But the Creation Primordial Spirit and the Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny glanced at them, and then said to the Lord of Tingyuan and others, "Looking at your breath, you should all be from Zhutian City, right?"

"Yes, we are all from Zhutian City, who are you seniors?"

The Lord of Tingyuan saw that the Creation Yuanling actually knew about the city of the heavens, and it should be related to the Lord of the City, and they were all safe and sound, even in the face of the six terrifying golden powerhouses.

He guessed that the three powerhouses in front of him should be the legendary tenth-order powerhouses!

Because before that, they heard the Lord City Lord say that there are tenth-order powerhouses in this great Luohuang world.

It must be them, right?

Chuangshi Yuanling looked at them and smiled slightly: "We are friends with Daoist Bai Ye."

As he spoke, he pointed, and a beam of immortal light shot out, and the black chains snapped.

The five masters of chaos, including Shi Hao, Luo Luohu, and other All-Sky City powerhouses all broke free, and they all regained their freedom.

Hurry up and hide in Zhutian City, you can't stay here anymore, and we will handle the rest of the trouble.

"Thank you senior!"

The five chaotic masters and other Zhutiancheng powerhouses thanked the three people of creation and primordial spirit respectfully, and immediately pulled their identity cards, disappeared in place, and returned to Zhutiancheng.

Seeing that Chuangshi Yuanling and others let go of their prey, the six Taoist spirits standing on the dome came to Chuangshi Yuanling and others with a swipe.

Their icy eyes stared at the Creation Primordial Spirit, Xiyan, and the Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny.

"¨"You have crossed the line, these things should not be your responsibility."

One of the Taoist spirits stared at the three of them, like a robot, and said coldly and ruthlessly.

Chuangshi Yuanling looked at them with a slight smile and said, "Originally, we planned not to mind our own business, but there are many creatures that we need to protect, so we can't help but take action. If you want to blame, then you will treat us. Let's do it."

Creation Yuanling said such a sentence, it seems a little fearless.

After all, there is a time-space spirit beast of destiny, and he also has a very strong confidence. The time-space spirit beast of destiny is a strong person in the peak realm of Daozhi. He can completely deal with the six Dao spirits without the slightest emotion in front of him.

So he had nothing to worry about.

Even if they can't beat them, they can still run away, advancing and retreating calmly.

"As detached people, you should know the consequences of intervening in the Supreme Dao. Even if you are strong in the realm of Daozhi, the Supreme Dao can make you fall."

The Dao Ling continued to speak coldly.

"We don't mean to oppose the Supreme Dao, but it is true that there is a reason for it. We will not interfere in the next thing. Please do it. Even if the whole world is destroyed, we have no opinion."

Creation Yuanling continued to speak.

"Hmph, when you intervened in this matter, you already violated the majesty of the Supreme Dao, and now it is impossible for you to retreat completely. If you catch the three of you, you will be able to withstand millions of powerful beings. ."

Another golden Taoist spoke ruthlessly.

"So, do you want to attack us? The six of you are not enough!"

On the side, the Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny opened his mouth coldly with his hands on his back.

The six golden Taoist spirits looked at the time and space spirit beasts of destiny: "I've noticed the breath of the river of destiny in you, you are the creature of the river of destiny?".

Chapter [*]: Evacuate, Avoid Its Edge


The Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny replied calmly.

With his hands on his back, his face was indifferent, and he didn't seem to pay attention to the six Taoist spirits in front of him.

"How did you escape from the river of fate?"

The golden Taoist continued to speak.

"You don't have to worry about it. How do I get out of the long river of fate, do I still have to report to you?"

Destiny Space Spirit Beast's tone began to become cold and said.

The eyes of the six golden Taoist spirits all showed coldness, only they could despise others, and no one could despise them.

As the incarnation of the Supreme Dao, they represent the Supreme Dao, and the beings in a mere time and space river dare to speak to them with such an attitude.

Although they did not have any feelings, there was still a wisp of pure murderous aura in their hearts.

The surrounding void collapsed for thousands of miles in an instant, the earth instantly turned into nothingness, and all matter ceased to exist.

The Great Dao and Desolate World seems to have completely lost a place. From a distance, it looks like a hole has been broken.

But Creation Yuanling and Xiyan, the Space-Time Spirit Beasts of Destiny have nothing to do, and this level of destruction will not cause any harm to them.

But at this moment, their hearts were slightly dignified, because they could fully feel the pure murderous aura of the six golden Taoist spirits in front of them.

At this time, their six Dao Spirits had extremely bright gray-white eyes, blooming with endless Dao Law and coercion.

Straws of avenues of light rose from their bodies, and golden spears appeared in their hands.

"Since you have come to the opposite side of the Supreme Dao, then I will wait to judge you and let your energy return to the embrace of the Supreme Dao."

The six golden Taoist spirits have the same heart at this moment, as if they have become one, and their voices seem to come out of their mouths at the same time.

At this time, their powers are completely superimposed together, and the energy in them cannot be estimated.

At this moment, even the brows of the time-space spirit beasts who despised their fate couldn't help but frown slightly.

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