In order to solve the problem quickly, he has mobilized all the energy of Zhutian City.

At this time, the city of the heavens behind him was constantly ups and downs behind him, becoming the source of Bai Ye's strength.

The Supreme Avenue consciousness looked at all this, and vaguely seemed to see his brow wrinkle slightly.

His eyes did not look directly at Bai Ye, but at Zhutian City behind Bai Ye.

"Your strength seems to have increased again! Why can your strength increase so quickly? Obviously I have cut off any connection between you and the heavens and the world, you can't draw any energy at all, does your source of energy come from you? That weird city behind you?"

At this time, the Supreme Avenue can't see what kind of treasure is the city of the heavens behind Bai Ye.

It seems that the level is not below him.

Because he felt the breath that transcended everything in the city of the heavens, and he also carried the breath of the heavens and the world.

This makes him feel very strange, such a powerful treasure, as the Supreme Dao, he has never been aware of the existence of this thing, which is both strange and scary.

Being able to evade its notification means that this thing is at least an existence of the same level as it, or a higher existence.

The Supreme Avenue, which was originally disdainful of Bai Ye, seemed to have a hint of fear at this moment.

Although he is arrogant and contemptuous of everything, this is based on his transcendence of everything.

If there is an existence of the same level or higher than him in this world, it has to make him careless and pay attention.

Although this strange city was just a dead thing, he still couldn't be careless.

Bai Ye once again held a pure white spear, covered with thousands of brilliance, so dazzling that it was too dazzling to look directly at it.

He slowly approached the Supreme Avenue, and said coldly: "You don't need to know so much, because your time is running out, and knowing too much is meaningless, just what you gave me, I will return it. Here, you accept your destiny, my appearance is the beginning of your destruction."

The white night at this time is full of endless majesty, as if the terminator of all things, facing the Supreme Avenue, he is also full of cold killing intent.

"Hmph, although your breath has changed very differently, it's not enough to want to be presumptuous in front of me!"

The Supreme Avenue seems to be aware of the threat of Bai Ye. At this moment, it can't care about too much nonsense with Bai Ye. It waved the scepter in its hand violently again, and the heavens and the world are spinning with the scepter.

An indescribable energy surged into the abyss, turning into sharp rays of light, covering the white night.

The light of the avenues is like sunshine and white snow, and it will completely dissolve the white night and turn it into the purest energy between heaven and earth.

However, this energy has no effect on Bai Ye. Now Bai Ye has absorbed all the energy of Zhutian City, and his realm of strength has surpassed the avenue.

It can be said that no matter what kind of powerful means the Supreme Avenue uses now, it is of no use to Bai Ye at all.


Bai Ye drank lightly, and the light of the avenue shrouded him was instantly dissipated.

This shocking method shocked the Supreme Avenue.

The other party actually cracked its ultimate move so easily, and at this moment he felt that the other party was no longer able to deal with it.

The realm of strength of this unusual human being in front of him definitely exceeds the realm of Daozhi, and the energy possessed by the other party is probably no less than his!

This is astonishing.

A human being can have energy comparable to him in the heavens and the world. This is something that has never been seen before.

Although it doesn't want to believe it, it has to admit that the human beings in front of it are helpless.

"I didn't expect you, a human being, to reach such a state. This made me feel very surprised. It seems that today you and I are inseparable between life and death."

Supreme Avenue frowned and opened Bai Ye coldly.

It is very reluctant to say this.

It is very difficult to be able to say such a thing as the Supreme Dao.

After all, being the Supreme Dao is supreme and arrogant.

However, Bai Ye was very disdainful in the face of the words Supreme Avenue.

"Can't tell the difference between life and death? Do you think what I just said was a bluff? Today, you must disappear completely, and there will be no accidents!"

Bai Ye said firmly with a white spear in his hand.

Seeing that Bai Ye's heart was so heavy, the Supreme Dao snorted again: "I admit that I can't kill you, but if you want to kill me, it is absolutely impossible, your strength is not completely superior to mine. Come on, if you want to kill me, you still can't do it!"

Supreme Avenue said these words full of confidence.

It seemed to see all the strengths of Bai Ye in general, and said calmly and calmly.

"This is the end of the matter. I can let you go to the other side of the Dao world with peace of mind. There will never be any obstruction. In the future, the affairs of the heavens and the world will have nothing to do with you.".

Chapter seven hundred and seventy ninth: Great formation trapped and killed

The words of the Supreme Avenue are to stop with Bai Ye, and each has his own way.

But after Bai Ye listened to it, he looked at it with a smile that made it feel unhappy.

"Ha ha……"

Bai Ye laughed wildly.

"why are you laughing?!"

Supreme Avenue frowned slightly and said coldly.

He stared at Bai Ye and tried his best to control his anger. Now he should not fight against Bai Ye again.

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