The Creation Yuanling on the side also sighed with emotion.

"Daoist Bai Ye can bring us here. I'm afraid it has a great relationship with the strong here, right? This time we can escape in the long river of fate, is it also the hand of this supreme power?"

Creation Yuanling looked towards Bai Ye and continued to ask.

Hearing the words of the two, Bai Ye suddenly laughed.

Bai Ye smiled like this, and the Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny and the Primordial Spirit of Creation began to wonder.

Inexplicably, he asked, "Why did fellow Daoist Bai Ye suddenly laugh? Could it be that there is something wrong between the two of us?"

Bai Ye continued to laugh: "This city master of the heavens is me, why do you say I am laughing?"

"This master of Zhutian City is Daoist Bai Ye? How is it possible?"

Chuangshi Yuanling said in disbelief.

When he thought that the city lord of the city of the heavens should be someone they looked up to, and Bai Ye was only in the same realm as them, how could he be the owner of the city of the heavens?

The Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny on the side also had a look of disbelief.

"Fellow Daoist Bai Ye, don't be joking."

Chuangshi Yuanling didn't know what Bai Ye said was true or false, and spoke again.

Bai Ye smiled and shook his head: "Do you think it is necessary for me to deceive the two of you? This city of the heavens is my city. If you don't believe it, you can watch it!"

Saying that, Bai Ye waved his hand, and the entire All-heaven City erupted with endless radiance of all-heaven, constantly gathering towards him, and the entire All-Heaven City moved with his movements.

Seeing this, the Destiny Space-Time Spirit Beast and the Creation Primordial Spirit all widened their eyes, as if shocked, unable to speak for a long time.


"Fellow Daoist Bai Ye, are you really the Lord of the City of All Heavens?"

Creation Primordial Spirit is still unbelievable, looking at Bai Ye, who is wearing the brilliance of the endless city of the heavens, and said.

Bai Ye said slightly: "Don't you want to believe it now?"

"¨"I believe, I believe in Daoist Bai Ye!"

At this time, the Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny said firmly.

The way he looked at Bai Ye's eyes had changed a bit.

I originally thought that Bai Ye was just an ordinary Daozhi realm powerhouse, but what I didn't expect was that Bai Ye still had the ability to get up.

He has been hiding his strength before?

It is no wonder that even if it is the treasure of the supreme powerhouse in the world beyond the Tao, he dares to snatch it.

It is completely with a very strong confidence, not just to act on one's will, greedy for treasures regardless of everything.

"It seems that we have made a mistake in judging Bai Ye's realm of strength before. It turns out that fellow Daoist Bai Ye is the most powerful person on one side."

At this time, the Yuanling of Creation was a little absent-minded and said.

Bai Ye looked at them, smiled slightly, and said nothing.

At this time, he didn't need to explain anything.

His strength is not something that can be explained by his realm. With the help of the energy of Zhutian City, he can indeed have realm strength far beyond his own.

What he didn't know was whether Zhutian City could be connected to the world of Khan on the other side of the Dao in the next promotion!

If it can be connected, then the strong man in the world beyond the Tao will not have any fears at that time.

As long as the energy of Zhutiancheng can be displayed without being blocked by the world beyond the Tao, then he is still invincible!

"Okay, you two can follow me in and have a look."

At this time, Bai Ye had also dissipated all the brilliance of the heavens, and took the Creation Primordial Spirit and the Destiny Space-Time Spirit Beast toward the depths of the city of the heavens.

Two tenth-order powerhouses came to Zhutian City, and Bai Ye was still a little overjoyed.

In this way, Zhutian City can be regarded as having a tenth-order powerhouse in addition to him!

Soon they came to the Zhutian Tower, and Bai Ye said to the Creation Primordial Spirit and the Destiny Space-Time Spirit Beast: "You can register here first."

Chapter [*]: Invite Jiang Yi to enter the city


The Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny and the Origin Spirit of Creation did not know why, and their faces showed doubts.

Does this city of the heavens still need to be registered in the register?

Just when they feel puzzled.

Shen Wansan walked out of the Zhutian Tower slowly, with a smile on his face.

When I saw Bai Ye, I hurriedly bowed: "Meet the Lord of the City."

Bai Ye nodded to him and said, "No need to be too polite."

Lord Mayor?

Fellow Daoist Bai Ye is indeed the master of this city of the heavens.

The Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny and the Primordial Spirit of Creation thought to themselves after hearing Shen Wansan's name for Bai Ye.

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