One by one, they naturally showed a supreme indifference, as if there was no expression or emotion.

And the aura on them was extremely coercive. Almost at the moment when they appeared, the ninth-order and lower-order powerhouses in the entire Great Luo Hongyuan world felt a throbbing from their souls.

"Daoling has appeared, and it seems that the destruction is about to begin."

Destiny is space-time, looking at the six golden indifferent figures in the sky and said.

Obviously, he is no stranger to these golden figures.

"I didn't expect them to come so quickly."

Creation Yuanling frowned slightly.

He also knows these Dao spirits in front of him. After all, he has also experienced several Dao reincarnations, and he is familiar with these Dao spirits.

In the past, when he saw these Dao spirits, he was trembling and very frightened.

These Dao spirits are equivalent to the incarnations scattered out of the Supreme Dao, and everyone has the power of the Supreme Dao.

Even if they face these Dao spirits, they cannot be said to be able to suppress them. These golden Dao spirits are very terrifying.

Their presence means destruction.

It is easy for any of them to destroy a big world, but before that, they will harvest some powerful lives.

Let the energy of these powerful creatures return to the Supreme Avenue, so if they are stared at, there is basically no way to escape 483.

Even if some weak Daozhi realm powerhouses do not hide their breath in the face of them, they will ruthlessly take action when they are discovered.

So this is also the reason why Xi Yan was worried about leaving her own world and came to the Great Luo Desolate World to seek shelter.

Although each of their golden Dao Spirits is slightly weaker than the average Daozhi powerhouse, the weakness is very limited. If they are combined together, there is no problem in catching an ordinary Daozhi realm powerhouse.

"The prey in this world is not bad, kill them all, and the hunting begins!"

Six golden Taoist spirits, with a pair of gray-white eyes that could not see their pupils, suddenly appeared black chains in their hands.

Their eyes have begun to stare at the powerful prey of the Great Luo Honghuang World.

In an instant, thousands of pitch-black chains were released from them, just like soul-sucking chains. The ninth-order powerhouses hiding in the great Luohuang world, as well as the powerhouses including the powerhouses in Zhutian City, were all instantly swayed by six names. Spirit caught.

Seeing their wanton shots, the Creation Yuanling frowned slightly. He looked at the Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny and said slowly, "Should we stop it? There are many strong people in Zhutiancheng." .

Chapter [*]: Intervention

Originally, the Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny did not intend to take action, but when he heard that there were powerhouses in the City of Heaven, he did not have to think about it.

The powerhouses in Zhutian City should all belong to Bai Ye. If he can make a move at this time, it should be considered a favor for Bai Ye.

"Then we will meet them."

The Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny raised a slight smile at the corner of its mouth, stepped forward slowly, and disappeared in place in an instant.

Chuangshi Yuanling and Xiyan also followed.

At this time, Shi Hao, Luo Hu and the others who were locked by the pitch-black chains still didn't know what was going on. They watched six golden figures suddenly appear in the sky.

Then, without hesitation, he took action against the powerhouses in the entire Great Luo Desolate World.

They never wanted to break free from this dark chain, but they found that at this time they couldn't mobilize any energy in their bodies at all.

Their entire souls seemed to be completely banned, like a mortal, letting the black chains pull them like the air.

At this time, a huge hole appeared in the air, bottomless, like an abyss, and the highest fluctuations came from it.

Majestic and cold.

A powerful ninth-order powerhouse was thrown in by the indifferent Taoist spirit, only to hear a scream, and many ninth-order powerhouses were completely annihilated.

"What should we do, these cold and ruthless golden powerhouses seem to hunt us all down."

Not far away, the five chaotic masters were also trapped by black chains. They could see that these powerful and strange powerhouses who appeared did not seem to have any feelings.

The means are strange and powerful, and they are very skilled. Obviously, it is not the first time that they have done this.

"We are completely trapped now. Not only is the energy of the body sealed, but even the consciousness cannot be used. Now it is impossible for us to get the identity card and return to Zhutian City."

Lord Tingyuan's face was a little ugly, and he said with a deep frown.

This situation can be described as very bad.

They didn't expect that these people would suddenly attack them, and they didn't have the slightest power to fight back. At this time, they were like fish slaughtered by dead people.

For the first time, they felt powerless in their hearts.

"Where did these unfamiliar powerhouses come from? How could they be so powerful? And they attacked all of us without any explanation. What purpose do they have?"

Lord Chongjun also frowned and looked at the six supreme gods in the sky, and said inexplicably.

"They are Dao Ling, the incarnation of the Supreme Dao. You are naturally not their opponents. They catch you, but they are just reaping the fruits."

At this time, the Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny, the Yuanling Spirit of Creation, and Xiyan appeared beside them.

It was the Creation Yuanling who spoke.

"Dao Ling? Incarnation of the Supreme Dao? Harvest the fruit?"

The Lord of Courtyard and others still seemed puzzled when they looked at the sudden appearance of Chuangshi Yuanling and others.

But the Creation Primordial Spirit didn't seem to explain much to them, because at this time, the six Taoist spirits in the sky noticed them, and the six pairs of gray-white pupils looked towards here.

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