Bai Ye glanced at the five golden pills in front of him and put them away.

After all this was done, he raised his head slightly and looked towards the dome. He vaguely felt a high fluctuation, and glanced at him, which made his body feel a little cool.

"Is it the consciousness of the Supreme Dao?"

Bai Ye stared at the dome with his hands on his back, raised his head and muttered to himself.

Just as he was contemplating for a moment, the Creation Primordial Spirit and the Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny suddenly came to his side.

"Haha, I really didn't expect Daoist Bai Ye to be so powerful, killing all six golden Taoist spirits!"

Jiang Yi suddenly laughed.

He looked at Bai Ye with a hint of awe in his heart at this time.

Bai Ye turned his head slightly and glanced at him with a shallow smile on his face, and said indifferently, "It's just a little effort."

His words can be said to be unusually pretentious. After Jiang Yi, Creation Yuanling, Destiny Space-Time Spirit Beast and others heard it, they didn't know what to do.

But they want to come, for Bai Ye, it may really be a hands-on effort!

Because they can't see through the realm of Bai Ye, they don't know what kind of terrifying realm they have reached.

In fact, for Bai Ye, there is no exaggeration, because with the ten-direction prohibition formation, he really has complete control over the surrounding world.

As long as you enter the ten-direction banning formation, you can dominate the life and death of others. That is to say, as long as Bai Ye thinks about it, Chuangshi Yuanling and others 490 will be like six golden Taoist spirits, and they will be obliterated by his single thought!

This is no exaggeration at all.

The six golden Taoist spirits were brutally killed by Bai Ye without them noticing.

"Haha, we can't see through the realm of fellow Daoist Bai Ye. We didn't expect to be able to do this. Even in the world beyond the Tao, you will definitely be able to dominate one side."

At this time, Jiang Yi continued to speak.

Listening to his words, Bai Ye turned his eyes slightly, looked at Jiang Yi and said, "The things about the other side of the world that you couldn't talk about before, should be able to talk about it now, and now the other side of the road is completely blocked, it shouldn't be. It will be projected and sensed, and it should be extremely safe."

Only then did Bai Ye remember the things about the other side of the Tao that he had not fully understood before.

"Okay, but it's good here. It doesn't seem like the place to talk."

Jiang Yi smiled slightly.

Bai Ye glanced at everything that was broken around him, and there were countless terrifying energy storms raging.

He smiled slightly: "This is simple."

With a wave of his hand, the whole world suddenly changed, and in an instant, a vibrant land, ocean, and blue sky appeared in a radius of hundreds of millions of miles.

The surrounding birds and flowers are fragrant, which is full of vitality. .

Chapter seven hundred and sixty-seven: talk about the other side of the world again

With a wave of hands, a big world was born.

Jiang Yi, the Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny and the others watched all this, their eyes flashed slightly, and they felt a little shocked.

They can also create a world, but it takes a long time. Like Bai Ye, who can create a big world with a wave of their hands, they ask themselves that they are still far from being able to do it.

Bai Ye's realm strength is obviously far more than all of them.

Not long after, a small rectangular seat appeared in front of them.

Everything just came out of nowhere.

Bai Ye said to several people, "Sit down."

A few people took their seats, and then cups of hot tea appeared in front of them. This was not ordinary tea, but an ancient enlightenment tea with a special flavor.

Although it does not have much utility for them, it also has a different kind of enjoyment.

Such a drop of tea can make an ordinary mortal immediately become a saint and become a land fairy, which is extremely precious.

But for such powerhouses as Bai Ye, Jiang Yi, and Chuangshi Yuanling, they are just ordinary tea.

A few people drank a cup lightly, and they immediately felt refreshed, and they would become complacent when the tea was empty after the cup was empty.

Bai Ye immediately turned his gaze to Jiang Yi and the Nightmare, and his intention was very obvious, that is, he wanted the two of them to say what they didn't say last time again.

Casting Yi and Nightmare's gaze upon seeing Bai Ye, they naturally understood what he meant, turned the teacup in his hand gently, and said with a faint smile, "What Daoist Bai Ye wants to know this time, we must know everything this time. Words, words are endless."

This time, there is no portal to the other side of the Tao, but they can enter and tell the secrets of the other side of the Tao.

Bai Ye smiled and said, "Let's talk about it, but try to be as detailed as possible."

In fact, Bai Ye didn't know what to know, but he believed that Jiang Yi and Nightmare should tell him something interesting.

"If that's the case, then let's talk about some patterns and some overlords of the world beyond the Tao."

Jiang Yi said calmly.

"So good."

Bai Ye replied with a light smile.

The strong do indeed care more about him.

As for the structure of the world, he is not very interested, because in his opinion, all world structures are basically the same.

Even if it changes again, it won't change anything.

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