"Let's go back and see if we don't know."

Jiang Yi then spoke up.

He didn't believe that Bai Ye had fallen like this.

"It's not the time yet. We don't know what's going on outside. If we are targeted by the Supreme Dao as soon as we go out, I'm afraid we will be in trouble."

The Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny frowned slightly and said.

"Then what to do now, we don't know the safety of Daoist Bai Ye at all."

Jiang Yi opened his mouth. .

Chapter seven hundred and sixty sixth: killing with one thought

"Now we can only wait and see."

The Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny said helplessly.

"Wait here?"

Jiang Yi whispered a word.

"At present, it can only be like this. Now we can't do anything, and now we go out rashly. It would not be good if we are suddenly targeted by the Supreme Avenue. Now we can only wait for the storm to calm down a little, and we will go out and see. Look."

Destiny Space Spirit then opened the mouth and said.

"Wait here, I don't know when we will be able to pass, we might as well separate out and take a look, it is also better."

At this time, Chuangshi Yuanling suddenly opened his mouth and said.

He was also worried, and came up with a more appropriate way.

"I think so."

Will Yi and Dao.

Nightmare and Xiyan also nodded in agreement.

The Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny can only say: "Okay, since everyone agrees, let's send a clone out to take a look."

As soon as his words landed, the clones of several people broke away and disappeared in place in an instant.

After crossing the gate of the city of the heavens, they came to the outside world where they had disappeared.

Looking around, they saw a scene that surprised them 29.

"Then... is that Daoist Bai Ye?!"

At this moment, they widened their eyes and saw a dazzling figure all over his body, holding a long spear in his hand and pinning a golden Taoist spirit into the void.

Those Dao Ling struggled desperately, but to no avail, strands of golden blood trickled down from their chests.

A bewitching golden lotus bloomed in the void.

"It should be! I can feel it, it's his breath!"

The Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny opened his mouth and said.

"This... I didn't expect that fellow Daoist Bai Ye actually took the blow that wiped out all things just now, and also subdued six golden Taoist spirits?"

Chuangshi Yuanling opened his eyes wide and said in disbelief.

"It seems that we are still underestimating Daoist Bai Ye. Our worries are completely unnecessary. Daoist Bai Ye may have really reached a realm that we can't imagine! To be able to directly confront the Supreme Dao without being damaged!"

Jiang Yi stared at the front, like Bai Ye, the invincible god of war.


Destiny Time and Space Spirit Beast's eyes burst into a faint light and whispered.

In the distance, Bai Ye walked slowly to the eyes of the six golden Taoist spirits, looked at them quietly with the brilliance of the heavens, and said, "Now you should know that I am an existence that you cannot defeat. "


A famous golden Taoist looked at Bai Ye at this time, with an unyielding look on his face.

As if even if they died, they would still maintain their pride.

Even now they are like fish to be slaughtered.

"We will not give in! When the Supreme Avenue has harvested all life and replenished itself, you will also be doomed!"

A golden Taoist was stabbed in the head by a spear, but he still gritted his teeth and said to Bai Ye.

As if speaking like this, he was able to maintain his contempt for Bai Ye.

However, Bai Ye glanced at him, he suddenly let out a scream, his body suddenly disappeared, turned into a golden ball, and Bai Ye refined him into a golden elixir with a single thought.

Wei Wei waved his hand and put him away.

"I still don't know whether to live or die. If that's the case, then it can only be regarded as a harvest if you can only refine all of you into golden pills!"

Bai Ye said calmly.

These golden Dao spirits are made by the source energy of the Supreme Dao, and they are infinite and refined into golden elixir. For the ninth-order powerhouse, they can be directly promoted to the incomparably profound realm, and even if they are lucky, they can directly step into the tenth-order. realm!

Therefore, there is no mercy for them in Bai Ye.

With a wave of his hand, the remaining five golden Taoist spirits let out a scream one after another, and turned into five golden cores, like five miniature suns.

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