Chuangshi Yuanling said with some worry.

Bai Ye glanced at him and said with a slight smile, "Don't you believe me? Go back, it won't help you if you stay here, and it won't help you in any way."

Chuangshi Yuanling wanted to say something else, but the Destiny Space-Time Spirit Beast on the side sighed slightly: "Let's listen to Daoist Bai Ye, since Daoist Bai Ye said so, there must be a way, I don't think we need too much. too worried."

As his words fell, the five of them met at a glance, and instantly turned into a ray of light and exited far away, watching the battle from a distance.

Chuangshi Yuanling didn't seem to be relieved, and said: "Can Daoist Bai Ye really be able to deal with such a situation? I just stood there, and I felt a strong pressure, that is the pressure from the Supreme Dao. , as if there is a feeling of facing the Supreme Dao, and the soul has a feeling of throbbing, if you take action, I really don't know how much strength can be exerted."

The Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny glanced at him and said, "I also feel the same as you, but Daoist Bai Ye is different from you and me. Since he said so, there should be means to deal with it, we just watch it quietly. You can."

The Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny seemed to have calmed down, quietly watching the white night in the distance where he confronted the six golden Taoist spirits who had become very different.

"I hope Daoist Bai Ye can defeat them."

In the end, the Creation Yuanling sighed, and now he can only choose to believe in Bai Ye.

Jiang Yi and Nightmare, Xiyan did not speak, quietly watching everything in front of her.

Although their faces looked calm and indifferent, their hearts were still tense.

Because the current situation looks extraordinary, if you are not careful, the world may be turned upside down, and there is a danger that someone will fall.

It's hard to say who fell.

"Humans, have you figured it out? It's still too late for you to self-destruct and return to the Supreme Dao. If you wait for me to do it, you will die. It will be very painful, and your soul will suffer incomparably."

The aloof golden Taoist spoke again.

Bai Ye shook his head slightly and said with a smile: "If you want to fight, you can fight, how can there be so much nonsense, you have said so much, do you feel guilty? Or do you think that your current strength can destroy me, I can To tell you clearly, if you think so, then you are too naive!"

"Humph! Naive! At this time, the whole world is completely under our control, and wanting you to fall is just a matter of raising your hand, haven't you felt it yet?"

The central golden Dao Ling was full of great majesty and said.

"The whole world is under your control? Hmph, this sentence should be told to you by me. The sad thing in this world is that I am under the control of others and I don't know it at all."

Bai Ye said with some disdain, the smile on his face was playful.

...... 0

"Hmph, it seems that you are not allowed to taste the means of despair, you don't know it!"

The golden Taoist spirit standing in the center seemed to no longer want to talk nonsense with Bai Ye, and suddenly led the energy of Taijitu in his hand, killing Bai Ye.

"fall from the sky!"

His figure turned into countless lights and shadows, with endless radiance, leaving a bright arc in the sky.

One after another chaotic primordial light, extremely dazzling, pressed towards Bai Ye with irresistible destructive power.

However, Bai Ye watched the golden Dao Ling come down, just a light footing, the golden Dao Ling coming towards him suddenly stopped, and in an instant, all the radiance on his body faded.

In an instant, he was completely deprived of the power of destruction, and he lost all vigor on his body. His face became a little dazed, even horrified. At this moment, he felt that all the energy in his body had disappeared.

The connection with the Supreme Avenue was also completely cut off, and he looked at Bai Ye in astonishment.

"What have you done to me, how could the energy in me disappear without a trace in an instant, and cut off contact with the Supreme Avenue."

He looked at Bai Ye with sharp eyes, Bai Ye walked slowly to him, his body became immobile, and he could only let Bai Ye approach him slowly.

Bai Ye came to a place less than three steps in front of him and said, "What? Is it hard to believe? This is my absolute control!" Nai.

Chapter seven hundred and sixty fifth: White Night Safety

"Absolute control?"

Golden Dao Ling's face was stunned for a moment, and then he said: "Impossible, this world has been controlled by me, how can you be able to control the field under the Supreme Dao?!"

Golden Dao Ling obviously did not believe it.

The corners of Bai Ye's mouth twitched, and he said lightly, "Supreme avenue? Do you think you can still sense the supreme avenue?"

"I really can't sense it. I don't know what means you used, but this is only temporary. Next, I will see how you block it!"

The golden Dao Ling quickly recovered his expression and said coldly.

Although he is now imprisoned by Bai Ye's means, there are five Taoist spirits besides him, and five Taoist spirits are staring coldly here at this time.

Their eyes are constantly flashing light, as if analyzing the situation.

They didn't see clearly what kind of methods Bai Ye used. They used the power of the Supreme Avenue to search, but they didn't find any clues.

This made them frown unconsciously.

But although they don't know what means Bai Ye used, they still launched a thunderous attack right away!

They will use absolute power to crush everything and break the law with force!

The Liudao Taiji diagram is like the six-way grinding wheel, strangling all the world creatures in the heaven and earth.

At this moment, countless large and small worlds of different time and space boundary walls were completely shattered at this moment, and the galaxy was completely drained and destroyed.

Bai Ye raised his head and looked at the five golden Dao Ling figures that were fierce and fierce, and his eyes narrowed slightly. At this moment, he felt that his Shifang Forbidden Formation began to shake slowly.

One after another array patterns began to emerge, and you could see the dense patterns extending from under his feet to every corner of the entire world.


The five golden Dao Spirits shouted loudly, and the terrifying Supreme Dao power poured down one after another, turning into a dazzling light of law.

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