"You actually touched me!"

There was no pain in the face of the Supreme Dao Consciousness Body. Although his chest was pierced, he did not feel any pain.

Because it is not flesh and blood, it can't feel pain at all.

His dazzling eyes slowly raised, staring at Bai Ye, extremely cold.

Bai Ye could feel the anger coming from it.

But Bai Ye didn't have any worries and fears, and responded coldly: "I not only want to touch you, but also completely erase you!"

"Yi, I admit that you are very powerful, but you have already made me completely angry, I decided to torture you for thousands of epochs, and then slowly swallow you up, making you feel the most painful torture in the world! "

The Supreme Avenue suddenly shook the long spear in Bai Ye's hand, and became extremely angry.

It stood there, the world completely changed color, it became extremely dark, without any light, the light of Zhou Tianxingchen seemed to be absorbed by him at this moment.

One after another, the world of eternal stars revolved under his feet. I opened my hand slightly, and a scepter composed of five elements appeared in his hand.

It seems that all the energy of the heavens and the world is gathered in the scepter in his hand.

All the heavens and the world appeared behind him.

At this moment, Bai Ye seemed to have a feeling that he was facing the heavens and the worlds alone, and he was completely excluded from the heavens and the worlds.

There is a feeling of being forcibly stripped out of the heavens and the world.

But Bai Ye didn't feel that it was strange, after all, he was facing the supreme avenue of the heavens and the world at the moment.

As the supreme avenue of the heavens and the world, it can mobilize all the energy of the heavens and the world for its use.

Therefore, at this time, Bai Ye really felt that he was fighting against the supreme avenue of the entire heavens and the world.

It was at this time that Bai Ye felt that the Supreme Avenue was truly serious.


The cold voice of the Supreme Avenue sounded, and it gently waved the supreme scepter in its hand, and the power of origin destruction flew out from the scepter, immediately turning into the most dazzling light in the world, drawing in the void The beautiful traces come directly to the white night.

Wherever the Light of Destruction passed, both space and time and the Qi of Chaos were completely disappeared and erased.

It turned into a blank space, like the pencil words erased by the eraser, and disappeared forever.

This destructive power is extremely terrifying and thorough!

No material energy can resist!

This is the most powerful method from the Supreme Avenue!Directly and completely remove the existence it does not need.

In an instant, the energy of Zhutiancheng disappeared a lot in Bai Ye's body, which made Bai Ye feel terrified.

For the first time, he retreated to a certain distance. He stared closely at the Supreme Avenue in the distance, and said quietly to himself: "I didn't expect this Supreme Avenue to have such a method."

"Of course, as the supreme avenue of the heavens and the world, it cannot be underestimated. The city owner should turn all the energy of the city of the heavens over, and solve the battle in one fell swoop. If it continues like this, it will be very unfavorable for you."

Bai Ye nodded slightly.

"I originally wanted to have a good time with it, but in the current situation, it's a bit impossible, and it can only be resolved quickly."

At this time, Bai Ye already felt that the situation was very bad.

At this time, the Supreme Avenue has used all the energy of the heavens and the world to fight against him.

If he still wants to have reservations now, then there is basically no possibility of defeating the Supreme Avenue.

You may also put yourself in a dangerous situation.exhaust.

Chapter seven hundred and seventy-eight: the shock of the supreme avenue

The light of destruction kept rushing towards him, like a ferocious dark beast trying to devour him completely.

The night kept dodging.

But under the full force of the Supreme Avenue, it is obviously not so easy for his actions to avoid those rays of destruction perfectly.

Several times he was struck by the destructive light of the bone-encrusted maggots.

But fortunately, he has a strong Zhutian City energy as a shield, and it is not a big problem to be hit several times.

But in this way, he is very passive, and he can only be beaten, and there is no chance to connect to the consciousness of the Supreme Dao.

Now he has to make a decision.

"Give up the struggle, I am in this state, you cannot defeat me, all your efforts are destined to be in vain, accept your death with peace of mind!"

The Supreme Avenue Consciousness Body stood quietly in the center of heaven and earth, looking at Bai Ye's indifferent opening.

But his voice just fell.

Bai Ye suddenly stopped his figure, as if responding to the words of the Supreme Dao, he slammed a punch to the destructive energy that haunted him.

Under this blow, the sky and the earth shook, the starry sky dimmed directly, and all the light of destruction was scattered.

At this moment, Bai Ye's breath has changed to 500 again, and it has become more powerful.

Formed an aura comparable to the heavens and the world, and the phantoms of the heavens were also revolving around him.

Why is there such power all of a sudden?

That's because when the Supreme Dao transferred the energy of the entire heavens and the world, Bai Ye understood that it would definitely be unfavorable for him if it continued like this.

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