Bai Ye looked at the six golden Taoist spirits in the void indifferently and said softly.

It was as if he was looking at a few little kids.

The six golden Taoist spirits looked at Bai Ye and said coldly: "Weak? What a big tone, do you think this is all our strength?"

"Oh? Isn't it? If there is any powerful means, just use it, otherwise, you may not have a chance."

Bai Ye still looked at them and said indifferently.

He stood there quietly, remaining independent for the rest of his life, as if he had seen all the beauty in the world, as if nothing could catch his eye.

His contemptuous attitude obviously did not completely take the six golden Taoist spirits in front of him into consideration.

The six golden Taoist spirits clearly felt his contempt.

Suddenly, the breath on their bodies suddenly evaporated, turning into straight beams of light that penetrated the sky.

The endless chaotic radiance of flying immortals is splendid, illuminating the heavens and the earth for hundreds of millions of miles.

Zhou Tian seemed to be vibrating along with it, countless stars shattered invisibly, and the force of destruction was overwhelming, forming an energy storm that swept the heavens and the earth, and all the galaxies were stirred.

The Zhou Tian universe is all around them at the moment.

The power is unparalleled, as if no other creature can stand and look up in front of them.

In the distance, the creation spirits and the spirit beasts of the time and space of destiny seem to have also been affected. They sit cross-legged in the void, and the endless energy of the heavens wraps them. Everyone is like an eternal sun, blooming that cannot be seen directly. of light.

Ups and downs in time and space, appearing in reality in an instant, and in an instant it seems to return to the past, the breath is erratic.

However, when the six Taoist spirits exploded their energy, their figures were all frozen in reality.

They were awakened, and at this moment they all opened their eyes one after another, frowning slightly and looking ahead.

"These six Taoist spirits seem to be mad. They are even more violent and powerful than when they fought against us."

The Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny looked at the silent opening in front of him, and his eyes flashed with light, as if there was a hint of worry.

"I don't know if Daoist Bai Ye can deal with it easily."

"Although don't worry, there should be no problem with the realm of Daoist Bai Ye's strength. Even if you can't compete with the Supreme Dao, can you still deal with these Dao Spirits? After all, the Supreme Dao will not inject all the power into it. to them."

Creation Yuanling slowly opened his mouth and said, he is obviously very confident in Bai Ye.

"This is not bad, the current Supreme Dao is very weak, and it has divided too much power to obliterate the entire heavens and the world. I just don't know if the Supreme Dao will suddenly have a special method. This is the I'm worried."

The Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny pondered for a moment and then spoke slowly.

The entire Supreme Avenue has existed for a long time than anyone else, and the means it possesses should be beyond anyone's imagination.

After all, the Supreme Dao represents the life, energy, and law of all the powerhouses in the past and present. Since the endless years, I don’t know how many amazing people have been born, and their methods are all ghosts and gods. Unpredictable, and some are even hard to guard against.

As long as one is not defended, it is extremely dangerous.

Just as his words fell, a special fluctuation suddenly appeared in the sky. They looked into the distance in unison, and they could see that six incomparably huge Tai Chi patterns appeared in the dome.

These six Taiji diagrams cover the sky and the sun, the two fishes of yin and yang are constantly circulating, and the mysterious and unpredictable breath is constantly flowing out, as if it contains the supreme avenue.

Pure yin and yang are blocking the billions of time and space in the universe of the ten directions, and the whole world is being affected. At this time, six golden Taoist spirits are standing under the huge Taiji map, and their figures have become mysterious and unpredictable.

At this time, they are just like the carriers of the Tao. They exude the original energy of the Tao, and behind them there are visible shadows of the Tao. Countless great worlds emerge behind them, and they can faintly see the silhouettes of the ancient, modern and future standing on them. behind. .

Chapter seven hundred and sixty-four: absolute control

The phantoms all represent the laws of the extreme way. Dozens and hundreds of such laws are condensed together, forming a terrifying force of destruction, covering the whole world.

There was a sense of nothingness in the endless void, and all the aura of the air, and even the light seemed to be pulled away in an instant.

Except for the six dazzling Taiji pictures, the whole world suddenly fell into darkness, like an eternal hell.

Except for the six vast and boundless Taiji diagrams in the sky that are constantly rotating, the heaven and earth in all directions have become incomparably quiet.

Bai Ye seemed to feel a little pressure. He frowned slightly and stared at it. He saw the six Taiji diagrams running - the power of the Supreme Dao.

It seems that the power of the Supreme Dao carried at this moment does not know how many times, because the Tai Chi map is the carrier of Dao, and it can carry the power of the Supreme Dao at the maximum load.

"Insignificant human beings, accept the robbery of the Supreme Dao!"

At this time, the golden Taoist spirit standing in the center opened his mouth, and his voice came down like nine heavens, incomparably loud, echoing in the endless universe, full of supreme majesty.

At this time, Chuangshi Yuanling and the others turned around from the recuperation, and took one step to Bai Ye's side.

Qi Qi looked at the six Taoist spirits in the sky, all five of them frowned, and their faces were not very good-looking.

"I didn't expect that they could carry so much power from the Supreme Avenue. This is troublesome."

The Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny stared straight ahead, and said with a worried expression.

"Fellow Daoist Bai Ye, do we want to retreat temporarily? Now their form has completely changed, and now they are completely aligned with the Supreme Dao. They can maximize the power of the Supreme Dao, which is very difficult to deal with."

The Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny suddenly looked at Bai Ye next to him and suggested.

Bai Ye's eyes radiated a faint light, and he shook his head slightly and said: "Since it came out, how could it be possible to return without success, don't worry about anything, I have my own way to deal with them, you just stand aside and watch."

Bai Ye was still full of incomparable confidence.

Even though the six golden Taoist spirits in front of him seem to be extremely terrifying and terrifying, he still has enough confidence to deal with them.


"Let's stay and help fellow Daoist Bai Ye."

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