There is a tendency to get stronger and stronger.

In the battle, the Creation Yuanling and the others also felt very frightened. Originally, they thought that the battle could be solved easily.

Now they can't fight hard, which makes them feel a little shocked.

"Damn, the strength of these golden Taoist spirits is constantly increasing!"

The Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny, who originally had a playful mentality, also became serious at this time, and he could notice that the two golden Dao Spirits who were fighting against him became more and more brave.

The two golden Dao Spirits that he could easily suppress were now infinitely close to him.

The strength has grown very fast, and he has gradually become a little overwhelmed.

If it goes on like this, the situation will be very bad, and he may lose to these two golden Taoist spirits!

Originally, he thought that the combination of the six golden Taoist spirits would be a threat to him, but now it seems that he was wrong. .

Chapter seven hundred and sixty-two: The Great Array of Ten Bans

A ray of light fell from the dome and landed on the bodies of several golden Taoist spirits, forming pieces of indestructible battle armor on them.

It seems that any attack on them will be eliminated, and there is no threat to them at all!

This makes Destiny Space-Time Spirit Beast and others more and more frightened as they fight, and they already feel like they are about to retreat.

These golden Taoist spirits are simply invincible, like incomparable gods of war, the more they fight, the more brave they are, and they are completely tireless!

This is extremely scary!

Anyone who faces such an opponent will be powerless!

Bai Ye also seemed to be aware of this change, frowning slightly.

He looked up at the dome, his eyes glowing, as if he was thinking about something.

"It seems that if they don't cut off their connection with the Supreme Avenue, they will become stronger and stronger."

Bai Ye stared at the dome and muttered to himself.

It's just that he doesn't know if he can cut off this connection. After all, his realm of strength is only the realm of Daozhi.

Not beyond the realm of Daozhi, I don't know how big the gap is between the Supreme Dao and the Supreme Dao.

"The city owner can buy the Ten Directions Forbidden Array, which can block all energies, including the Supreme Avenue."

At this time, Xiao Bai's voice suddenly sounded.

"Ten Fang Bans Great Array? Can you block the Supreme Avenue? How many value points do you need?"

Bai Ye said with a move in his heart.

If it can really block the Supreme Avenue, then these golden Taoist spirits will not be a threat at all.

"That's right, the Ten Directions Forbidden Great Array is the top tenth-order Great Array, which can confine all energy, and can change at will with one's own thoughts, and can even instantly transform a real big world. In this world, only the tenth-order realm is strong. , you can be the ruler of the city, but this big array needs three trillion value points, I don’t know if the city owner needs to buy it immediately.”

Xiao Bai's voice sounded again and explained.

"Oh? It's so amazing, it sounds very good, even if you need three trillion value points, it's not too expensive, buy it ¨.!"

Bai Ye said.

Those who can be transformed into a big world, and who enter the battle, can be dominated by themselves, and it is better to use them to deal with the situation in front of them.

"Okay, deduct three trillion value points."

Xiaobai's voice sounded.

After a while, Xiaobai said: "The purchase is successful, the city owner can check it."

At this time, a large array of information appeared in Bai Ye's mind.

And he grasped it in an instant, because the whole heart of the big formation had already recognized the owner when he successfully purchased it, so if you understand it casually, you can quickly grasp it.

bang bang bang! ! !

At this time, the Creation Primordial Spirit and the Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny, Jiang Yi and others had been forced out of the space-time.

Endless fairy light is blooming, time and space have become incomparably chaotic, and the pictures of ancient, modern and future are constantly flickering.

Even the images of their previous fierce battle were revealed.

Creation Primordial Spirit, Destiny Space-Time Spirit Beast and others looked pale, their hair was disheveled, and their robes were broken, looking a little embarrassed.

There was even a trace of blood on the corner of Xi Yan's mouth.

It could be seen that she was seriously injured.

She has only just stepped into the realm of Daozhi, and her foundation is not too solid. It is also very good to be able to fight against the golden Dao spirit.

The five of them panted slightly, their eyes fixed on the broken void in front of them, and their faces were a little nervous.

Under their gaze, six golden Taoist spirits stepped out of time and space in an instant, standing neatly in a row, imposing like a rainbow. .

They all held golden spears in their hands, and the horizontal swords immediately stared at the Creation Primordial Spirit and the Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny.

There was endless coldness in his eyes.

"Do you still choose to resist?!"

The six golden Taoist spirits seemed to speak as if they were alone, looking down at the Creation Primordial Spirit and the Destiny Space-Time Spirit Beast and others.

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