However, Bai Ye's heart was only slightly rippled, and he didn't show much sadness and joy.

He just sighed slightly in his heart, some things will stick to him even if he doesn't mean it.

However, Bai Ye did not reject anything. As long as he did not leave his consciousness in the imprint of the Great Dao of the Heavens, he would have an explanation for the thousands of Daozhi realm powerhouses in the Heavens and Myriad Realms and Meng Mu.

He did not want to replace the evil consciousness of the Supreme Dao by killing it. What he wanted was that in the future, the heavens and the worlds would not be dominated by the evil consciousness, and the heavens and the worlds could return to the prosperous era in the past. .

Chapter [*]: The conscious body enters the world beyond the Tao?

Bai Ye's performance was relatively indifferent to this result.

In fact, based on his background, he doesn't need too many other things. After all, with the city of the heavens, no matter where he is, he is an invincible existence.

Even in the world beyond the Tao that will soon be entered.

"You don't seem very excited?"

The new Supreme Dao consciousness observed Bai Ye's expression and said lightly.

It stands to reason that after hearing such a result, no matter which strong person should show more or less excitement, but Bai Ye's performance is very dull.

This made it feel a little surprised.

But it didn't think too much about it, after all, a powerhouse like Bai Ye was very aloof.

Possessing the power to kill the consciousness of the Supreme Dao, no matter how it behaves, it should make people feel very reasonable.

Bai Ye just raised his eyes slightly and glanced at it, and replied indifferently: "What about the aura of the Great Dao of the Heavens, and the area where you will be in the future should be far from what the Great Heaven and the World can compare. Yunjia body is not of much use to me, I will not always exist in this world, after all, this is not the place where the real powerhouses stay."

The new Supreme Dao consciousness seemed to be stunned for a moment. He did not expect Bai Ye to respond and think like this.

However, it still explained slightly: "In fact, even if you are in the world beyond the Dao, it is not trivial to have the luck of the Dao of the heavens. The heavens and the world are not as unbearable as you think."

"Oh? How do you say this?" Bai Ye raised his eyes again and looked at the consciousness of the Dao of the Heavens and said, "Do you know the world beyond the Dao?"

"Understanding is not too understanding, but according to the information left by the heavens and the world, I know some information."

All Heavens Avenue consciousness slowly opened the mouth and said.

Bai Ye's bright pupils flashed light, looking at it quietly and seeming to signal it to continue.

The Creation Primordial Spirit and the Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny also looked closely at the Consciousness Body of the Great Dao of the Heavens.

They are also very interested in information about the world beyond the Tao.

If nothing else, they will go to the other side of the road soon.

Therefore, the more information about the world beyond the Tao, the better.

This is also very beneficial for them to survive in the world beyond the Tao in the future.

The consciousness of the Dao of the Heavens seems to have noticed that they are all very interested, so he said directly: "The world beyond the Dao, although there is another high-level latitude, in the final analysis, it is the place where the powerhouses of the latitude world gather, just It seems that the selected excellent powerhouses have entered the world beyond the Tao. In the final analysis, it is still the personal talent and background of the fight. You have the great luck of the heavens, and it is of course very beneficial to be in the world on the other side of the Tao, even if that When the world's supreme powers see you, they will not underestimate you, and will try their best to recruit you."


Bai Ye asked again.

"Because, you are destined to be very extraordinary in the future, and your achievements will be very high. In addition, the snobbery you join will also increase your luck. This is something that every supreme powerhouse is very willing to see. of."

The Avenue of the Heavens replied simply.

"Is it that simple?"

Bai Ye frowned slightly and said.

"Is that not enough?"

The consciousness of the avenues of the heavens glanced at Bai Ye and asked back.

Bai Ye was silent for a while without speaking.

Now he doesn't know too much about the specific situation of the world beyond the Tao, but only has a general understanding from Jiang Yi and the nightmare.

They are not very clear about higher-level information, just because they are still relatively weak in the world beyond the Dao, so the information they know is very limited.

"Do you still know the information about the world beyond the Tao?"

Bai Ye looked at Zhutian Dao consciousness again and asked.

He didn't know whether the consciousness of the Great Dao of the Heavens knew information that they didn't know.

The All-Heavenly Dao Consciousness body shook his head slightly and said: "My consciousness has just been born, and I know very little, and the information I obtained is only from the information retained in the All-heaven and Myriad Realms, so I can't provide you with too much valuable information. information."

Bai Ye frowned slightly when he heard this, and seemed a little disappointed.

However, when he showed a disappointed expression, the consciousness of the Dao of the Heavens continued: "Although the information I know is very limited, I can bring your consciousness into the world beyond the Dao, so that you can You can experience it in advance and enter the world beyond the Tao, and how much information you can learn depends on your own fortune."

Hearing his words, the eyes of several people present, including Bai Ye, lit up slightly.

"Oh? Do you have the ability to let us enter the world beyond the Tao with a wisp of consciousness?"

Bai Ye frowned slightly.

The consciousness of the Dao of the Heavens nodded slowly and said: "¨"The heavens and the world are originally connected to the world beyond the Tao. It is very simple for me to send a few strands of consciousness into the world beyond the Tao, but I don't know if I can survive in it. How long, after all, the world is like a cloud of powerhouses, if you are unlucky, it is possible that a wisp of your consciousness may be annihilated if you enter it."

"It doesn't matter, it's just a wisp of consciousness, even if it's lost, it doesn't matter."

Bai Ye said calmly.

He is still very interested in entering the world beyond the Tao with a ray of consciousness in advance.

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