be a remarkable existence, right?"

On the side, the Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny sighed and said.

"Yeah, to be able to create such a majestic city, its owner should be a supreme powerhouse, and I'm afraid it should not be weaker than the powerhouse on the other side of the Tao that we met in the long river of destiny."

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