Watching the six golden Taoist spirits appear, they instinctively felt a sense of fear that came from their souls.

It seems that as long as the opponent's finger moves slightly, they will all explode and die, completely wiped out.

"Is this what you call Dao Spirit? The incarnation of the Supreme Dao?"

Bai Ye looked at the six golden Taoist spirits that appeared at this time, glanced at the Space-Time Spirit of Destiny and the Creation Spirit and said.

"Yes, what do fellow Daoists Bai Ye think of their strength?"

The Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny looked at Bai Ye and smiled slightly.

"Not bad, barely eye-catching."

Bai Ye frowned slightly.

"Then what should Daoist Bai Ye do next?"

The Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny then asked.

"What else can we do? Since it is an obstacle, we can only destroy them."

Bai Ye shrugged slightly.

"Then we are interested in helping fellow Daoist Bai Ye."

Jiang Yi suddenly spoke with interest.

"I have practiced the Dao for countless years and have never fought against this Dao Spirit. Today can be regarded as the first time."

"Hehe... There are six of them and six of us. No matter how you look at it, we will not suffer."

Nightmare also said with a smile.

At this time, the six golden Taoist spirits seemed to be aware of the existence of Bai Ye and others.

"There are six Daozhi realm powerhouses, three more than before. It seems that there are still a lot of Daozhi realm powerhouses hidden in secret."

The six golden Taoist spirits looked directly at Bai Ye and others.

Their eyes were extremely scorching, looking at Bai Ye and others without concealing the intention of destruction, which was almost out of their instinct.

When encountering any existence with powerful energy, they all have a very strong desire to destroy.

This is the instinctive will bestowed upon them by the Supreme Avenue.

They directly passed dozens of ninth-order powerhouses and came to Bai Ye and others.

"Are you self-destructing and returning to the Supreme Avenue, or is it up to us?"

A golden Taoist said coldly to Bai Ye and the others.

"Haha, the strength is not very strong, but the tone is so big, self-destruction, return to the Supreme Dao? Don't you think what you said is very ridiculous? With your current strength, do you think you can do it?"

Jiang Yi laughed mercilessly directly.

"It seems that we have all been underestimated. There are only a few Dao spirits who have such a big tone. Do you really think that you represent the entire Supreme Dao?"

Nightmare also said sarcastically.

Bai Ye, on the other hand, just carried his hands on his back, indifferently looking at the six golden Taoist spirits exuding endless destruction in front of him.

"Waiting for me represents the will of the Supreme Dao. Since you can't wait, then only I will take action to destroy you!"

The golden Taoist continued to speak.

However, before they could unite their wills, Jiang Yi and Nightmare shot in an instant.

In an instant, the eternal light flickered.

bang bang bang...

Hundreds of thousands of miles of void exploded directly, the power of destruction was overwhelming, and dozens of ninth-order powerhouses not far away had already disappeared in place and were collected by Bai Ye.

He knew that the tenth-order powerhouse shot, and the ninth-order powerhouse was completely unstoppable, and it was enough to make them shattered.

In an instant, the whole world was filled with the power of destruction, fighting Yi and Nightmare together with two golden Taoist spirits.

The rest of the golden Taoist spirits were not idle either, rushing directly towards the Creation Yuanling and others.

They can only act decisively.

Only Bai Ye stood there.

Because the Destiny Space-Time Spirit Beast alone has dealt with two golden Taoist spirits, and with his realm of strength, it is extremely easy to deal with two golden Taoist spirits.

In the hundreds of trillions of space, the fluctuations of their duel flashed everywhere, like flashes of light, shooting everywhere in the world.

From the battle above the nine heavens to the underworld of the nine secluded places, from the end of the sky to the foot of the sea, wherever they went, they all brought destruction, and every material in the world dissipated and annihilated in an instant.

Bai Ye's eyes kept moving, observing every battle.

He could find that these golden Taoist spirits were not as weak as they seemed, and they were on a par with Gen 487 Shi Yuanling and Jiang Yi.

Obviously, their strength seems to be weaker than Creation Yuanling and them.

However, after being able to fight for such a long time, he still can't fight, it seems that this golden Taoist spirit.It's not as simple as it looks on the surface.

Bai Ye faintly noticed that the strength of these golden Taoist spirits was constantly increasing, and it seemed that they were constantly pulling the power of the Supreme Dao, making them extremely brave.

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