"Shut up?"

Twilight's face darkened.

She knew that once a strong man like them retreated, he didn't know when he would wake up.

It can be as short as tens of millions of years, or as long as several epochs have passed.

For a powerhouse of their level, time is very worthless, and there is no concept of time at all.

Hearing that Bai Ye was in retreat, Xi Yan felt that she had no hope.

Looking at Xiyan's beautiful face with a look of disappointment, the Destiny 2.1 time-space spirit beast on the side said lightly: "You don't have to be discouraged, fellow Daoist Bai Ye may be out soon."

Xiyan didn't know if the Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny was comforting her, so she could only nod her head and say, "Thank you, both of you, for telling me this. If you can survive the catastrophe this time, Xiyan will definitely thank you."

"You don't have to be so polite, fellows should help each other."

Chuangshi Yuanling smiled faintly.

"By the way, why don't you step directly into the other side of the Dao, wouldn't it be safer in this way? In the world beyond the Dao, the reincarnation of the Dao will not be affected at all."

In the end, the Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny spoke to Xiyan.

"I originally planned to do the same, but after I broke through, I didn't sense the portal on the other side of the road. I don't know if it was blocked."

Xi Yan replied bitterly. .

Chapter [*]: Dao Ling

"The gateway to the other side of the road is blocked?"

Creation Yuanling frowned slightly. He was not very clear about this issue, because he never wanted to step into the world beyond Dao since he first broke through the realm of Daozhi.

Therefore, he did not know that the other side of the Great Way of Reincarnation was blocked.

The time-space spirit beast who has lived a long time and knows more about the destiny slowly said: "Yes, every time the avenue is reincarnated, the door on the other side of the road will be blocked, because for the catastrophe of the reincarnation of the road, the world on the other side of the road does not want to fall into in."

"I see."

Chuangshi Yuanling nodded thoughtfully.

"It seems that even if some tenth-order powerhouses can't bear the reincarnation of the Great Dao, it is impossible to go to the other side of the Dao to escape, but fortunately, Yi and fellow Netherworld Daoists were invited to enter the city of Zhutian, otherwise it would be troublesome. "

"Zhutian City? I don't know if Daoist Bai Ye's Zhutian City can escape the Great Dao Reincarnation."

At this time, the Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny stared into the distance and said quietly.

"It should be possible, right? 29 Based on the information we have obtained, this city of the heavens does not exist anywhere in the heavens and the world, and it feels a bit like the other side of the Tao. Among them, we are not aware of the existence of the city of the heavens at all, and with the strength of Daoist Bai Ye, it should also be able to protect other creatures from disasters."

Creation Yuanling also said indifferently.

The Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny didn't speak when he heard his words, but Xiyan on the side really couldn't understand what they were talking about.

But from a few words, she knew that the origin spirit of creation and the time and space spirit beast of destiny should be talking about the unfathomable powerhouse in their mouths.

She didn't intervene in the conversation between them, she just stood there quietly.

"Alas, the reincarnation of the Great Dao is another ruthless destruction. Everything familiar in front of you will dissipate soon, and it is another emotional separation. Although it has been experienced many times, each time has an unnamed taste."

At this time, Chuangshi Yuanling suddenly became a little sentimental and sentimental.

"The Dao is ruthless, if it is not detached, it will eventually be a creature that will be harvested at any time."

The Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny said indifferently as if it had seen through everything in the world.

At this time, they were all standing on a peak, quietly looking into the distance.

"Even if you are in a realm like you and me, you are just an ordinary member of the world beyond the Tao, and you may have life worries at any time. The creatures under you and me may envy you and me, but they do not What we know is that even if we reach our realm, it will not be the end, and we will not be able to dominate everything."

Chuangshi Yuanling's eyes radiated a little light and said.

"There is no end to the Tao, there is no real end of the Tao, even if it reaches the end, it is the so-called starting point."

The Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny suddenly chuckled.

For a time, they seemed to have a lot of emotion.

Xiyan stayed silent and did not express any opinions of her own. After all, compared with the two in front of her, she was still relatively immature.


However, just as they were talking, there was a sudden burst of invisible fluctuations.


A huge crack suddenly appeared in the sky of the Great Luo Desolate World, bottomless, and exuded the power of the space dimension, as if the entire sky had been slashed by someone else.

cut neatly.

At this time, the entire Great Luo Hongyuan world seemed to be shaking slightly.

Almost all the powerhouses in the Great Luo Honghuang World have different degrees of induction.


Xiyan sensed the primordial spirit of creation and the spirit beast of destiny, and looked towards the sky in the distance.

Under their gazes, six indifferent figures with golden rays of light came out of the cracks.

With one after another supreme divine ring rhyme, there is a unique atmosphere.

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